Baneposting - Images

The DK rap


Why would you shoot a man before throwing out of a plane?



Shiayei vs Mechabane?

House Banepost

Simpsons TDKR


CIA FBI Profile

Was GET part of your master plan?


You're going to love this. Trust me

How deep does the rabbit hole go?
![/%/7lx:,+/O/Q/O/99 [b, neta ,news+][wj[pol / v/game gate / tech /a/furry ,wordfiter/k/cuteboys , lefty ol,tg/int/co/pone Itv/sp/7get/bane/fem , 4chon ,argentina Icyber / cow ,mulaneki ][bane [watchlist] Post some Bane. File thide): 1419821314812 ipg (a21.21 KB. 1500x844, 375:211, 140012480324 ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 06:28:34 No.7407 >>7418 >>7498 [Watch Thread] This is the worst ending of all time CIA 12/29/14 (Mon) 05:38:02 No.7410 He didn't die so gooc Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 07:17:00 No 7418 7407 (OP) It's possible, but it was one of the breatest movies of all time... .sooo f--- you Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 08:05:47 No.7425 >>7522 Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? >Batman always dies fighting because he never gives up, no Batman ever retires or dies peacefully >The Dark Knight Rises >Bruce Wayne f---- off to go bang Selina Kyle in Italy, leaving an untrained Robin to become Batman Smart, but not Batman. Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 11:59:11 No.7454 for real. like wow, alfred didn't spoil that one a million miles prior with his weirdly in-depth fantasies Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 14:08:00 No 7461 somebody make photoshop version of that pic with bane and talia ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:26:35 No.7498 >>7515 7407 (OP) But that was obviously just Alfreds imagination. Batman's fucken dead mang. Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 204731 No 7515 >>7517 >>7526 >97530 >>7532 >+7534 >>7537 >97547 >>7548 File (hide): 1419882451729 gif r02 93 KB, 300x300, 1:1. 1417918003350a THE F------ PHONE THIS IS TRUE. Batman COULDN'T of gotten past that bomb in time, and Alfred CLEARLY fantasized EXCESSIVELY about this s---. So how unstable is Alfred exactly? DO YOU REALIZE BATMAN AND BANE AREN'T IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FILM? HOW ELSE DID BANE KNOW WHERE BATMAN'S ARMORY WAS??? HOW ELSE DID HE KNOW WHO BATMAN WAS? ALFRED BANE WHAT THE F--- ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 20:51:51 No.7517 I MEAN ALFRED AND BANE ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 21:29:35 No.7522 >Batman always dies fighting because he never gives up, no Batman ever retires or dies peacefully He did in Batman Beyond and that wasn't terrible Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 214742 No 7526 >>7532 >>7537 >>7547 >>7854 Bane is a britbong instead of a mexican for some reason >Alfred is british >Alfred is stronger than Batman, he can lift that fallen pillar off of him >Alfred set it all up for Bruce to "retire TELL ME ABOUT ALFRED! WHY DOES HE WEAR THE MASK? rigged the Batpods guns to not kill him Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 22:13-24 No.7530 File (hide): 1419887604022 gif 2.41 MB, 480x200, 480 200, 5mePaasad) ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:1231 No. 7532 File (hide): 1419891 151129 (30.3 KB. 500x524, 125:131, 130675a44ealps) Holy f------ s--- ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:20 39 No 7534 >>7535 >>7553 HE PUTS ON THE MASK TO HOLD HIS WRINKLES TOGETHER! ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:21:33 No.7535 AND ALSO NO ONE CARED WHO HE WAS UNTIL HE PUT ON THE MASK ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:28:42 No.7537 File (hide): 1419892122264-凶(94.84 KB. 800x800, 1:1, 222) 7515 We've gone too ● Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 01:00:04 No.7547 BRAVONOLAN ● Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 01:07:00 No.7548 WE NEED AN ALFRED IN THE BANE MASK SHOOP ASAP ● Brother 12/30/14(Tue) 01:16:23 No.7550 >97553 >>7500 File (hide): 1419898583468 ng (81.89 K8. 835 822. 635-822. banefred ie Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 0126 54 No 7553 File (hide): 1419899214460 png (71.81 KB, 200x87, 205.87, 1418100095751en) THE F------ RESEMBLANCE take away the hair and the wrinkles and it's f------ bane In TDKR that prison guy says The mask holds back the pain 7534 Nolan you m------------ genius](
