Creepy Garfield / Gorefield - Images
A Terrible Nightmare (Illustration to u/PotentialSmell 's lore) | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
One of my first 3D models. Of course it would be GÄRF. | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
My first Ink drawing for Inktober! | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Inktober Day 1- Ring (Garfield Phone) | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Part of my friends birthday present | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
You will pay for your Hubris, Jon. | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
I’m not sorry, this is perfect Jon... | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Day 2: Mindless | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
First one, Might upload a couple more throughout this month ! | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
I did this during my civics class | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
sketched a boomer Garfield during English yesterday and decided to revise it today | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Ink tober day 2, mindless | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Guy in class drew this | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Garbadook dook doooooook | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Got bored waiting at the airport. | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield
Ye I tried | /r/ImSorryJon

Creepy Garfield / Gorefield