Black Twitter - Images
The future is now | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Don’t be spreading that Rona | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Like wanting a Jew to marry a Nazi | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
He got the horses in the back, wealth tax is attached | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
sometimes you really just have to flex | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Shooteth thine shot | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
it’s just that simple | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
If i can do it you can too | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Good dude Che | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
How much is a guillotine? | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Klu Klux Korona | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Stimulus stunting | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Give me this and all the mosquito bites right now! | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
All the plans I cancelled coming back to taunt me | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
Just cancel everything and focus on releasing the damn patch already | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter
When the world needed him most....he stayed at home due to the quarantine | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

Black Twitter