Barneyfag (Lee Goldson) - Images
Lee face app
![JE JE JE](
![JE JE JE](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag vs Vendettafag
![O Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)17:46:05 No.29527857 >>29527913 >>29527915 >>29527939 >>29528101 >>29528121 >>29528154 >>29528167 >>29528203 >>29528345 >>29528368 >>29528467 >>29528497 >>29528595 >>29528783 >>29528787 >29528838 >>29528883 >>29529502 >>29529528 >>29531788 >>29532547 >>29532558 >>29532590 >>29532604 >>29532999 >>29533469 >>29534101 >>29534110 >>29534493 >>29536032 >>29536111 >>29538014 File: Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at(...).png (109 KB, 862x492) >>29524812 (OP) Ok, let me just say I'm disgusted by you f------. For the past few week, some f-- has been emailing me every time he's gotten a stealth pony thread past the mods. This is why you'll always be despised by society. >>>/v/367084121 >>>/v/367053660 >>>/v/367069270 >>>/r9k/34815317 >>>/tv/79352268 >>>/tv/79369048 >>>/v/367222093 >>>/v/367292365 >>>/pol/112423118 >>>/v/367390347 >>>/v/367392776 >>>/pol/112569360 >>>/r9k/34861168 >>>/r9k/34854711 >>>v/367447326 >>>/ga/1014249 >>>/r9k/34885948 >>>/r9k/34915896 >>>/r9k/34921362 >>>/r9k/34931793 >>>/tv/79517559 >>>/tv/79517623 >>>/pol/113034444 >>>/v/367704954 la/153510369 >>>/a/153518006 >>>/r9k/34931793 >>>/pol/113335161 >>>/v/367937724 x/18652205 >>>/ck/8596131 >>>/qa/1035288 >>>/pol/113462367](
![O Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)17:46:05 No.29527857 >>29527913 >>29527915 >>29527939 >>29528101 >>29528121 >>29528154 >>29528167 >>29528203 >>29528345 >>29528368 >>29528467 >>29528497 >>29528595 >>29528783 >>29528787 >29528838 >>29528883 >>29529502 >>29529528 >>29531788 >>29532547 >>29532558 >>29532590 >>29532604 >>29532999 >>29533469 >>29534101 >>29534110 >>29534493 >>29536032 >>29536111 >>29538014 File: Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at(...).png (109 KB, 862x492) >>29524812 (OP) Ok, let me just say I'm disgusted by you f------. For the past few week, some f-- has been emailing me every time he's gotten a stealth pony thread past the mods. This is why you'll always be despised by society. >>>/v/367084121 >>>/v/367053660 >>>/v/367069270 >>>/r9k/34815317 >>>/tv/79352268 >>>/tv/79369048 >>>/v/367222093 >>>/v/367292365 >>>/pol/112423118 >>>/v/367390347 >>>/v/367392776 >>>/pol/112569360 >>>/r9k/34861168 >>>/r9k/34854711 >>>v/367447326 >>>/ga/1014249 >>>/r9k/34885948 >>>/r9k/34915896 >>>/r9k/34921362 >>>/r9k/34931793 >>>/tv/79517559 >>>/tv/79517623 >>>/pol/113034444 >>>/v/367704954 la/153510369 >>>/a/153518006 >>>/r9k/34931793 >>>/pol/113335161 >>>/v/367937724 x/18652205 >>>/ck/8596131 >>>/qa/1035288 >>>/pol/113462367](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Die you fucking barneyfag (lyrics)
![Lee's stunning take on Pink Floyd's Shine on You Crazy Diamond](
![Lee's stunning take on Pink Floyd's Shine on You Crazy Diamond](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Ignore barneyfag
![HIDE BARNEYFAG >I don't make these threads THREADS >f------ degenerates IGNORE BARNEYFAG POSTS >I'm the savior of /v/ DO NOT REPLY TO BARNEYFAG](
![HIDE BARNEYFAG >I don't make these threads THREADS >f------ degenerates IGNORE BARNEYFAG POSTS >I'm the savior of /v/ DO NOT REPLY TO BARNEYFAG](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Bronies, this is your mindset (reply or else your mother will die in her sleep)
![08:00 AM Ifyou don't reply 08:00 AM To this post your 08:30 AM Mother 08:30 AM Will die 09:00 AM In her sleep tonight. No immunity 09:00 AM Cat will be able to save her. You 09:30 AM Wiil also wake up as 09:30 AM Anthony Burch tomorrow](
![08:00 AM Ifyou don't reply 08:00 AM To this post your 08:30 AM Mother 08:30 AM Will die 09:00 AM In her sleep tonight. No immunity 09:00 AM Cat will be able to save her. You 09:30 AM Wiil also wake up as 09:30 AM Anthony Burch tomorrow](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Bronies, this is your mindset (minimalism)
![One of Lee's most favorite images, Bronies, this is your mindset.png, converted to a minimalist form](
![One of Lee's most favorite images, Bronies, this is your mindset.png, converted to a minimalist form](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag comic
![ADUENTURE (Retumj (Cataiogl Donom jupdatelAuna Fle 1575NTA1SiDs (58 KB, 34x340) Anonymoos 02/2820Fn15 06 23 No 3141313 SIS Who is lee and whafs the atory behind this bamey spm Anonyms 02/2620Frg15 1438 Na 3141320 I n Weata as old as time Then the hread ends Mods a mie scaeed Users unprepared Pony and the Lee Anooyms 02/2620ts 2037 Na.3141325 I Fie uhie44 KB 45i630) There's some ne get to now ciic images voy can post to smmen him with if veu wanne 08:00 AM Toopy & Bino0 08:00 AM Toopy & Bino0 08:30 AM Barney 08:30 AM Barney 09:00 AM My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 09:00 AM My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 09:30 AM Franklin and Friends 09:30 AM Franklin and Friends ADUENTURE 王 knock ADUENTURE E 出 D回回A DAD](
![ADUENTURE (Retumj (Cataiogl Donom jupdatelAuna Fle 1575NTA1SiDs (58 KB, 34x340) Anonymoos 02/2820Fn15 06 23 No 3141313 SIS Who is lee and whafs the atory behind this bamey spm Anonyms 02/2620Frg15 1438 Na 3141320 I n Weata as old as time Then the hread ends Mods a mie scaeed Users unprepared Pony and the Lee Anooyms 02/2620ts 2037 Na.3141325 I Fie uhie44 KB 45i630) There's some ne get to now ciic images voy can post to smmen him with if veu wanne 08:00 AM Toopy & Bino0 08:00 AM Toopy & Bino0 08:30 AM Barney 08:30 AM Barney 09:00 AM My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 09:00 AM My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 09:30 AM Franklin and Friends 09:30 AM Franklin and Friends ADUENTURE 王 knock ADUENTURE E 出 D回回A DAD](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Lee's average day
![Alright lee im leaving the house to run some erands see you in a bit @123RF OK BYE MOM me Die you degenerate Bameyfag Ampe: ons](
![Alright lee im leaving the house to run some erands see you in a bit @123RF OK BYE MOM me Die you degenerate Bameyfag Ampe: ons](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Lee goldson likes feet
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag accidentally posts a foot fetish photo
![It smell like cheese!!](
![It smell like cheese!!](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Lee loves feet
![Recently, barneyfag accidentally uploaded a picture of some Overwatch foot fetish picture during one of his sperg rants. Naturally people edited him into it, along with starting to bait him using MLP foot fetish photos (often featuring Don Turtelli from TMNT). Some people like to reply to him with things like "tracer", "smell", "feet", "cheese", etc, after which he will mass reply and either call them ausfreak or British phoneposter (because some people did it on /int/ which shows your flag, he also spergs out about some Argentinian guy who Lee accuses of being a lolicon or something).](
![Recently, barneyfag accidentally uploaded a picture of some Overwatch foot fetish picture during one of his sperg rants. Naturally people edited him into it, along with starting to bait him using MLP foot fetish photos (often featuring Don Turtelli from TMNT). Some people like to reply to him with things like "tracer", "smell", "feet", "cheese", etc, after which he will mass reply and either call them ausfreak or British phoneposter (because some people did it on /int/ which shows your flag, he also spergs out about some Argentinian guy who Lee accuses of being a lolicon or something).](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag agrees to repeal global rule 15
![And before you f--- start implying](
![And before you f--- start implying](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
"Please seek therapy, it's been over six years"
![O Anonymous 01/02/20(Thu)20:33:29 No.491138938 v >>491139121 >>491140565 >>491142502 >>491148728 >>491150206 Bronies, this is your mindset.png (28 KB, 307x153) google yandex iqdb wait 0.00 AH 0.0 A m >>491080997 (OP) Slit your throat f----- (embed) >>491090421 Drink bleach >>491090736 kys (embed) >>491092947 I want you dead E' (embed) >>491098403 Swallow lead (embed) >>491098580 (Dead) Unironically die E' (embed) >>491098860 Hang yourself freak >>491099740 Get f------ killed E (embed) >>491102275 >>491102874 >>491103104 GET F------ KLLED JUSTPASSINGTHROUGH (please seek therapy, it's been over six years.)](
