Balkan Memes - Images
No way | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least fake Bulg*rian lore | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Hehe Turkroaches Go Cry | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
No balkans for you since you fuckers can't behave | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
In response to the monekydonian and bosniak version of the meme, I raise you this : | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Make the comment section look like this guy's search history | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
West*id survived for 50 hours in Kosovo | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Life in Halkidiki Greece! | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Balkan according to least delusional türk | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Guys is this real?? | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Alexander the Great (real name Iskender Bey) was a Crypto-Turk. He tried to establish a Great Turkic Khanate and he died for it . Uçmağ Mekan İskender Beğ | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Bulgaria number 1 | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Who would win in a fight ? Agapi Mono or Turkey Man | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Hyperbased monkeydonia | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
least dangerous place in eastern Europe | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least w*st loving kosovar | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Found him. He was killings fr*nchies but the Reddit UN got him for 3 days | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
The conversation between me (I'm turk) and a friend from Hungary. | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Doesnt matter where we are from, we are all broke | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
W*sterners VS Balkans ways to start wars | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes