Anime / Manga - Images
Yet another bizarre beam attack
Anime / Manga
Calling it a Frankensteiner makes it a direct reference to Scott Steiner! In anime!
Anime / Manga
Monster of the Week attempts to cover girls in "Whipped Cream"
Anime / Manga
Baka nano?
Anime / Manga
Rosewater sends his regards
Anime / Manga
Red Destiny
Anime / Manga
I can't say I can name the emotion, but hell if I haven't felt it
Anime / Manga
Holy shit, this is awesome !!!
Anime / Manga
Mages and lolis first
Anime / Manga
Wife Can't Compare to 17-Year-Olds
Anime / Manga
let's cuddle
Anime / Manga
Bunny girl had enough
Anime / Manga
Don't mess with the three legged lion
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga
Anime / Manga
heavy objects certainly
Anime / Manga
A lot of it is.
Anime / Manga
Author made a 5th chapter for polite orc story
Anime / Manga
Spirited Away by reillyington86
Anime / Manga
The Medicine Seller
Anime / Manga