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Comrade Lenin poses for photographs after the Bolsheviks gained revolutionary victory in Petrograd [...

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!["communism doesn't provide true democracy, only capitalism does that" Patrice Lumumba, the first legally elected prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was assassinated 50 years ago today, on 17 January, 1961. This heinous crime was a culmination of two inter-related assassination plots by American and Belgian governments, which used Congolese accomplices out the deed The 1954 Guatemalan coup drétat was a covert operation carned out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that deposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and ended the Guatemalan Revolution of 1944 1954 Code-named Operation PBSUCCESS, it installed the miltary dictatorship of Carlos Casillo Armas, the first in a series of uS-backed authortarian rulers in Guatemaia e: CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup Declassified documents describe in detail how us-with British help-enginered War. Following an extended i list President Salvador 1973 Chilean coup d'état ormed forces The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a watershed event in both the histor period of social unrest and potitical tension between the right-controller Allende, as well as economic warfare order and national police] enp against Mohammad Mosaddeg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia coup as well as economic warfare ordered by US President Richar](
!["communism doesn't provide true democracy, only capitalism does that" Patrice Lumumba, the first legally elected prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was assassinated 50 years ago today, on 17 January, 1961. This heinous crime was a culmination of two inter-related assassination plots by American and Belgian governments, which used Congolese accomplices out the deed The 1954 Guatemalan coup drétat was a covert operation carned out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that deposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz and ended the Guatemalan Revolution of 1944 1954 Code-named Operation PBSUCCESS, it installed the miltary dictatorship of Carlos Casillo Armas, the first in a series of uS-backed authortarian rulers in Guatemaia e: CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup Declassified documents describe in detail how us-with British help-enginered War. Following an extended i list President Salvador 1973 Chilean coup d'état ormed forces The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a watershed event in both the histor period of social unrest and potitical tension between the right-controller Allende, as well as economic warfare order and national police] enp against Mohammad Mosaddeg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia coup as well as economic warfare ordered by US President Richar](
Communism causes famines, eh?
![1810, 1811, 1846, and Four famines in China Famine devastated Madrid 64 Eruption of Tambora, Indonesia. Tens of thousands died in subsequent famine ina ommie Cappy Europe Claimed to have killed 42% of the population Agra famine of 1837-38 Great Famine in Ireland killed more than 1 million people and over 1.5-2 million Highland Potato Famine Famine led to the peasant revolt known as "Maria da Fonte" in the north of Demak and Grobogan in Central Java, caused by four successive crop failures due to drought 1 million mi 1849-1850 the Opium Wars and the Taiping Rebellion, drought, and famine, the population of China dropped by more than 60 1850-1873 60 million million(69 1860-1861 Upper Doab famine of 1860-61 ssa Finnish famine of 1866-1868. About 15% of the entire population died Rajputana famine of 1869 1870-1871 1873-1874 1873-74 Fa n (present day) Famine in Anatolia caused by drought and floods2173] Bihar famine of 1873-74 18.25 million in Northern China and India alone British policies and drought Famine in India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other countries). Famine in northem China killed 13 million people. 