2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting - Trending Images
Usual day at ISIS

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
/pol/ on Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooter

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
Brian Clyde had not aimed clearly, 'fore a bullet fairly ripped, and the Marshal's aim was deadly wi...

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
The dude who made the Dallas shooter photo be like

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
"Look at this fucking dork"

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
/k/ommando kritique
2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
Another one bites the dust (and joins the club)

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
"I absolutely cannot believe how close the Dallas shooter was to @TomFoxPhoto today. So glad Tom escaped ok." - Robert Cohen

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
Oof 100

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
This is the work of an enemy Stand!

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
/k/ captions Brian

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
Was getting shot part of your master plan?

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
You've lost karma!

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
I Sure Hope You Guys Don't Shoot This

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting
Don't worry babe, he's just a battle buddy

2019 Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting