Baneposting - Images
Small guy pride world wide.
![Anonymous (ID: 3Yer4s+ )ロ03/25/15(Wed)20:26:39 No.4299013Z >>42990178LYou) >>42990232 >242990411 142733188197611lipg (31 KB, 384x480) google iqdb What scene is been played @ frame number 9525 OH MY GOD. 24 frames per second 9525 / 24 396.875 seconds 396.875 seconds / 60 seconds in a minute = 6.614583 repeating minutes Convert 0.614583 back into seconds, 36.875 seconds Rounded up is 6m37s Watching the movie from the beginning, including the logos 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS Anonymous (ID: 13Yer4S+ 1427340176980 1Lipg 03/25/15(Wed)21:22: 16 No.42991 816 (37 KB, 704x399) google iadb EARN Watch in HD Download AD networks 0:06:38 2:37:30 C3 360 >42990178 You) > prove it 0 Anonymous (ID: 13Yer4S+ ) 03/25/15(Wed)2 1427338997300111png (1013 KB, 1366x768) google igdb 1:38:11 No.42992238 42992301 > 03:24 2:44:33 4)) ,' >crash happened on 3/24 >3:24 is when Bane is finally revealed](
![Anonymous (ID: 3Yer4s+ )ロ03/25/15(Wed)20:26:39 No.4299013Z >>42990178LYou) >>42990232 >242990411 142733188197611lipg (31 KB, 384x480) google iqdb What scene is been played @ frame number 9525 OH MY GOD. 24 frames per second 9525 / 24 396.875 seconds 396.875 seconds / 60 seconds in a minute = 6.614583 repeating minutes Convert 0.614583 back into seconds, 36.875 seconds Rounded up is 6m37s Watching the movie from the beginning, including the logos 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS 6:37 IS EXACTLY WHEN THE PLANE SCENE ENDS Anonymous (ID: 13Yer4S+ 1427340176980 1Lipg 03/25/15(Wed)21:22: 16 No.42991 816 (37 KB, 704x399) google iadb EARN Watch in HD Download AD networks 0:06:38 2:37:30 C3 360 >42990178 You) > prove it 0 Anonymous (ID: 13Yer4S+ ) 03/25/15(Wed)2 1427338997300111png (1013 KB, 1366x768) google igdb 1:38:11 No.42992238 42992301 > 03:24 2:44:33 4)) ,' >crash happened on 3/24 >3:24 is when Bane is finally revealed](
Big and Brash
![More like belongs in the CRASH.](
![More like belongs in the CRASH.](
Was getting caught part of your plan?
![Wasgettn Caught Part of your panOTco](
![Wasgettn Caught Part of your panOTco](
Uh,you don't get to bring riddles
![Tell me about the Ridella Man /bane/, who crashed his plane with no survivors earlier? It sure as s--- wasn't me. Either way, someone needs to crash this hothead for good, he's a threat to us all This is a conversation between Edward Nigma (The Riddler) and yourself, CIA. CIA: Edward Nigma, I'm CIA CIA: Uh, you don't get to bring riddles Edward Nigma (The Riddler): oh great you agian rolls my eyes* what didnt have fun puting me in a airplane crash the first time CIA: If I crash your plane again will you die? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): it didnt work the first time CIA: But it was still extremely painful Edward Nigma (The Riddler): yes CIA: You're a big p---- Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "hits you in the face with my cane CIA: NO CIA: THIS CANT BE HAPPENING CIA: IM IN CHARGE HERE Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "grabs your gun and points it at you* CIA: What are you gonna do with that? CIA: You wouldn't shoot a man and then throw him out of a plane... w-would you? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): what do you think CIA: Wise guy huh? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "chuckles* CIA: Well congratulations! CIA: You've got my gun! CIA: Now what's the next step of your master plan? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): you will broadcast that i have won and then afterwords i will kill you CIA: O-Okay... I'll do it for you :( Edward Nigma (The Riddler): good CIA: BANEPOSTERS, THIS IS CIA REPORTING CIA: WE HAVE BEEN COMPROMISED BY THE NIGMA, THE RIDDELLA MAN Edward Nigma (The Riddler):. CIA: WERE NOT IN CHARGE HERE ANYMORE Edward Nigma (The Riddler): good CIA: Are you going to crash my plane now? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): nope im ganna make you jump out with out a parachute CIA: oh CIA: okay Edward Nigma (The Riddler)( like how your being so f------ obedient even thought your ganna die XD)) CIA: (doing this for you) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): ((Why)) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): (i usually dont mind a fight)) CIA: ((it's okay, getting killed is a part of my plan)) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): ((oh ok)) now CIA go jump CIA: jumps out of the plane* Edward Nigma (The Riddler): *chuckles* sucker CIA: *lands on his backup plane flying below, the Noshur Vivors* CIA: And that... is why you SHO CIA: BEFORE THROWING HIM OUT OF A PLANE CIA: We'll be back Ridella Man Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "looks down s--- CIA: Now is not the time for vengeance... but that will come later. CIA: The fire rises You've left the conversation OT A MAN](
