Buck Breaking - Images
Call from massa

Buck Breaking
The mystery of bucks

Buck Breaking
A penguin classic

Buck Breaking
buckin cute and breakable

Buck Breaking
Coomer selfie

Buck Breaking
Soyjak showing you his new favorite movie

Buck Breaking

Buck Breaking
Doe dicking

Buck Breaking
Leftypol seethe
![File (hide): 1623180125300.jpg (14.18 KB, 333x500, 31-9uUQ-SHS._AC_SY580_.jpg) HIExplaining "Buck Breaking" Anonymous 06/08/21 (Tue) 19:22:05 No.68149 [Last 50 Posts] [Watch Thread] EM HDOON COLORS A few days ago a burger black nationalist (suspect of being a closeted homosexual, imo) came out with his latest "documentary" about the supposedly rampant phenomenon of white slave holders "r----- into submission" their black male slaves. While I have no doubt this could have happened here and there, our author's intention is to paint it as a regular occurance inside the slave holding – not to mention, heavily Christian – US South. BUCK BREAKING Apply skepticism, especially since the very term "Buck Breaking" has zero google trends results from before, meaning that our author most likely have came up with the term himself. Another telling factor is that during his movie we, the audience, are fed graphic drawn images (made today) to substantiate his claim but no extensive written historical record of any sort. Mind you, Afro-American historians the last 200years spent their entire careers digging up all the filth that came with the imstitution of slavery, yet "BB" didn't come up. In any case, and what makes this rather disgusting, our (again, closeted) author uses this male-on-male r--- narrative to paint current day homosexual movements as said speculation's current day inheritors in terms of political aims. Yes, you guessed it: supposed buck-breakers 200 years ago have some kind of connection with contemporary LGBT people, whose sole aim is to eradicate "black masculinity." Further research into our director's past proves that he thinks that "black women" need to "know their place" and so on... This is where it gets interesting: Now obviously 4/pol/ paid deeeeep interest to this "docu" and now all the major boards on 4ch are spammed with "buck breaking" memes. To be frank, yes, it is true that when a closeted gay black man directs a movie about his "kind" being "buck broken" into submission is funny as f--- (getting real alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos vibes here), but where it gets more pathological is when you look at ""white"" supremacist reactions to it. Namely: /pol/ thinks that somehow this docu "debunked" the "BBC theory," namely that black males have big benis and are more promiscuous/successfull with women than whites. Several attempts have been made to point out to pol/tards/ that unironically posting "this buck needs breaking" isn't just gax as f--- (lol) but also "race mixing" of sorts. Poltards think in their delusion that with this meme a legit way has been invented to vounter the BBC meme, while it is literally gay and r---- and crossgracey as f---. I would advise my OC producing comrades to mix le chinlet meme with this obviously homoerozic s--- to mock further into oblivion our enemies. Thqnk you for your attention.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/120/611/7bb.png)
![File (hide): 1623180125300.jpg (14.18 KB, 333x500, 31-9uUQ-SHS._AC_SY580_.jpg) HIExplaining "Buck Breaking" Anonymous 06/08/21 (Tue) 19:22:05 No.68149 [Last 50 Posts] [Watch Thread] EM HDOON COLORS A few days ago a burger black nationalist (suspect of being a closeted homosexual, imo) came out with his latest "documentary" about the supposedly rampant phenomenon of white slave holders "r----- into submission" their black male slaves. While I have no doubt this could have happened here and there, our author's intention is to paint it as a regular occurance inside the slave holding – not to mention, heavily Christian – US South. BUCK BREAKING Apply skepticism, especially since the very term "Buck Breaking" has zero google trends results from before, meaning that our author most likely have came up with the term himself. Another telling factor is that during his movie we, the audience, are fed graphic drawn images (made today) to substantiate his claim but no extensive written historical record of any sort. Mind you, Afro-American historians the last 200years spent their entire careers digging up all the filth that came with the imstitution of slavery, yet "BB" didn't come up. In any case, and what makes this rather disgusting, our (again, closeted) author uses this male-on-male r--- narrative to paint current day homosexual movements as said speculation's current day inheritors in terms of political aims. Yes, you guessed it: supposed buck-breakers 200 years ago have some kind of connection with contemporary LGBT people, whose sole aim is to eradicate "black masculinity." Further research into our director's past proves that he thinks that "black women" need to "know their place" and so on... This is where it gets interesting: Now obviously 4/pol/ paid deeeeep interest to this "docu" and now all the major boards on 4ch are spammed with "buck breaking" memes. To be frank, yes, it is true that when a closeted gay black man directs a movie about his "kind" being "buck broken" into submission is funny as f--- (getting real alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos vibes here), but where it gets more pathological is when you look at ""white"" supremacist reactions to it. Namely: /pol/ thinks that somehow this docu "debunked" the "BBC theory," namely that black males have big benis and are more promiscuous/successfull with women than whites. Several attempts have been made to point out to pol/tards/ that unironically posting "this buck needs breaking" isn't just gax as f--- (lol) but also "race mixing" of sorts. Poltards think in their delusion that with this meme a legit way has been invented to vounter the BBC meme, while it is literally gay and r---- and crossgracey as f---. I would advise my OC producing comrades to mix le chinlet meme with this obviously homoerozic s--- to mock further into oblivion our enemies. Thqnk you for your attention.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/120/611/7bb.png)
Buck Breaking
Buck breaking box set

Buck Breaking
If only you knew how broken these bucks really are

Buck Breaking
Slavery fantasy vs reality

Buck Breaking
>it's not gay

Buck Breaking
Tariq Nasheed Old Buck Breaking Tweet Continued

Buck Breaking
Tariq Nasheed Old Buck Breaking Tweet

Buck Breaking
Without gay slaves, we wouldn’t be the country we are today.

Buck Breaking