74 5.25 million died in the India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other Great Famine of 1876-78 in India 1876-1879 famine in China was a Oscillation [77) 1878-1880 Famine in St 1879 Famine in Ireland. Unlike previous famines, this famine mainly caused hunger and food shortages but little mortality Famine in Orrisa, Ganjam and Northem Bihar Ethiopian Great famine. About one-third of the population died79180] Conditions worsen with cholera outbreaks (1889-92), a typhus epidemic United States 1888-1889 1888-1892 1891-1892 1896-1897 Famine in northem China leading in part to the Boxer Rebellion ina 6 million (British 1896-1902 Series of famines in India due to drought and British policies I76T83184) unknown in Princely States Famine in Spain Famines in east-central China Mount Lebanon famine during World War I which was caused by an Entente powers and Ottoman Turk blockade of food and to a swarm of locusts which killed up to 200,000 people, estimated to be half of the Mount Lebanon population Famine caused by the British blockade of Germany in World War I 1904-1906 in 1907, 1911 25 million 1914-1918 200,000 1916-1917 1916-1917 Persian famine of 1917-1918. As much as 1/4 of the population living in the north of Iran died in the faminel Although the research of Mohammad Gholi Majd alleges as many as 8-10 million killed, this is based on an original population estimate of 19 million. Other estimates place the original population at only 11 million, calling Majd's numbers heavily into question 92193] The Iranian government has stated that the famine Iran (present the British( ) and that 8-10 million people died, this death toll also in the American Archivesfcitetion A series of famines in Turkestan at the time of the Bolshevik revolution killed about a sixth of the population5 Rumanura famine in Ruanda-Burundi, causing large migrations to the Congo 1917-1921 Turkestan Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 1921-1922 famine in Tatarstan Famine in Volga German colonies in Russia. One-third of the entire Famine in Ruanda-Burundi, causing large migrations to the Congo Famine in northern China. The drought resulted in 3 million deaths Soviet famine of 1932-1933 and Soviet-related famine in Ukraine 1924-1925 1928-1929 1928-1930 Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 7-10 million in Ukraine Soviet Union and Ukraine Famine in Warsaw Ghetto, as well as other ghettos and concentration camps (note: this famine was the result of deliberate denial of food to ghetto 1940-1945 1940-1948 Famine in Morocco between 1940-48, because of refueling system instaured by France 100] 200 000 Famine in Greece caused by the Axis occu caused by a 900-day blockade by German troops. About,one million Leningrad residents starved, froze, or were bombed to 1941-44 1 million death MiCtIms were çommies, cause were capp Semperatures dropped to -40 C (40F) (101) 2-3 million Chinese famine of 1942-43 Bengal famine of 1943 Ru Dutch famine of 1944 during World War lIl Rwanda famine of 1944 Java under Japanese occupation Vietnamese Famine of 1945 Soviet Famine of 1947 Famine The Great Chinese Famine. According to govermment statistics, there were 15 million excess deaths Lombok, drought and malnutrition, exacerbated by restrictions on regional rice trade Blafran famine caused by Nigerian blockade Sahel drought created a famine that killed a million peoplel109 Famine in Ethiopia caused by drought and poor govemance; failure of the govemment to handle this crisis led to the fall of Haile Selassie and to ngal, India 1943 i, causing emigrationst Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 1947 1-1.5 million 1051 106) 1959-1961 50,000 108 1967-1970 Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso 1 million 1972-1973 that were backed 1975-1979 r, forced labor and famine 1980-1981 1984-1985 famine in Ethiopia Famine in Somalia caused by drought and civil warl10] North Korean famine [111112 Scholars estimate 600,000 died of starvation (other estimates range from 200,000 to 3.5 million)13) 200,000 to 3.5 milion 1998-2000 Famine in Ethiopia. The situation worsened by Eritrean-Ethiopian War Second Congo War. 3.8 million people died, mostly from starvation and disease 2005-06 Niger food crisis. At least three million were affected in Niger and 10 million throughout West Africa Famine in Somalia, brought on by the 2011 East Africa drought 14) Niger and West Africa](
![1810, 1811, 1846, and Four famines in China Famine devastated Madrid 64 Eruption of Tambora, Indonesia. Tens of thousands died in subsequent famine ina ommie Cappy Europe Claimed to have killed 42% of the population Agra famine of 1837-38 Great Famine in Ireland killed more than 1 million people and over 1.5-2 million Highland Potato Famine Famine led to the peasant revolt known as "Maria da Fonte" in the north of Demak and Grobogan in Central Java, caused by four successive crop failures due to drought 1 million mi 1849-1850 the Opium Wars and the Taiping Rebellion, drought, and famine, the population of China dropped by more than 60 1850-1873 60 million million(69 1860-1861 Upper Doab famine of 1860-61 ssa Finnish famine of 1866-1868. About 15% of the entire population died Rajputana famine of 1869 1870-1871 1873-1874 1873-74 Fa n (present day) Famine in Anatolia caused by drought and floods2173] Bihar famine of 1873-74 18.25 million in Northern China and India alone British policies and drought Famine in India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other countries). Famine in northem China killed 13 million people. 