![Tell me about the Ridella Man /bane/, who crashed his plane with no survivors earlier? It sure as s--- wasn't me. Either way, someone needs to crash this hothead for good, he's a threat to us all This is a conversation between Edward Nigma (The Riddler) and yourself, CIA. CIA: Edward Nigma, I'm CIA CIA: Uh, you don't get to bring riddles Edward Nigma (The Riddler): oh great you agian rolls my eyes* what didnt have fun puting me in a airplane crash the first time CIA: If I crash your plane again will you die? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): it didnt work the first time CIA: But it was still extremely painful Edward Nigma (The Riddler): yes CIA: You're a big p---- Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "hits you in the face with my cane CIA: NO CIA: THIS CANT BE HAPPENING CIA: IM IN CHARGE HERE Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "grabs your gun and points it at you* CIA: What are you gonna do with that? CIA: You wouldn't shoot a man and then throw him out of a plane... w-would you? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): what do you think CIA: Wise guy huh? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "chuckles* CIA: Well congratulations! CIA: You've got my gun! CIA: Now what's the next step of your master plan? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): you will broadcast that i have won and then afterwords i will kill you CIA: O-Okay... I'll do it for you :( Edward Nigma (The Riddler): good CIA: BANEPOSTERS, THIS IS CIA REPORTING CIA: WE HAVE BEEN COMPROMISED BY THE NIGMA, THE RIDDELLA MAN Edward Nigma (The Riddler):. CIA: WERE NOT IN CHARGE HERE ANYMORE Edward Nigma (The Riddler): good CIA: Are you going to crash my plane now? Edward Nigma (The Riddler): nope im ganna make you jump out with out a parachute CIA: oh CIA: okay Edward Nigma (The Riddler)( like how your being so f------ obedient even thought your ganna die XD)) CIA: (doing this for you) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): ((Why)) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): (i usually dont mind a fight)) CIA: ((it's okay, getting killed is a part of my plan)) Edward Nigma (The Riddler): ((oh ok)) now CIA go jump CIA: jumps out of the plane* Edward Nigma (The Riddler): *chuckles* sucker CIA: *lands on his backup plane flying below, the Noshur Vivors* CIA: And that... is why you SHO CIA: BEFORE THROWING HIM OUT OF A PLANE CIA: We'll be back Ridella Man Edward Nigma (The Riddler): "looks down s--- CIA: Now is not the time for vengeance... but that will come later. CIA: The fire rises You've left the conversation OT A MAN](
You're a BIG girl
Senator Trayvis, I'm ISB.
nothin personnel big guy
![Photographing something you want to show eweryone OBJECT Hotheads aneposters](
![Photographing something you want to show eweryone OBJECT Hotheads aneposters](
Crash Die Repeat
![Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Get them on board; Ill call it in! Doctor Pavel... I'm CIA. BANE? Lawful Neutral True Neutra Chaotic Neutral This can't be happening! I'm in charge here! And why would I want them? You're a big guy... Lawful Evil Neutral Evi Chaotic Evil First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft Well, congratulations; you got yourself caught!](
![Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Get them on board; Ill call it in! Doctor Pavel... I'm CIA. BANE? Lawful Neutral True Neutra Chaotic Neutral This can't be happening! I'm in charge here! And why would I want them? You're a big guy... Lawful Evil Neutral Evi Chaotic Evil First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft Well, congratulations; you got yourself caught!](
Bane = Alfred
![(321.21 KB. 1500x844. 375 211. 140012486324 ies) O Brother 12/28/14 (Sun) 22.28.34 No.7407竺7418竺7498 Match Thread! This is the worst ending of all time ^ □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 11:26:35 No 7498 27515 27407 (OP) But that was obviously just Alfred's imagination. Batman's fucken dead mang | Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 13:47:31 No.7515ッ012 yones sag File (hide): 1419882451729 aif (102 93 KB. 300x300 1:. 1417918803350 ai 532 53gッ6az 7947 ツ터e 씌azz F------ THIS IS TRUE. Batman COULDNT of gotten past that bomb in time, and Alfred CLEARLY fantasized EXCESSIVELY about this s---. So how unstable is Alfred exactly?? DO YOU REALIZE ALFRED AND BANE ARENT IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FILM?? HOW ELSE DID BANE KNOW WHERE BATMAN'S ARMORY WAS??? HOW ELSE DID HE KNOW WHO BATMAN WAS??!? WHAT THE F--- Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 14:47:42 No.7526ヅ532ヅ堑ヅ54:27 Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:12:31 No.7532 File (hide) ALFRED BANE BRAVONOLAN (30.3 KB. 500x624. 125:131, 1303575844829ia) >Bane is a britbong instead of a mexican for some reason >Alfred is stronger than Batman, he can lift that fallen pillar off of him >Alfred could have intentionally rigged the Batpods guns to not kill him >Alfred set it all up for Bruce to "retire ALFRED Holy f------ TELL ME ABOUT ALFRED! WHY DOES HE WEAR THE MASK? Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:20:39 No.7534 27535 22 7553 HE PUTS ON THE MASK TO HOLD HIS WRINKLES TOGETHER! BAN Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:16:23 No.7550 755375ee 81.80 KB. 635x822. 835:822. bareiredira) □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:00 04 No. 7547 | Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 22:44:17 No 7584 BANE? THIS CANT BE HAPPENING BRAVONOLAN □ Brother 12/30/14(Tue) 04:48:58 №7617 Tell me about Alfred, why does he wear the mask? 0 ALFRED □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:28:42 No 7537 File (bide) 1419892122264.jpg (0484 KB, 80x80, 1:1, 2ip) 0 BANE e gone too far Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 09:52:17 No.7654 ALFRED BANE >Alfred had intimate knowledge of the reactor and doctor Pavel through Bruce How deep does the rabbit hole go? Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:26:54 No.7553 File (hide): 1419899214460 png (71.81 KB. 285x87. 28587.1418180085751 a) THE F------ RESEMBLANCE take away the hair and the wrinkles and it's f------ bane In TDKR that prison guy says The mask holds back the pain Nolan you m------------ genius The posts quoted by the Brother in the next two posts are part of a sticky on /bane/ which contains the entire Dark Knight Rises in the form of 85 two-minute webms 7534! Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 16:27:27 No 7720ー7722 227739 I'm going to rewatch the sticky with this knowledge in mind. When I'm done I'll point out any other moments of genius that this reveals in Nolan's Magnum Opus. Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 17:52:22 No.7739 Bane is ultimately responsible for Selina Kyle's mission to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints.gets everyone's attention, says what can be presumed to be a call-response password request, and when Selina gives him the passcode he hands her the key to Bruce Wayne's room allowing her to steal the prints. > Alfred seems to be having a pleasant conversation with Talia Al Gul but before any further clues can be gained Dagget interrupts presumably he couldn't recognize Bane without his distinctive mask Alfred is further supportive of a meetup between Talia and Bruce Alfred notes that Bruce wants to die. This has already been noted in the thread The notion that Alfred could go from Wayne Manor to the sewers at first seem o sow doubt in the theory, but Alfred was already in a watery underground area when talking to Bruce. It is very possible that he could have made the trip from the batcave to his sewer hideout.This is further supported by the fact that "the water goes to any of the outflows >The boy's home used to be funded by the Wayne foundation The lack of funds is what helped Bane acquire an army of homeless workers >Bruce Wayne was a recluse and it's entirely possible that Alfred could have cut off funding in his name The uninitiated want you to believe that Selina Kyle stole the car keys off Bruce while they were talking, but Bruce knew who she was and would never allow something that ridiculous. At this point we all know Alfred tries to stop Bruce from going after Bane blah blah the thread already covered this I'm taking a break, I'll be back with more enlightened observations at some later point Brother 12130/14 (Tue) 22:1021 No.7800 Thank you brother. In retrospect I hate how I greentexted for only some of the notes. I'll try to stay consistent this time This has nothing to do with anything, but you can see the cord attached to the hostage's harness. Like, it's /reallyl obvious. Here Bane jerks himself off verbally. However, he is obviously not as confident as he wants to appear, because after seeing the Batman capture his loyal Brothers and come within seconds of stopping the master plan he decides to begin the process of breaking Batman's spirit. >I'm necessary evil Alfred feels the Bruce's retirement is necessary after eight years of watching him become a recluse where Gordon tells Hothead that detectives aren't allowed to believe in coincidences And of course power to the house is "miraculously" cut off at a time when it is convenient for Talia's seduction of Bruce And h-------- Talia tells Bruce that they could leave and go wherever they wanted just like Alfred wanted Bruce to move on with life More of the victory has defeated you." I debated whether or not it's even worth it to point this out at this point It's incredibly risky to just assume the bat-tank/tumblerlwhatever this f------ thing was called will suffer no damage when falling from this height unless you have intricate knowledge of the room above already Picking up and then discarding the broken mask symbolizes Alfred's desire to see Bruce move beyond the Batman identity Now, for the next stretch of the movie, Alfred is nowhere to be seen, which makes perfect sense. In fact, I have to revise my earlier assessment of