Captioned Stock Photos - Images
What's Your Biggest Weakness

Captioned Stock Photos
Girl: Our relationship is over / Me: Our relationship is what? Over.

Captioned Stock Photos
When your buddy Brian tags you ina meme from across the room

Captioned Stock Photos
The printer won't stop jamming

Captioned Stock Photos
I'm going to have to draw blood / Thanks for waiting

Captioned Stock Photos
He Looks Like His Father

Captioned Stock Photos
When your trying to eat a salad and accidentally fuck your dog
Captioned Stock Photos
Will You Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Captioned Stock Photos
Sorry, but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a heirogl...

Captioned Stock Photos
Mom, god is dead

Captioned Stock Photos
When you show your friends a new song and they like it

Captioned Stock Photos
Study Reveals a Whole Bunch of Dumb Nerd Shit

Captioned Stock Photos
Only buy cruelty free dildos
Captioned Stock Photos
How non-whites think it is being white
Captioned Stock Photos
please take a seat

Captioned Stock Photos
elephants never forget

Captioned Stock Photos