74 5.25 million died in the India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other Great Famine of 1876-78 in India 1876-1879 famine in China was a Oscillation [77) 1878-1880 Famine in St 1879 Famine in Ireland. Unlike previous famines, this famine mainly caused hunger and food shortages but little mortality Famine in Orrisa, Ganjam and Northem Bihar Ethiopian Great famine. About one-third of the population died79180] Conditions worsen with cholera outbreaks (1889-92), a typhus epidemic United States 1888-1889 1888-1892 1891-1892 1896-1897 Famine in northem China leading in part to the Boxer Rebellion ina 6 million (British 1896-1902 Series of famines in India due to drought and British policies I76T83184) unknown in Princely States Famine in Spain Famines in east-central China Mount Lebanon famine during World War I which was caused by an Entente powers and Ottoman Turk blockade of food and to a swarm of locusts which killed up to 200,000 people, estimated to be half of the Mount Lebanon population Famine caused by the British blockade of Germany in World War I 1904-1906 in 1907, 1911 25 million 1914-1918 200,000 1916-1917 1916-1917 Persian famine of 1917-1918. As much as 1/4 of the population living in the north of Iran died in the faminel Although the research of Mohammad Gholi Majd alleges as many as 8-10 million killed, this is based on an original population estimate of 19 million. Other estimates place the original population at only 11 million, calling Majd's numbers heavily into question 92193] The Iranian government has stated that the famine Iran (present the British( ) and that 8-10 million people died, this death toll also in the American Archivesfcitetion A series of famines in Turkestan at the time of the Bolshevik revolution killed about a sixth of the population5 Rumanura famine in Ruanda-Burundi, causing large migrations to the Congo 1917-1921 Turkestan Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 1921-1922 famine in Tatarstan Famine in Volga German colonies in Russia. One-third of the entire Famine in Ruanda-Burundi, causing large migrations to the Congo Famine in northern China. The drought resulted in 3 million deaths Soviet famine of 1932-1933 and Soviet-related famine in Ukraine 1924-1925 1928-1929 1928-1930 Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 7-10 million in Ukraine Soviet Union and Ukraine Famine in Warsaw Ghetto, as well as other ghettos and concentration camps (note: this famine was the result of deliberate denial of food to ghetto 1940-1945 1940-1948 Famine in Morocco between 1940-48, because of refueling system instaured by France 100] 200 000 Famine in Greece caused by the Axis occu caused by a 900-day blockade by German troops. About,one million Leningrad residents starved, froze, or were bombed to 1941-44 1 million death MiCtIms were çommies, cause were capp Semperatures dropped to -40 C (40F) (101) 2-3 million Chinese famine of 1942-43 Bengal famine of 1943 Ru Dutch famine of 1944 during World War lIl Rwanda famine of 1944 Java under Japanese occupation Vietnamese Famine of 1945 Soviet Famine of 1947 Famine The Great Chinese Famine. According to govermment statistics, there were 15 million excess deaths Lombok, drought and malnutrition, exacerbated by restrictions on regional rice trade Blafran famine caused by Nigerian blockade Sahel drought created a famine that killed a million peoplel109 Famine in Ethiopia caused by drought and poor govemance; failure of the govemment to handle this crisis led to the fall of Haile Selassie and to ngal, India 1943 i, causing emigrationst Rwanda and Burundi (present day) 1947 1-1.5 million 1051 106) 1959-1961 50,000 108 1967-1970 Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso 1 million 1972-1973 that were backed 1975-1979 r, forced labor and famine 1980-1981 1984-1985 famine in Ethiopia Famine in Somalia caused by drought and civil warl10] North Korean famine [111112 Scholars estimate 600,000 died of starvation (other estimates range from 200,000 to 3.5 million)13) 200,000 to 3.5 milion 1998-2000 Famine in Ethiopia. The situation worsened by Eritrean-Ethiopian War Second Congo War. 3.8 million people died, mostly from starvation and disease 2005-06 Niger food crisis. At least three million were affected in Niger and 10 million throughout West Africa Famine in Somalia, brought on by the 2011 East Africa drought 14) Niger and West Africa](
Opium of the masses

Fight for freedom

Not Enough Revolutions Yet
