Sarah Silverman's twitter as the results roll in

2016 United States Presidential Election
Cory 2016 save us from the apocalypse

2016 United States Presidential Election
Eric Trump probably invalidated the vote towards his own father.

2016 United States Presidential Election
Alex makes a good point
2016 United States Presidential Election
He's got a point

2016 United States Presidential Election
#DearAmericans (Follow-Up)
2016 United States Presidential Election
Dear Americans, From the People of Germany

2016 United States Presidential Election
Trump caught looking over wife Melania’s shoulder as she casts vote

2016 United States Presidential Election
When You Trust Your Wife to Vote for You, But Not Really
2016 United States Presidential Election
Hilary Clinton's Campaign Headquarters Surrounded by Dump Trucks

2016 United States Presidential Election
Trump Tower Surrounded by Dump Trucks

2016 United States Presidential Election
Google Doodle

2016 United States Presidential Election
Depressed LEGO Captain America

2016 United States Presidential Election
「The Wall」vs.「Sweet Little Lies」

2016 United States Presidential Election
If one vote makes all the difference then make the one that actually counts - Vote for Scrooge McDuc...

2016 United States Presidential Election
My new OTP

2016 United States Presidential Election