2019 Blizzard Boycott - Images
Let's just ignore the fact that Tencent is the entire reason this happened in the first place

2019 Blizzard Boycott
I know y'all don't like object labeling shtuff but here you go

2019 Blizzard Boycott
top text

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Edgy Xin Jinping print mock-up

2019 Blizzard Boycott
south park good | r/memes

2019 Blizzard Boycott
nvidia now banned in china | r/memes

2019 Blizzard Boycott
South Park's expert timing.

2019 Blizzard Boycott
It's Blizzard's Time

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Fortnite bad but

2019 Blizzard Boycott
[Update: Fake News] So now Blizzard have disabled ALL FOUR authentication methods to actively stop p...

2019 Blizzard Boycott
The first member of the HK crew

2019 Blizzard Boycott
A Real Hero

2019 Blizzard Boycott

2019 Blizzard Boycott

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Epic CEO Tim Sweeny confirms that despite Tencent owning 40% of shares in the company they will not ...

2019 Blizzard Boycott
This meme cannot be seen in China

2019 Blizzard Boycott