Ermahgerd - Images
Jersers servs!!!




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Ermahgerd Quern


![Browsing the Intertubes, I decide to read the KYM article on BERKS Girl On March 26th, 2012, a post titled "BERKS Revealed" was submitted to the fadviceanimalslit ' subreddit by ussr superdude4agze, which included a picture of a young woman with the caption "Ermahgerd I'm hot"(shown let). The ollowing day, a post comparing the facial features in the two photos (shown middle) reached the front page of Reddit121, which sparked a lengthy discussion ower the authenticity of Superdude5agze's photo. On March 30th, Redditor ThazCrazy submitted a post to thes2 subreddit titled Actual BERKS Girl", which included a photo of a woman named Maggie (shown right) whom ThazCrazy claimed was the real Berks woman ERMAHGERD And see the 2 month old post fronm /user/ThazCrazy, saying he'll try to get her to do an AMA. No word from him, and he's asking for donations for a woman with cancer. A bit shady, but... I'm not going to pass any judgement yet. Here is his latest post: Actual BERKS Girl by Tyn lf Hey, thanks for checking in.I have in fact heard from her, she FB'd me after 1 talked to her brother, hare is aur convo: I 3 hours ago Hey Brett My beother said you think the GERTSBERTS photo could help raise some money for Wayne's mom?? Just let me sometimes finding internet is a few seconds ago Hey Maggie, hope your having a goed time out there. Yea, basically there is this huge website called reddit that has a ton of members. They are one of the main reasons why your meme picture blew up. They do these things called AMA (ask me anythingl where people type questions and the person answers they can get pretty big cike milions of views worldwidel. Basically, what it would take would be you sitting down at a computer for about 2-3 hours to sit and answer questions about your picture land whatever elsel. The site is also notorious for raising maneγ for good causes. The first time I sw that pic on the site was right when Wayne sent out the FB message about raising money for his mom, I figured it might be an opportunity to help them out L. You give me a pre-set date and time when you know you could sit at the computer for 2-3 hours 2. I wil create an account for you and set up a posting, all you will have to do is figure out how to respond to posts (not hard) 3. IMPORTANT-We have to get for you some kind of proof tha that person in the pic is you--aka an old pic of you as a kid from your mom that shows you looking the same-ish 4. I think that if we reached a goal in fundraising, that you might have to recreate the photo. We would just have to have She said that she will be home from overseas on May 15 and wants to do it when she gets home since she has hard time finding intemet over there. So, it looks ike it will be a gol I will def need some help getting the word once she is ready. I will contact yau for some advice once we are getting close to starting the AMA April 28th. I don't remember an AMA from her. Aight, I put on my robe and detective hat. Cancer donations are for Michelle Barthule, apparent mother of Wayne and three others "Wayne" is a mutual friend of Thaz and BERKS: ase this gets big. I WILL 100% FIND A WAY TO H ENOUGH MONEY FOR I know Maggie, 1 could easily get ahold of her to dmisE IT: [7] it's a big deal to answer random questions on some site about your However, she is a really good sport and I 100% guarantee that she from home are familiar with mernes, reddit recreate the BERKS Michelle has a Facebook. Shorter hair (chemo) and family listed. Wayne's down there. Let's check him out. Michelle Barthule " Studed at父Martin's Colege Wayne is real. And has a Facebook. Donations are likely for a legit cause. BUT WHERE IS BERKS?! Wall Michelle Barthule View Well, Wayne lets us view his friends.. Let's look for the "Maggies" - facebook Maggie Goldenberger Frofi Olympia, washington Her pictures are locked down on Facebook, but we still have Google This is the same Maggie linked above. Activities on Facebook have "Santa Clara Women's Basketball" ANTA CLAR Now, is this Maggie really Berks? Heck if I know. But... this person Thaz thinks is Berks really exists And somebody really does need Cancer help Thaz, you might not be able to bring Berks to Reddit, but we will bring Reddit to Berks Thank you for your generous git of $40 00 to Snge Mom's ard Cancer Battle Please note that your gift will appear from GiveForward, INC" on your statement (Nat from the organization or incividual you are supporting) Your account has been billed as And don't forget to donate](