![O Anonymous 01/02/20(Thu)20:33:29 No.491138938 v >>491139121 >>491140565 >>491142502 >>491148728 >>491150206 Bronies, this is your mindset.png (28 KB, 307x153) google yandex iqdb wait 0.00 AH 0.0 A m >>491080997 (OP) Slit your throat f----- (embed) >>491090421 Drink bleach >>491090736 kys (embed) >>491092947 I want you dead E' (embed) >>491098403 Swallow lead (embed) >>491098580 (Dead) Unironically die E' (embed) >>491098860 Hang yourself freak >>491099740 Get f------ killed E (embed) >>491102275 >>491102874 >>491103104 GET F------ KLLED JUSTPASSINGTHROUGH (please seek therapy, it's been over six years.)](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag anime girl question
![This is another cropped derpibooru picture that somebody edited barneyfag's face into.](
![This is another cropped derpibooru picture that somebody edited barneyfag's face into.](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag explains his reasoning
![O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:13:30 No.352663889 > >>352664285 >>352664652 >>352664694 File: 3li9aBF.gif (1.93 MB, 291x229) >>352663296 So I'm going to pretend you AREN'T the one who makes these threads the majority of the time. Why not just let people talk about the post at hand and leave the thread alone? Honestly, if no one else but YOU knows where the image is from, what's the harm in NOT knowing? And even if the picture came from an mlp booru, the cropped pic. is vidya related (sometimes) and so is the post in question. Seriously, WHAT IS THE HARM IN NOT KNOWING WITHOUT YOU FLIPPING OUT? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:29:55 No.352665169 I File: Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at(..). ng (31 KB, 383x187) >>352665278 O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:31:27 No.352665278 ► >>352665169 Did you know 4chan is not the only website on the planet? I used to really enjoy going to Hot Topic. At first it seemed to be like a safe place for people like me who didn't traditionally fit in. But recently I've been severely disappointed in every Hot Topic l've gone to in my area. My Little Pony? Justin Bieber? Disney? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:32:29 No.352665347 >>352665605 File: YOU F------ IDIOT.png (296 KB, 797x511) YOU F------ IDIOT 352665169 Not that guy, but HOW THE F--- would it ""infect" people if they DON'T EVEN KNOW IT'S MLP? Next thing you know they'll have a whole new line of teletubby and Barney accessories. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:32:51 No.352665375 >>352665481 File: MHYMO.gif (145 KB, 350x263) >>352664886 (You) It might infect people. 352665169 >It might infect people. >infect people >INFECT infect Pardon my meming, but what the F--- did he MEAN by this?? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:35:51 No.352665605 >>352665714 >>352665726 File: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at(...).png (44 KB, 849x256) >>352665347 That's how they try to get you. They infect you with their s--- and then it might cause you to watch more. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:37:34 No.352665726 ► >352665905 >>352666020 >>352665605 Yes, but Hear me out here Just LISTEN TO ME HOW THE F--- DO THEY INFECT PEOPLE IF THEY DON'T KNOW IT'S MLP? HOW? HOW? The more likely you think you can't be affecied, the more likely you are to be affected. -Shaqweeda Sarkastic O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:41:38 No.352666020 >>352666217 >>352666263 >>352666338 File: Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at(...).png (78 KB, 972x306) >>352665726 They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. Can't have that happening. Each time I all these f--- out, you know when someone's being a degenerate. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:44:42 No.352666263 ► File: w21.png (25 KB, 417x314) O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:45:40 .352666338 ► >>352666020 >>352666020 >They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. But how would they become one if they don't know it's You're just repeating yourself at this point. How the hell do they get people to "accept" MLP s--- when they're purposefully cropping out the actual MLP s---? That's like saying a pizza is still a pepperoni pizza even if you took off the pepperonis or something. Ha I ct tele AORE woud rescn tor straus e the But t is you. >food analogy MLP? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:44:02 No.352666217 >352666527 >>352666020 >They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. Can't have that happening. Each time I call these f--- out, you know when someone's being a degenerate. Do you read the dog poop you post on this site? How does it infect people IF THEY DON'T KNOW IT'S PONY? By your potatoface nonsense, YOU are the one spreading pony cancer by TELLING US it's pony in the first place, on top of LINKING TO DERPIBOORU DOZENS OF TIMES A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. Moron. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:47:57 No.352666527 >352666619 >>352666854 File: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at(.).png (13 KB, 454x46) >>352666217 That's how they deceive you, they come in like a trojan horse, and then all it takes is for someone to realize where it came from. I do it right away so the eventual horrified realization becomes immediate and whatever they were trying to accomplish fails once l call them out immediately. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:53:05 No.352666854► >>352666527 >That's how they deceive you, they come in like a trojan horse, and then all it takes is for someone to realize where it came from. No, you're making b------- up again. HOW IS IT INFECTIOUS IF THE CANCER HAS BEEN CUT FROM IT? On top of that, you're putting the cancer BACK IN. >l do it right away so the eventual horrified realization becomes immediate >horrified You really believe this, don't you? Nobody but degenerate retards are "horrified" by pictures that used to have a horse in them. >and whatever they were trying to accomplish fails once I call them out immediately. MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH Congratulations, retard! You are HELPING THEM ACCOMPLISH WHAT THEY SET OUT TO DO! You are an unwitting accomplice, led on by your own stupidity.](
![O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:13:30 No.352663889 > >>352664285 >>352664652 >>352664694 File: 3li9aBF.gif (1.93 MB, 291x229) >>352663296 So I'm going to pretend you AREN'T the one who makes these threads the majority of the time. Why not just let people talk about the post at hand and leave the thread alone? Honestly, if no one else but YOU knows where the image is from, what's the harm in NOT knowing? And even if the picture came from an mlp booru, the cropped pic. is vidya related (sometimes) and so is the post in question. Seriously, WHAT IS THE HARM IN NOT KNOWING WITHOUT YOU FLIPPING OUT? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:29:55 No.352665169 I File: Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at(..). ng (31 KB, 383x187) >>352665278 O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:31:27 No.352665278 ► >>352665169 Did you know 4chan is not the only website on the planet? I used to really enjoy going to Hot Topic. At first it seemed to be like a safe place for people like me who didn't traditionally fit in. But recently I've been severely disappointed in every Hot Topic l've gone to in my area. My Little Pony? Justin Bieber? Disney? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:32:29 No.352665347 >>352665605 File: YOU F------ IDIOT.png (296 KB, 797x511) YOU F------ IDIOT 352665169 Not that guy, but HOW THE F--- would it ""infect" people if they DON'T EVEN KNOW IT'S MLP? Next thing you know they'll have a whole new line of teletubby and Barney accessories. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:32:51 No.352665375 >>352665481 File: MHYMO.gif (145 KB, 350x263) >>352664886 (You) It might infect people. 352665169 >It might infect people. >infect people >INFECT infect Pardon my meming, but what the F--- did he MEAN by this?? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:35:51 No.352665605 >>352665714 >>352665726 File: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at(...).png (44 KB, 849x256) >>352665347 That's how they try to get you. They infect you with their s--- and then it might cause you to watch more. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:37:34 No.352665726 ► >352665905 >>352666020 >>352665605 Yes, but Hear me out here Just LISTEN TO ME HOW THE F--- DO THEY INFECT PEOPLE IF THEY DON'T KNOW IT'S MLP? HOW? HOW? The more likely you think you can't be affecied, the more likely you are to be affected. -Shaqweeda Sarkastic O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:41:38 No.352666020 >>352666217 >>352666263 >>352666338 File: Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at(...).png (78 KB, 972x306) >>352665726 They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. Can't have that happening. Each time I all these f--- out, you know when someone's being a degenerate. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:44:42 No.352666263 ► File: w21.png (25 KB, 417x314) O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:45:40 .352666338 ► >>352666020 >>352666020 >They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. But how would they become one if they don't know it's You're just repeating yourself at this point. How the hell do they get people to "accept" MLP s--- when they're purposefully cropping out the actual MLP s---? That's like saying a pizza is still a pepperoni pizza even if you took off the pepperonis or something. Ha I ct tele AORE woud rescn tor straus e the But t is you. >food analogy MLP? O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:44:02 No.352666217 >352666527 >>352666020 >They're trying to make you accept it until you practically become a follower. Can't have that happening. Each time I call these f--- out, you know when someone's being a degenerate. Do you read the dog poop you post on this site? How does it infect people IF THEY DON'T KNOW IT'S PONY? By your potatoface nonsense, YOU are the one spreading pony cancer by TELLING US it's pony in the first place, on top of LINKING TO DERPIBOORU DOZENS OF TIMES A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. Moron. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:47:57 No.352666527 >352666619 >>352666854 File: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at(.).png (13 KB, 454x46) >>352666217 That's how they deceive you, they come in like a trojan horse, and then all it takes is for someone to realize where it came from. I do it right away so the eventual horrified realization becomes immediate and whatever they were trying to accomplish fails once l call them out immediately. O Anonymous 09/22/16(Thu)23:53:05 No.352666854► >>352666527 >That's how they deceive you, they come in like a trojan horse, and then all it takes is for someone to realize where it came from. No, you're making b------- up again. HOW IS IT INFECTIOUS IF THE CANCER HAS BEEN CUT FROM IT? On top of that, you're putting the cancer BACK IN. >l do it right away so the eventual horrified realization becomes immediate >horrified You really believe this, don't you? Nobody but degenerate retards are "horrified" by pictures that used to have a horse in them. >and whatever they were trying to accomplish fails once I call them out immediately. MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH MAKING YOU MAD IS WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH Congratulations, retard! You are HELPING THEM ACCOMPLISH WHAT THEY SET OUT TO DO! You are an unwitting accomplice, led on by your own stupidity.](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)
Barneyfag gets angry at family guy
![File: C3arGA0WAAA_HbE.jpg (41 KB, 413x595) Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:07:29 No.90995147 This is worse than that time I baited that extremely autistic man. Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:09:44 No.90995190 >>90995147 sage Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:10:19 No.90995202 >>90995190 No no, the OTHER extremely autistic man. >> Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:10:19 No.90995203 File: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (28 KB, 311x153) 10.00 AM IP 0. A a E o o A s.tethtAme A trem AbetAtto 26 A .frandy >>90995147 Kill yourself, degenerate [Return] [Catalog] [Top]](
![File: C3arGA0WAAA_HbE.jpg (41 KB, 413x595) Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:07:29 No.90995147 This is worse than that time I baited that extremely autistic man. Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:09:44 No.90995190 >>90995147 sage Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:10:19 No.90995202 >>90995190 No no, the OTHER extremely autistic man. >> Anonymous 03/24/17(Fri)11:10:19 No.90995203 File: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (28 KB, 311x153) 10.00 AM IP 0. A a E o o A s.tethtAme A trem AbetAtto 26 A .frandy >>90995147 Kill yourself, degenerate [Return] [Catalog] [Top]](
Barneyfag (Lee Goldson)