2019 Blizzard Boycott - Images
Punish Them

2019 Blizzard Boycott
"Oh no! Now there's 3 of them!"

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Why does this always happen when I want something

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Blizzard's feelings to China

2019 Blizzard Boycott
You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

2019 Blizzard Boycott
People debating how Blizzard could be so money grubby, yet they're one of the only developers I can ...

2019 Blizzard Boycott

2019 Blizzard Boycott
This always happens when I want something

2019 Blizzard Boycott

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Mark Ker has joined the fray!

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Mark Kern speaks out

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Official: Mei hates the CCP

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Pro Hong Kong Mei inspiered by a post on here. Fuck Blizzard.

2019 Blizzard Boycott
It would be such a shame if Mei from Overwatch became a pro-democracy symbol and got Blizzard's game...

2019 Blizzard Boycott
make it happen, nerds meme magic

2019 Blizzard Boycott
Just found out about human rights. Damn, that shit sucks.

2019 Blizzard Boycott