![Browsing the Intertubes, I decide to read the KYM article on BERKS Girl On March 26th, 2012, a post titled "BERKS Revealed" was submitted to the fadviceanimalslit ' subreddit by ussr superdude4agze, which included a picture of a young woman with the caption "Ermahgerd I'm hot"(shown let). The ollowing day, a post comparing the facial features in the two photos (shown middle) reached the front page of Reddit121, which sparked a lengthy discussion ower the authenticity of Superdude5agze's photo. On March 30th, Redditor ThazCrazy submitted a post to thes2 subreddit titled Actual BERKS Girl", which included a photo of a woman named Maggie (shown right) whom ThazCrazy claimed was the real Berks woman ERMAHGERD And see the 2 month old post fronm /user/ThazCrazy, saying he'll try to get her to do an AMA. No word from him, and he's asking for donations for a woman with cancer. A bit shady, but... I'm not going to pass any judgement yet. Here is his latest post: Actual BERKS Girl by Tyn lf Hey, thanks for checking in.I have in fact heard from her, she FB'd me after 1 talked to her brother, hare is aur convo: I 3 hours ago Hey Brett My beother said you think the GERTSBERTS photo could help raise some money for Wayne's mom?? Just let me sometimes finding internet is a few seconds ago Hey Maggie, hope your having a goed time out there. Yea, basically there is this huge website called reddit that has a ton of members. They are one of the main reasons why your meme picture blew up. They do these things called AMA (ask me anythingl where people type questions and the person answers they can get pretty big cike milions of views worldwidel. Basically, what it would take would be you sitting down at a computer for about 2-3 hours to sit and answer questions about your picture land whatever elsel. The site is also notorious for raising maneγ for good causes. The first time I sw that pic on the site was right when Wayne sent out the FB message about raising money for his mom, I figured it might be an opportunity to help them out L. You give me a pre-set date and time when you know you could sit at the computer for 2-3 hours 2. I wil create an account for you and set up a posting, all you will have to do is figure out how to respond to posts (not hard) 3. IMPORTANT-We have to get for you some kind of proof tha that person in the pic is you--aka an old pic of you as a kid from your mom that shows you looking the same-ish 4. I think that if we reached a goal in fundraising, that you might have to recreate the photo. We would just have to have She said that she will be home from overseas on May 15 and wants to do it when she gets home since she has hard time finding intemet over there. So, it looks ike it will be a gol I will def need some help getting the word once she is ready. I will contact yau for some advice once we are getting close to starting the AMA April 28th. I don't remember an AMA from her. Aight, I put on my robe and detective hat. Cancer donations are for Michelle Barthule, apparent mother of Wayne and three others "Wayne" is a mutual friend of Thaz and BERKS: ase this gets big. I WILL 100% FIND A WAY TO H ENOUGH MONEY FOR I know Maggie, 1 could easily get ahold of her to dmisE IT: [7] it's a big deal to answer random questions on some site about your However, she is a really good sport and I 100% guarantee that she from home are familiar with mernes, reddit recreate the BERKS Michelle has a Facebook. Shorter hair (chemo) and family listed. Wayne's down there. Let's check him out. Michelle Barthule " Studed at父Martin's Colege Wayne is real. And has a Facebook. Donations are likely for a legit cause. BUT WHERE IS BERKS?! Wall Michelle Barthule View Well, Wayne lets us view his friends.. Let's look for the "Maggies" - facebook Maggie Goldenberger Frofi Olympia, washington Her pictures are locked down on Facebook, but we still have Google This is the same Maggie linked above. Activities on Facebook have "Santa Clara Women's Basketball" ANTA CLAR Now, is this Maggie really Berks? Heck if I know. But... this person Thaz thinks is Berks really exists And somebody really does need Cancer help Thaz, you might not be able to bring Berks to Reddit, but we will bring Reddit to Berks Thank you for your generous git of $40 00 to Snge Mom's ard Cancer Battle Please note that your gift will appear from GiveForward, INC" on your statement (Nat from the organization or incividual you are supporting) Your account has been billed as And don't forget to donate](
Knerkin uhrn Herverhn's Duhr





Clarinet Makes the Face