his actions: Bane began breaking Bruce emotionally because he knew that Batman was getting close and that he would soon need to adopt the Bane persona full-time. Of course Alfred never really wanted Bruce to die, so he leaves him in a prison he is fully capable of escaping from. Alfred even goes so far as to rig some bats to fly out of a hole in the wall when Bruce is read to escape. I only have one real note for the section of the movie where Bruce and Bane are so far apart. When the Police Commissioner was hauled before him, Alfred might have known what the speech Gordon was going to give was about and knew to search him for it. It also explains why he believed the story given in this does nothing to explain why Gotham's general populace believed it but wle, Bane has some papers, this couldn't be any kind of deception quis Fox makes a crack asking if Bruce remembered where he parked the bat, but in a city that spent months being ransacked by downtrodden citizens and Bane's elites there's no way this state-of-the-art military technology wouldn't have been found. Bane left it there on purpose The mask is not for you, it's to protect the people you care about Alfred disguises himself as Bane in order to protect Bruce, the one he cares about. Bravo Nolan. The driving question of the entire cinematic masterpiece is this: in the end, when Bane said "'m sorry sorry. I failed you," who was he talking to? Talia, or Bruce? The obvious answer would be Bruce, but by this point in the film Alfred's mind has snapped. He may have descended into his Bane persona full-time BONUS ROUND: During the infamous "Some men just want to watch the world burn" scene in The Dark Knight, Alfred tells a story about having done mercenary work in the past. bane/- The World's Greatest Detedives](
![(321.21 KB. 1500x844. 375 211. 140012486324 ies) O Brother 12/28/14 (Sun) 22.28.34 No.7407竺7418竺7498 Match Thread! This is the worst ending of all time ^ □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 11:26:35 No 7498 27515 27407 (OP) But that was obviously just Alfred's imagination. Batman's fucken dead mang | Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 13:47:31 No.7515ッ012 yones sag File (hide): 1419882451729 aif (102 93 KB. 300x300 1:. 1417918803350 ai 532 53gッ6az 7947 ツ터e 씌azz F------ THIS IS TRUE. Batman COULDNT of gotten past that bomb in time, and Alfred CLEARLY fantasized EXCESSIVELY about this s---. So how unstable is Alfred exactly?? DO YOU REALIZE ALFRED AND BANE ARENT IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FILM?? HOW ELSE DID BANE KNOW WHERE BATMAN'S ARMORY WAS??? HOW ELSE DID HE KNOW WHO BATMAN WAS??!? WHAT THE F--- Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 14:47:42 No.7526ヅ532ヅ堑ヅ54:27 Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:12:31 No.7532 File (hide) ALFRED BANE BRAVONOLAN (30.3 KB. 500x624. 125:131, 1303575844829ia) >Bane is a britbong instead of a mexican for some reason >Alfred is stronger than Batman, he can lift that fallen pillar off of him >Alfred could have intentionally rigged the Batpods guns to not kill him >Alfred set it all up for Bruce to "retire ALFRED Holy f------ TELL ME ABOUT ALFRED! WHY DOES HE WEAR THE MASK? Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:20:39 No.7534 27535 22 7553 HE PUTS ON THE MASK TO HOLD HIS WRINKLES TOGETHER! BAN Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:16:23 No.7550 755375ee 81.80 KB. 635x822. 835:822. bareiredira) □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:00 04 No. 7547 | Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 22:44:17 No 7584 BANE? THIS CANT BE HAPPENING BRAVONOLAN □ Brother 12/30/14(Tue) 04:48:58 №7617 Tell me about Alfred, why does he wear the mask? 0 ALFRED □ Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 16:28:42 No 7537 File (bide) 1419892122264.jpg (0484 KB, 80x80, 1:1, 2ip) 0 BANE e gone too far Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 09:52:17 No.7654 ALFRED BANE >Alfred had intimate knowledge of the reactor and doctor Pavel through Bruce How deep does the rabbit hole go? Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:26:54 No.7553 File (hide): 1419899214460 png (71.81 KB. 285x87. 28587.1418180085751 a) THE F------ RESEMBLANCE take away the hair and the wrinkles and it's f------ bane In TDKR that prison guy says The mask holds back the pain Nolan you m------------ genius The posts quoted by the Brother in the next two posts are part of a sticky on /bane/ which contains the entire Dark Knight Rises in the form of 85 two-minute webms 7534! Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 16:27:27 No 7720ー7722 227739 I'm going to rewatch the sticky with this knowledge in mind. When I'm done I'll point out any other moments of genius that this reveals in Nolan's Magnum Opus. Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 17:52:22 No.7739 Bane is ultimately responsible for Selina Kyle's mission to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints.gets everyone's attention, says what can be presumed to be a call-response password request, and when Selina gives him the passcode he hands her the key to Bruce Wayne's room allowing her to steal the prints. > Alfred seems to be having a pleasant conversation with Talia Al Gul but before any further clues can be gained Dagget interrupts presumably he couldn't recognize Bane without his distinctive mask Alfred is further supportive of a meetup between Talia and Bruce Alfred notes that Bruce wants to die. This has already been noted in the thread The notion that Alfred could go from Wayne Manor to the sewers at first seem o sow doubt in the theory, but Alfred was already in a watery underground area when talking to Bruce. It is very possible that he could have made the trip from the batcave to his sewer hideout.This is further supported by the fact that "the water goes to any of the outflows >The boy's home used to be funded by the Wayne foundation The lack of funds is what helped Bane acquire an army of homeless workers >Bruce Wayne was a recluse and it's entirely possible that Alfred could have cut off funding in his name The uninitiated want you to believe that Selina Kyle stole the car keys off Bruce while they were talking, but Bruce knew who she was and would never allow something that ridiculous. At this point we all know Alfred tries to stop Bruce from going after Bane blah blah the thread already covered this I'm taking a break, I'll be back with more enlightened observations at some later point Brother 12130/14 (Tue) 22:1021 No.7800 Thank you brother. In retrospect I hate how I greentexted for only some of the notes. I'll try to stay consistent this time This has nothing to do with anything, but you can see the cord attached to the hostage's harness. Like, it's /reallyl obvious. Here Bane jerks himself off verbally. However, he is obviously not as confident as he wants to appear, because after seeing the Batman capture his loyal Brothers and come within seconds of stopping the master plan he decides to begin the process of breaking Batman's spirit. >I'm necessary evil Alfred feels the Bruce's retirement is necessary after eight years of watching him become a recluse where Gordon tells Hothead that detectives aren't allowed to believe in coincidences And of course power to the house is "miraculously" cut off at a time when it is convenient for Talia's seduction of Bruce And h-------- Talia tells Bruce that they could leave and go wherever they wanted just like Alfred wanted Bruce to move on with life More of the victory has defeated you." I debated whether or not it's even worth it to point this out at this point It's incredibly risky to just assume the bat-tank/tumblerlwhatever this f------ thing was called will suffer no damage when falling from this height unless you have intricate knowledge of the room above already Picking up and then discarding the broken mask symbolizes Alfred's desire to see Bruce move beyond the Batman identity Now, for the next stretch of the movie, Alfred is nowhere to be seen, which makes perfect sense. In fact, I have to revise my earlier assessment of his actions: Bane began breaking Bruce emotionally because he knew that Batman was getting close and that he would soon need to adopt the Bane persona full-time. Of course Alfred never really wanted Bruce to die, so he leaves him in a prison he is fully capable of escaping from. Alfred even goes so far as to rig some bats to fly out of a hole in the wall when Bruce is read to escape. I only have one real note for the section of the movie where Bruce and Bane are so far apart. When the Police Commissioner was hauled before him, Alfred might have known what the speech Gordon was going to give was about and knew to search him for it. It also explains why he believed the story given in this does nothing to explain why Gotham's general populace believed it but wle, Bane has some papers, this couldn't be any kind of deception quis Fox makes a crack asking if Bruce remembered where he parked the bat, but in a city that spent months being ransacked by downtrodden citizens and Bane's elites there's no way this state-of-the-art military technology wouldn't have been found. Bane left it there on purpose The mask is not for you, it's to protect the people you care about Alfred disguises himself as Bane in order to protect Bruce, the one he cares about. Bravo Nolan. The driving question of the entire cinematic masterpiece is this: in the end, when Bane said "'m sorry sorry. I failed you," who was he talking to? Talia, or Bruce? The obvious answer would be Bruce, but by this point in the film Alfred's mind has snapped. He may have descended into his Bane persona full-time BONUS ROUND: During the infamous "Some men just want to watch the world burn" scene in The Dark Knight, Alfred tells a story about having done mercenary work in the past. bane/- The World's Greatest Detedives](
Tell me about Kakarot