2018 Austin Bombings - Images
Just stop Tariq...

2018 Austin Bombings
r/The_Donald Guide to Mass Casualty Events
![The_Donald's Handy Checklist For Mass Casualty Events -1 DankoJones841776 M H 47 points Let's not jump conclu- aaand it's muslims permalink embed save deport give gold reply -] crobbies MH 7 points Wasnt some antifa group just busted for having explosives? Could this be practice runs by far left, who are known to favor bombs? -] Michael_A_Trivisonno The only people that engage in this sort of garbage are commies and jihadis So, check the local mosque as well as the local FBl office mmediately declare that the perpetrator is liberal / antifa I muslim H just-an-idea-1 M HJ 19 points This has lefist Antifa written all over it. FL M H 48 points parent re Complain about how the perpetrator's identity hasn't been released yet, and repeatedly say "Coulter's Law" -] krickeydonutsDTOM MH 22 points FL SHOOTING: ANN COULTER LAW IS IN EFFECT submitted 1 month ago by pdotuts MH 1 comment share save hide give gold deport parent give gold reply Perpetrator is revealed to be a white male VldMAGANRAVikki 12h I-] GeneticsGuy M H 3 points 1 month ago It is real... read head. His social media is showing he is an Antifa cocksucker too Registerd Democrat #MarkAnthonyC°ndítt #Acti neombings #Austin Bomber NICHOLAS CRUZ About Mark Conditt Edit Info Share photoshopped voting records social media pages that show the perpetrator is liberal Jim Hoft Follow BREAKING: Don't Let The MAGA Hat Fool You, Hispanic Shooter "Nicolas de Jesus Cruz" Was A Registered TheDemocrats I-1 typeOnullTOM M H 13 points 1 mon Birthday. 06/16/1994 Income: $20 $29,999 Current Net Worth: $1 $4,999 Political Affiliation: Democrat Party He was confirmed antifa Ethnicity: Caucasian permalink embed save deport give gold reply Funny how they have ALL been DEMOCRATS #MarkAnthonyConditt twitter.com/kaivanshr "I view myself as a conservative" Perpetrator is revealed to be conservative / right- wing extremist. Hates immigrants and gays. "jews, ni**ers, immigrants killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks" Why gay marriage should be illegal An argument for the Death Penalty Ernest B (Ben) Trew @ebtrew 3h Austin bomber was an unemployed 20-something whole episode smells of False Flag Scenario Was the Parkland shooting a false flag Declare event a false flag, tell others to stop politicizing tragedies repeatedly mention Bernie attacker [-] MakeCAGreatAgain .쑈 CA MIH 82 points Austin Bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, 24-year-old white male Here we gooooo000000000 nauseam onslaught incoming (unless he turns out to be a lefty.redd.it) ames Hodgkinson multiple senators at ame permalink embed save deport give gold reply 161 Mental gymnastics (imgur.com) [-] b_resh 8 points 1 day ago But muh narrative?! Say something about "the narrative". Accuse others of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics Ad hominem projection at its finest iredd.it) gold The cognitive dissonance is deafening -1 CupcakeDoll85 MH3 points 17 days ago Where is HIS blue check verification? Oh right, the narrative permalink embed save deport give gold reply submitted 1 day ago by TendiesUSA M successfully navigated this mass casualtv event.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/353/956/32d.png)
![The_Donald's Handy Checklist For Mass Casualty Events -1 DankoJones841776 M H 47 points Let's not jump conclu- aaand it's muslims permalink embed save deport give gold reply -] crobbies MH 7 points Wasnt some antifa group just busted for having explosives? Could this be practice runs by far left, who are known to favor bombs? -] Michael_A_Trivisonno The only people that engage in this sort of garbage are commies and jihadis So, check the local mosque as well as the local FBl office mmediately declare that the perpetrator is liberal / antifa I muslim H just-an-idea-1 M HJ 19 points This has lefist Antifa written all over it. FL M H 48 points parent re Complain about how the perpetrator's identity hasn't been released yet, and repeatedly say "Coulter's Law" -] krickeydonutsDTOM MH 22 points FL SHOOTING: ANN COULTER LAW IS IN EFFECT submitted 1 month ago by pdotuts MH 1 comment share save hide give gold deport parent give gold reply Perpetrator is revealed to be a white male VldMAGANRAVikki 12h I-] GeneticsGuy M H 3 points 1 month ago It is real... read head. His social media is showing he is an Antifa cocksucker too Registerd Democrat #MarkAnthonyC°ndítt #Acti neombings #Austin Bomber NICHOLAS CRUZ About Mark Conditt Edit Info Share photoshopped voting records social media pages that show the perpetrator is liberal Jim Hoft Follow BREAKING: Don't Let The MAGA Hat Fool You, Hispanic Shooter "Nicolas de Jesus Cruz" Was A Registered TheDemocrats I-1 typeOnullTOM M H 13 points 1 mon Birthday. 06/16/1994 Income: $20 $29,999 Current Net Worth: $1 $4,999 Political Affiliation: Democrat Party He was confirmed antifa Ethnicity: Caucasian permalink embed save deport give gold reply Funny how they have ALL been DEMOCRATS #MarkAnthonyConditt twitter.com/kaivanshr "I view myself as a conservative" Perpetrator is revealed to be conservative / right- wing extremist. Hates immigrants and gays. "jews, ni**ers, immigrants killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks" Why gay marriage should be illegal An argument for the Death Penalty Ernest B (Ben) Trew @ebtrew 3h Austin bomber was an unemployed 20-something whole episode smells of False Flag Scenario Was the Parkland shooting a false flag Declare event a false flag, tell others to stop politicizing tragedies repeatedly mention Bernie attacker [-] MakeCAGreatAgain .쑈 CA MIH 82 points Austin Bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, 24-year-old white male Here we gooooo000000000 nauseam onslaught incoming (unless he turns out to be a lefty.redd.it) ames Hodgkinson multiple senators at ame permalink embed save deport give gold reply 161 Mental gymnastics (imgur.com) [-] b_resh 8 points 1 day ago But muh narrative?! Say something about "the narrative". Accuse others of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics Ad hominem projection at its finest iredd.it) gold The cognitive dissonance is deafening -1 CupcakeDoll85 MH3 points 17 days ago Where is HIS blue check verification? Oh right, the narrative permalink embed save deport give gold reply submitted 1 day ago by TendiesUSA M successfully navigated this mass casualtv event.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/353/956/32d.png)
2018 Austin Bombings
If you know your histroy you'd find this funny

2018 Austin Bombings
AUSTIN BOMBING SUSPECT IS DEAD. Great job by law enforcement and all concerned!

2018 Austin Bombings
The total reward amount for information leading to the arrest & conviction of person/s responsible for #packagebombmurders is 115k. Please contact @Au...

2018 Austin Bombings
.@POTUS mourns for victims of the recent bombings in Austin. We are monitoring the situation, federal authorities are coordinating w/ local officials....

2018 Austin Bombings
Stephan's House 2

2018 Austin Bombings
Anthony Stephan's House

2018 Austin Bombings