![/%/7lx:,+/O/Q/O/99 [b, neta ,news+][wj[pol / v/game gate / tech /a/furry ,wordfiter/k/cuteboys , lefty ol,tg/int/co/pone Itv/sp/7get/bane/fem , 4chon ,argentina Icyber / cow ,mulaneki ][bane [watchlist] Post some Bane. File thide): 1419821314812 ipg (a21.21 KB. 1500x844, 375:211, 140012480324 ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 06:28:34 No.7407 >>7418 >>7498 [Watch Thread] This is the worst ending of all time CIA 12/29/14 (Mon) 05:38:02 No.7410 He didn't die so gooc Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 07:17:00 No 7418 7407 (OP) It's possible, but it was one of the breatest movies of all time... .sooo f--- you Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 08:05:47 No.7425 >>7522 Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? >Batman always dies fighting because he never gives up, no Batman ever retires or dies peacefully >The Dark Knight Rises >Bruce Wayne f---- off to go bang Selina Kyle in Italy, leaving an untrained Robin to become Batman Smart, but not Batman. Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 11:59:11 No.7454 for real. like wow, alfred didn't spoil that one a million miles prior with his weirdly in-depth fantasies Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 14:08:00 No 7461 somebody make photoshop version of that pic with bane and talia ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 18:26:35 No.7498 >>7515 7407 (OP) But that was obviously just Alfreds imagination. Batman's fucken dead mang. Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 204731 No 7515 >>7517 >>7526 >97530 >>7532 >+7534 >>7537 >97547 >>7548 File (hide): 1419882451729 gif r02 93 KB, 300x300, 1:1. 1417918003350a THE F------ PHONE THIS IS TRUE. Batman COULDN'T of gotten past that bomb in time, and Alfred CLEARLY fantasized EXCESSIVELY about this s---. So how unstable is Alfred exactly? DO YOU REALIZE BATMAN AND BANE AREN'T IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FILM? HOW ELSE DID BANE KNOW WHERE BATMAN'S ARMORY WAS??? HOW ELSE DID HE KNOW WHO BATMAN WAS? ALFRED BANE WHAT THE F--- ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 20:51:51 No.7517 I MEAN ALFRED AND BANE ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 21:29:35 No.7522 >Batman always dies fighting because he never gives up, no Batman ever retires or dies peacefully He did in Batman Beyond and that wasn't terrible Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 214742 No 7526 >>7532 >>7537 >>7547 >>7854 Bane is a britbong instead of a mexican for some reason >Alfred is british >Alfred is stronger than Batman, he can lift that fallen pillar off of him >Alfred set it all up for Bruce to "retire TELL ME ABOUT ALFRED! WHY DOES HE WEAR THE MASK? rigged the Batpods guns to not kill him Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 22:13-24 No.7530 File (hide): 1419887604022 gif 2.41 MB, 480x200, 480 200, 5mePaasad) ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:1231 No. 7532 File (hide): 1419891 151129 (30.3 KB. 500x524, 125:131, 130675a44ealps) Holy f------ s--- ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:20 39 No 7534 >>7535 >>7553 HE PUTS ON THE MASK TO HOLD HIS WRINKLES TOGETHER! ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:21:33 No.7535 AND ALSO NO ONE CARED WHO HE WAS UNTIL HE PUT ON THE MASK ● Brother 12/29/14 (Mon) 23:28:42 No.7537 File (hide): 1419892122264-凶(94.84 KB. 800x800, 1:1, 222) 7515 We've gone too ● Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 01:00:04 No.7547 BRAVONOLAN ● Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 01:07:00 No.7548 WE NEED AN ALFRED IN THE BANE MASK SHOOP ASAP ● Brother 12/30/14(Tue) 01:16:23 No.7550 >97553 >>7500 File (hide): 1419898583468 ng (81.89 K8. 835 822. 635-822. banefred ie Brother 12/30/14 (Tue) 0126 54 No 7553 File (hide): 1419899214460 png (71.81 KB, 200x87, 205.87, 1418100095751en) THE F------ RESEMBLANCE take away the hair and the wrinkles and it's f------ bane In TDKR that prison guy says The mask holds back the pain 7534 Nolan you m------------ genius](