Anime / Manga - Images
insert a song here

Anime / Manga
I need a strong man, and you llok like a very strong man, so why don't you go my place and ...

Anime / Manga
oh my, that's so lewd

Anime / Manga
ok, where's the bitch?

Anime / Manga
I must touch the ball

Anime / Manga
I'm not good with guns!

Anime / Manga
Solution to the God Eater anime haters: Tell em' to start watching from episode 3

Anime / Manga
Your Choice In Waifus

Anime / Manga
Its not what you think

Anime / Manga
"You're such a charmer."

Anime / Manga
fitting name

Anime / Manga
Didn't someone poke fun of this in a video or comic something (besides JoJo Abridged)? Because if th...

Anime / Manga
There is some lewd shit going on

Anime / Manga

Anime / Manga
Best Advertisement Ever

Anime / Manga
Don't worry, it is just a toy

Anime / Manga