.@realdonaldtrump hey you called? #debates

2016 United States Presidential Election
TrumpSniffle's Tweet

2016 United States Presidential Election
Anonymous Responses to #400Pounds

2016 United States Presidential Election

2016 United States Presidential Election
Hillary's face when Trump tells Lester Holt that 'stop and frisk' was not unconstitutional is priceless

2016 United States Presidential Election
Bernie Sanders Watching the Debate

2016 United States Presidential Election
Clintonchu and Trumpizard are about to take the arena for the first presidential debate!
2016 United States Presidential Election
So It Begins

2016 United States Presidential Election
Drinking Game

2016 United States Presidential Election
Wait a minute...

2016 United States Presidential Election
The internet has chosen its third-party candidate

2016 United States Presidential Election
To be fair, Bernie Sanders didn't suck

2016 United States Presidential Election
The fear of Clip Arts

2016 United States Presidential Election
The lesser of three evils

2016 United States Presidential Election
Pictured: The chances of each candidate of winning if the election were held today, according to Fiv...

2016 United States Presidential Election
Trump vs Hillary

2016 United States Presidential Election