2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting - Images
Let's be clear. The dad of the Orlando Muslim terrorist who killed 50 people was on #Mueller and @Comey's FBI payroll, most likely being run or ulti...

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
James #Comey knew about the #Orlando Pulse terrorist before the attack. He also said an FBI informant told @FBI Omar Mateen wasn't radicalized anymor...

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
In Memoriam 6.12.2016

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Misha, Jared, & Jensen pay respects.

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Misha, Jared, & Jensen pay respects.

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Pray For Orlando by Nippy13

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Pray For Orlando by SorryAboutMyAntlers

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Orlando by halokinesis

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Love you by Davidelle

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Stay strong by ArcaFelidae

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Sorry, but not sorry.

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Sorry but I'm not sorry

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Milo and gawker

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Omar Mateen's Selfie

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Omar Mateen's Selfie

2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting