Clever Girl - Images
clever girl
![le me* le dad Dad how does it come that mom is never Your rigth! Womans should be held in the kitchen .in the kitchen? Bitch better got a good explanation! l am home Le mam Back from shopping Bags full of Sandwiches Cle er Gir](
![le me* le dad Dad how does it come that mom is never Your rigth! Womans should be held in the kitchen .in the kitchen? Bitch better got a good explanation! l am home Le mam Back from shopping Bags full of Sandwiches Cle er Gir](
Clever Girl
clever girl
![*le bait raptor *le Muldoon aiming hear noise from bush, le clever girl approaching](
![*le bait raptor *le Muldoon aiming hear noise from bush, le clever girl approaching](
Clever Girl
clever girl
![derps girlfriend derpina Seriously? We already went Derp can we go shopping once shopping!!this weeek Fine, you know I really didn't need that sexy new lingerie anyway I will buy you anything you desire Oh derp thank you so much I love you!!! Wait a minute... Clever Girl](
![derps girlfriend derpina Seriously? We already went Derp can we go shopping once shopping!!this weeek Fine, you know I really didn't need that sexy new lingerie anyway I will buy you anything you desire Oh derp thank you so much I love you!!! Wait a minute... Clever Girl](
Clever Girl
Clever Girl
![me and some bros, playing basketball outside for gym when suddenly, three ladies walk over to us "do you mind if we switch courts? the wind keeps blowing we are, we switch our hair and distracting us." being the chivalrous men "but of course, madam" then.. have fun, bros the source of light known as sol is blasting its rays at full force! Clever Girls](
![me and some bros, playing basketball outside for gym when suddenly, three ladies walk over to us "do you mind if we switch courts? the wind keeps blowing we are, we switch our hair and distracting us." being the chivalrous men "but of course, madam" then.. have fun, bros the source of light known as sol is blasting its rays at full force! Clever Girls](
Clever Girl
![What is 24x24x24x24 x34x5? mmm. .. You. 56, 401,92 ClèVér Gir](
![What is 24x24x24x24 x34x5? mmm. .. You. 56, 401,92 ClèVér Gir](
Clever Girl
![when suddenly le me, talking to clever bot e what if i started saying song lyrics.. Iknow! rick roll! i start typing "never gonna give you up!" Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna tell a lie. type your message here](
![when suddenly le me, talking to clever bot e what if i started saying song lyrics.. Iknow! rick roll! i start typing "never gonna give you up!" Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna tell a lie. type your message here](
Clever Girl
![le me *le girl i like Why is the sun so warm? Becoz there are a milli n micro aves on there That is wat i thought Right class today we hav a test about the sun Gonna nail it! (yes i was eating cereal) 20/25 f--- yea Clever Girl NOT BAD](
![le me *le girl i like Why is the sun so warm? Becoz there are a milli n micro aves on there That is wat i thought Right class today we hav a test about the sun Gonna nail it! (yes i was eating cereal) 20/25 f--- yea Clever Girl NOT BAD](
Clever Girl
![*le sister always braggin about how shes so skinny TER THAT EVENINE *le sister is barfin up a mutha truckin' *le me walks into the bathroom Storm *le me actin like i give a crap says " Then le sister says" Poh you Then the thought appears, "maybe , just maybe shes BOLEMIC" ClèVér Gin](
![*le sister always braggin about how shes so skinny TER THAT EVENINE *le sister is barfin up a mutha truckin' *le me walks into the bathroom Storm *le me actin like i give a crap says " Then le sister says" Poh you Then the thought appears, "maybe , just maybe shes BOLEMIC" ClèVér Gin](
Clever Girl
![The Profesor: Alright Guys, it's labor day weekend that No school on Monday, that means it's a 3 Day weekend. But come tuesday, you guys got a LONG ass Test Problem? Girl k-se 妃/True Story](
![The Profesor: Alright Guys, it's labor day weekend that No school on Monday, that means it's a 3 Day weekend. But come tuesday, you guys got a LONG ass Test Problem? Girl k-se 妃/True Story](
Clever Girl
![me showing gf pogeymanz So i show her snor "Who is that one'" (note i am ten feet taller than her) with this exact face she says "you" CleVér Girl](
![me showing gf pogeymanz So i show her snor "Who is that one'" (note i am ten feet taller than her) with this exact face she says "you" CleVér Girl](
Clever Girl
Clever girl rage comic 9
![*Le me providing master with the lastest comic* Then i see it imgur.copEdo IT KNOWS!! magur Clever](
![*Le me providing master with the lastest comic* Then i see it imgur.copEdo IT KNOWS!! magur Clever](
Clever Girl
Clever girl rage comic 8
![when i see amasing picture le me serching reddit like a ba5us 고요 le picture okay Clever Girl](
![when i see amasing picture le me serching reddit like a ba5us 고요 le picture okay Clever Girl](
Clever Girl
Clever girl 7
![*normaly my cat stays outdoor but in winter i feed him inside. If he wants inside he have 2 w8 on the balcony. le knock C perfectly drawn glass door *no cat in sight what I actually saw: what the. .. *le old office chair is this. . . my missed... *cat appears while I am grablng my soCK 曰 POKER FCECèvé](
![*normaly my cat stays outdoor but in winter i feed him inside. If he wants inside he have 2 w8 on the balcony. le knock C perfectly drawn glass door *no cat in sight what I actually saw: what the. .. *le old office chair is this. . . my missed... *cat appears while I am grablng my soCK 曰 POKER FCECèvé](
Clever Girl
Clever girl rage comic 6
![Me watching TV when a commercial comes onn Old Spice Hello, Ladies .remote *Me Look at your marn My man Now back to me *Me Now back at your man "My man AND BACK TO ME HATERS GONNA HATE Sadly, he isnt me. But if he stopped using lady scented body wash a switched to he could e's me 20 Years Later. *My Ex-M Clèvér Girl](
![Me watching TV when a commercial comes onn Old Spice Hello, Ladies .remote *Me Look at your marn My man Now back to me *Me Now back at your man "My man AND BACK TO ME HATERS GONNA HATE Sadly, he isnt me. But if he stopped using lady scented body wash a switched to he could e's me 20 Years Later. *My Ex-M Clèvér Girl](
Clever Girl
Clever Girl rage comic 5
![Don't worry I wont chase after him but I can pay you back your 5 dollars Help! someone stole my 5 dollars Thank you so much! how can I ever repay you? 1 Well 5 dollars will do... thanks Clever Girl](
![Don't worry I wont chase after him but I can pay you back your 5 dollars Help! someone stole my 5 dollars Thank you so much! how can I ever repay you? 1 Well 5 dollars will do... thanks Clever Girl](
Clever Girl