Covfefe - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views Covfefe the Strong and the Wizard Covfefe Covfefe covfefe the strong the wizard covfefe @covfefes @covfefew great orb of t'kketh summoned cuck original tweet Covfefe tweet Every time he says anything, there's always a tweet that contradicts Covfefe covfefe twitter tweet fake fake tweet edited tweet edited president Urban dictionary is very fast Covfefe urban dictionary coverage fingers big covfefe The Tweet Covfefe covfefe twitter tweet convfefe corvfefe constant negative press When everyone notices your typo Covfefe covfefe twitter tweet typo error mistake handle username name names Today's Top Image Galleries Guy Sipping Beer on Couch Nine Months In My Womb... Gardevoir Sonic the Hedgehog