Antifa - Images
More trash from this godawful organization

"he was going to fix the problem by changing what the collectors were reporting”
Antifa in a galaxy far far away

Mugshots if Batman beats them up
Beta Cuck 4 Lyfe
Cancel Culture Logic on Antifa

It's like ISIS but for wimps
Guess what you are

Revenge is like a poison

No bias here at all
![Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in Ω Article Talk Read View source View history Search Wikipedia 維 Proud Boys WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Main page The Proud Boys is a far-right, neo-fascist and male-only political organization that promotes and engages in political Proud Boys Contents violence in the United States and Canada. The group originated in the far-right Taki's Magazine in 2016 under the Current events leadership of Vice Media co-founder and former commentator Gavin McInnes, taking its name from the song "Proud of Random article Your Boy" from the 2011 Disney musical Aladdin.2 Although the Proud Boys emerged as part of the alt-right, Mclnnes About Wikipedia distanced himself from this movement in early 2017, saying the Proud Boys was "alt-light" while the alt-right's focus was Contact us [3] The re-branding effort intensified following the white supremacist Unite the Right rally. 141 Since early 2019, Enrique PROUD BO¥S race. Donate Tarrio, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, has been the chairman of the Proud Boys.51 Contribute Leader Enrique Tarrio The group believes men and Western culture are under siege, their views having elements of the white genocide Help Foundation 2016; 5 years ago conspiracy theory.6 Members have participated in multiple racist events and events centered around anti-antifa, anti-left, and anti-socialist violence; expelled member Jason Kessler organized the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The Learn to edit Motives Opposition against left-wing Community portal and progressive groups Recent changes Proud Boys glorifies violence, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has called the group an "alt-right fight Active regions United States and Canada Upload file club."lš19) The organization has been described as a hate group by NPR's The Takeaway and the SPLC.10J The ADL has Ideology Chauvinism described the Proud Boys as "extremist conservative" and "alt lite", "overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic", "transphobic Neo-fascism Tools and anti-immigration ", "all too willing to embrace racists, antisemites and bigots of all kinds", and notes the group's White nationalism What links here promotion and use of violence as a core tactic. 11] Political position Far-right Related changes Major actions Harassment Special pages In late November 2018, an internal memo from the Clark County Sheriff's Office showed that the FBI had designated the Picketing Permanent link Proud Boys an extremist group, but it later clarified that only certain members were extremist threats with ties to white Political violence Page information nationalism. 12|131 In 2019, two Proud Boys were sentenced to four years in prison for attempted gang assault, attempted Cite this page assault and other charges for a 2018 New York incident where they attacked individuals who prosecutors said were Part of the Politics and elections and Politics series on Wikidata item members of antifa. 141 The Proud Boys organization has been banned by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. 15] Neo-fascism Print/export Contents [hide] Core ideas [show] Download as PDF 1 History and organization 1.1 Membership Printable version Varieties [show] r-L -...1 Antifa (United States) WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Main page Antifa (læn'ti:fə, 'ænti fa:/)1 is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It is highly Part of a series on Contents decentralized and comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both Anti-fascism Current events nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. 1213||4] Much of antifa political activism is nonviolent, Cor tenets [show] Random article involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, delivering speeches, marching in protest, and community About Wikipedia Ideas [show] organizing.567 They also engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white Contact us Literature [show] supremacists, and other far-right extremists, and differing from other leftist opposition movements by their willingness to Donate Organizations and movements [hide] directly confront far-right activists, and in some cases law enforcement.31 This may involve digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right.18) Current Contribute Antifa (Germany) Antifa (United States) Help Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a Learn to edit Antifascistisk Aktion range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy, and socialism.19 The name Community portal By Any Means Necessary antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa Redneck Revolt Recent changes Refuse Fascism Upload file movement. 10 Antifa activists actions have received support and criticism from various organizations and pundits, with Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice some on the American Left criticizing antifa for its willingness to adopt violent direct actions and for being Unite Against Fascism Tools counterproductive or backfiring by emboldening the right and their allies. 11 Part of the right characterizes it as a domestic terrorist organization or uses antifa as a catch-all term12) for any left-leaning or liberal protest actions. 13] Some scholars argue that antifa is a legitimate response to the rise of the far right141 and that antifa's violence such as milkshaking is not equivalent to right-wing violence. 4 Scholars tend to reject the equivalence between antifa and white Defunct What links here Antifaschistische Aktion Related changes Anti-Fascist Action Special pages Anti-Nazi League Permanent link Anti-Racist Action supremacism. [3][15][16] Page information Iron Front Cite this page There have been multiple efforts to discredit antifa groups via hoaxes on social media, many of them false flag attacks Movement for Justice Wikidata item originating from alt-right and 4chan users posing as antifa backers on Twitter. 1718|[19] Some hoaxes have been picked up and reported as fact by right-leaning media.1171|20||21| During the George Floyd protests in May and June 2020, the History [show] Print/export Tactics [show] Trump administration has blamed antifa for orchestrating the mass protests; analysis of federal arrests did not find links to Download as PDF Politics portal antifa.22 There have been repeated calls by Donald Trump and William Barr to designate antifa as a terrorist organization23 despite the fact that it is not an organization, a move that academics, legal experts, and others argue would exceed the authority of the presidency and violate the First Amendment.124||25||26] Several analyses, reports, and Printable version V'T'E In other projects Wikimedia Commons studies concluded that antifa is not a major domestic terrorism risk and ranked far-right extremism and white supremacy as the top domestic risk.116|127||28j Wikiquote Contents [hide] Languages 1 Qverview](
![Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in Ω Article Talk Read View source View history Search Wikipedia 維 Proud Boys WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Main page The Proud Boys is a far-right, neo-fascist and male-only political organization that promotes and engages in political Proud Boys Contents violence in the United States and Canada. The group originated in the far-right Taki's Magazine in 2016 under the Current events leadership of Vice Media co-founder and former commentator Gavin McInnes, taking its name from the song "Proud of Random article Your Boy" from the 2011 Disney musical Aladdin.2 Although the Proud Boys emerged as part of the alt-right, Mclnnes About Wikipedia distanced himself from this movement in early 2017, saying the Proud Boys was "alt-light" while the alt-right's focus was Contact us [3] The re-branding effort intensified following the white supremacist Unite the Right rally. 141 Since early 2019, Enrique PROUD BO¥S race. Donate Tarrio, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, has been the chairman of the Proud Boys.51 Contribute Leader Enrique Tarrio The group believes men and Western culture are under siege, their views having elements of the white genocide Help Foundation 2016; 5 years ago conspiracy theory.6 Members have participated in multiple racist events and events centered around anti-antifa, anti-left, and anti-socialist violence; expelled member Jason Kessler organized the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The Learn to edit Motives Opposition against left-wing Community portal and progressive groups Recent changes Proud Boys glorifies violence, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has called the group an "alt-right fight Active regions United States and Canada Upload file club."lš19) The organization has been described as a hate group by NPR's The Takeaway and the SPLC.10J The ADL has Ideology Chauvinism described the Proud Boys as "extremist conservative" and "alt lite", "overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic", "transphobic Neo-fascism Tools and anti-immigration ", "all too willing to embrace racists, antisemites and bigots of all kinds", and notes the group's White nationalism What links here promotion and use of violence as a core tactic. 11] Political position Far-right Related changes Major actions Harassment Special pages In late November 2018, an internal memo from the Clark County Sheriff's Office showed that the FBI had designated the Picketing Permanent link Proud Boys an extremist group, but it later clarified that only certain members were extremist threats with ties to white Political violence Page information nationalism. 12|131 In 2019, two Proud Boys were sentenced to four years in prison for attempted gang assault, attempted Cite this page assault and other charges for a 2018 New York incident where they attacked individuals who prosecutors said were Part of the Politics and elections and Politics series on Wikidata item members of antifa. 141 The Proud Boys organization has been banned by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. 15] Neo-fascism Print/export Contents [hide] Core ideas [show] Download as PDF 1 History and organization 1.1 Membership Printable version Varieties [show] r-L -...1 Antifa (United States) WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Main page Antifa (læn'ti:fə, 'ænti fa:/)1 is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It is highly Part of a series on Contents decentralized and comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both Anti-fascism Current events nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. 1213||4] Much of antifa political activism is nonviolent, Cor tenets [show] Random article involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, delivering speeches, marching in protest, and community About Wikipedia Ideas [show] organizing.567 They also engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white Contact us Literature [show] supremacists, and other far-right extremists, and differing from other leftist opposition movements by their willingness to Donate Organizations and movements [hide] directly confront far-right activists, and in some cases law enforcement.31 This may involve digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right.18) Current Contribute Antifa (Germany) Antifa (United States) Help Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a Learn to edit Antifascistisk Aktion range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy, and socialism.19 The name Community portal By Any Means Necessary antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa Redneck Revolt Recent changes Refuse Fascism Upload file movement. 10 Antifa activists actions have received support and criticism from various organizations and pundits, with Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice some on the American Left criticizing antifa for its willingness to adopt violent direct actions and for being Unite Against Fascism Tools counterproductive or backfiring by emboldening the right and their allies. 11 Part of the right characterizes it as a domestic terrorist organization or uses antifa as a catch-all term12) for any left-leaning or liberal protest actions. 13] Some scholars argue that antifa is a legitimate response to the rise of the far right141 and that antifa's violence such as milkshaking is not equivalent to right-wing violence. 4 Scholars tend to reject the equivalence between antifa and white Defunct What links here Antifaschistische Aktion Related changes Anti-Fascist Action Special pages Anti-Nazi League Permanent link Anti-Racist Action supremacism. [3][15][16] Page information Iron Front Cite this page There have been multiple efforts to discredit antifa groups via hoaxes on social media, many of them false flag attacks Movement for Justice Wikidata item originating from alt-right and 4chan users posing as antifa backers on Twitter. 1718|[19] Some hoaxes have been picked up and reported as fact by right-leaning media.1171|20||21| During the George Floyd protests in May and June 2020, the History [show] Print/export Tactics [show] Trump administration has blamed antifa for orchestrating the mass protests; analysis of federal arrests did not find links to Download as PDF Politics portal antifa.22 There have been repeated calls by Donald Trump and William Barr to designate antifa as a terrorist organization23 despite the fact that it is not an organization, a move that academics, legal experts, and others argue would exceed the authority of the presidency and violate the First Amendment.124||25||26] Several analyses, reports, and Printable version V'T'E In other projects Wikimedia Commons studies concluded that antifa is not a major domestic terrorism risk and ranked far-right extremism and white supremacy as the top domestic risk.116|127||28j Wikiquote Contents [hide] Languages 1 Qverview](
Not an organization


F--- work and responsibilities
That’s the god honest truth

Move over 50 Shades

Fatties against fascism - Antifa tank division
