Election 2016 in a nutshell

2016 United States Presidential Election
That crappy U2 album

2016 United States Presidential Election
The electoral map is for 2012, when Obama won with 332 electoral votes.

2016 United States Presidential Election
Hilary is sad

2016 United States Presidential Election

2016 United States Presidential Election
I want to get off Mr. Trump's Wild Ride

2016 United States Presidential Election
The uncuckening
2016 United States Presidential Election
I'm probably gonna get my facts wrong but, weren't those democratic elections rigged anyways?

2016 United States Presidential Election
When the Anime isn't faithful to the manga

2016 United States Presidential Election
I mean...

2016 United States Presidential Election
what other pvp enabled zones are there

2016 United States Presidential Election
How some Australians feel currently.

2016 United States Presidential Election
Twenty Sixteen

2016 United States Presidential Election
Remember, we've lived through worse!

2016 United States Presidential Election
The Social Media Campaign in 2016

2016 United States Presidential Election
Trump's New Groove

2016 United States Presidential Election