Black Twitter - Images
Its gonna be hard once this quarantine is over for some of us | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
I don’t even.. | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Don't talk to me | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Day 10 Of Self Isolation | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
RIP Dress Leggings Combo | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Personality always works | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Let’s get ready to ruuuummmmmmbbbblllleeeeee! | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Because that's what dads do (x-post from /r/DadsBeingDads) | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
“Would you still love me if...” | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Couple more weeks it's gonna be The Purge | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
It's almost as if they're just saying "they would have died anyway" | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Shock response zero | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Apparently you turn into a bag of bones at 30 | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
I wanna know who thought that’s a good idea | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
Capper no capping | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
We got too much free time honestly | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
couldn’t agree more, watch out for your so called “friends” no matter how long you knew them | /r/Bl...
Black Twitter
I had no choice | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
They goin through enough | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter
HAVE AT THEE SCOUNDREL | /r/BlackPeopleTwitter
Black Twitter