2012 Quebec Student Protests - Images
Charest-Marois-Même combat

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Black Out, Speak Out

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Speak Out Black Out

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Ancient Corruption much?

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Come at Me Bro: Anarchopanda Edition

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Chuck Norris Does Not Approve Bill 78

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Anarchopanda, the Mascot of the Quebec Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Martine Cover

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests
Responding to cops when asked to give exact march route, Quebec students provided this map

2012 Quebec Student Protests

2012 Quebec Student Protests