Anime / Manga - Images
MRW someone STILL thinks a Pretty Cure character is from Sailor Moon
Anime / Manga
Knifes can be a bitch
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga
You're a louse, Roger Smith.
Anime / Manga
Does this looks like the face of mercy?
Anime / Manga
Wait, what?
Anime / Manga
When you have sodas and you don't know which one you should drink first
Anime / Manga
Kids fight !!!
Anime / Manga
Reading/watching any series with a romance subplot
Anime / Manga
You should! lol.
Anime / Manga
This Person is an Idiot
Anime / Manga
When you try to not laugh on a serious moment
Anime / Manga
Holy shit! Is this a bear?!
Anime / Manga
I'm starting to think that they are trying to imply something with this, but it's just a theory
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga
Don't let Chinatsu-chan become furry
Anime / Manga
Change of taste
Anime / Manga
Carol doesn't get it
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga