Classical Art Memes - Images
People have always ignored other people
Classical Art Memes
There's always that one person
Classical Art Memes
I only sleep on armchairs
Classical Art Memes
Shall we resume our chat from last night?
Classical Art Memes
Did I stutter
Classical Art Memes
and the funky bunch
Classical Art Memes
Classical Art Memes
Classical Art Memes
The military recommends repeating DON'T THINK inside your head to help you fall asleep. Works Great!
Classical Art Memes
Blankets like nice warm clouds
Classical Art Memes
and also long naps on the beach
Classical Art Memes
scoop dem klumps. hoomin
Classical Art Memes
sometimes things go too far
Classical Art Memes
5 minutes is a stretch
Classical Art Memes
we even now
Classical Art Memes
ok mom
Classical Art Memes
uh, ok
Classical Art Memes
kiss of death
Classical Art Memes
no cleaneth the floor
Classical Art Memes
Le Nelly
Classical Art Memes