Professional Wrestling - Images

Professional Wrestling
Tiger Mask's first in-ring clash with the champion Okada

Professional Wrestling
Tiger Mask's first showdown with the champion Okada

Professional Wrestling
It's The Undertaker.

Professional Wrestling
DBZ told in pro-wrestling terms

Professional Wrestling
TFW no machka

Professional Wrestling
Battle Scars and the Red Mask of Death

Professional Wrestling
Repeated kicks (insert JoJo sound effects here)

Professional Wrestling
Tiger Mask kick combo

Professional Wrestling
Tiger Mask feels the wrath of the Red Death Drop

Professional Wrestling
Chris Jericho would be so proud

Professional Wrestling
Tiger the Dark's finishing move: the Darkness Driver

Professional Wrestling
Tiger Mask W's Tiger Driver 98

Professional Wrestling
well that's awkward

Professional Wrestling
The Duke of Dab

Professional Wrestling
One of These Things is Not Like the Others.

Professional Wrestling