2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting - Images
"Mission Accomplished"

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
Stochastic and then Domestic Terrorism

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
The manifesto broken down
2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
he can't keep getting away with this

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
Unintended Consequences

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
What REALLY Happened

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
8chan post
![The 8chan Global Rule> [The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies | Global Volunteers Dost Test | FAQ] File (hide): 7de586dfe57c373pdf (328.93 KB, P. CrusiusNotificationdf) (h) (u) Crusius Notification Letter.pdf 3561044 >>13561050 >13561066 Watch Thread] [Feature Thread] [Show All Posts EITS TIME Anonymous 08/03/19 F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the good fight Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 11:17:38 ID: 10c7fa No.13561050 >>13561044 (OP) Hello FBI Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 11:20:32 ID: 58820b No.13561062 File (hide): 7e1363f7757dbaapdf (74.69 KB, The Inconvenient Truth.pdf) (h) (u) FML nervous as hell. This is the actual manifesto F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going t die today. Keep up the good fight.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/528/916/d2b.jpg)
![The 8chan Global Rule> [The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies | Global Volunteers Dost Test | FAQ] File (hide): 7de586dfe57c373pdf (328.93 KB, P. CrusiusNotificationdf) (h) (u) Crusius Notification Letter.pdf 3561044 >>13561050 >13561066 Watch Thread] [Feature Thread] [Show All Posts EITS TIME Anonymous 08/03/19 F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the good fight Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 11:17:38 ID: 10c7fa No.13561050 >>13561044 (OP) Hello FBI Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 11:20:32 ID: 58820b No.13561062 File (hide): 7e1363f7757dbaapdf (74.69 KB, The Inconvenient Truth.pdf) (h) (u) FML nervous as hell. This is the actual manifesto F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going t die today. Keep up the good fight.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/528/916/d2b.jpg)
2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
El Paso Shooting Happenned Some Time After Antifa Announced September Raid

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
El Paso Shooting was Made to Shift Blame Onto the Right

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
They've been here since 2008

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
Alleged Twitter account of the shooter

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
8chan's shooter post
![File (hide) 7de586dfe57c373...pdf (328.93 KB, P Crusius - Notification ...pdf) (h) (u) EITS TIME Anonymouse 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:15:20 ID: 58820b No.13561044 135610501358 1066 Watch Thread] [Feature Thread] [Show All Posts] F--- this is going to be so St butI can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is su good fight I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:17:38 ID: 10c7fa No.13561050 13561044 (OP) Hello FBI Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:20:32 ID: 58820b No.13561062 File (hide): 7e1363f7757dbaapdf (74.80 KB, The Inconvenient Truth.pdf (h) (u) FML nervous as hell. This is the actual manifesto F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the good fight. Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:21:41 ID: 7049e7 No.13561066 File (hide): 3b189c2f235ad57.. ipg (75.86 KB, 601x500, 601:500, EmperorSpanking.jpg) (h) (u)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/528/075/078.png)
![File (hide) 7de586dfe57c373...pdf (328.93 KB, P Crusius - Notification ...pdf) (h) (u) EITS TIME Anonymouse 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:15:20 ID: 58820b No.13561044 135610501358 1066 Watch Thread] [Feature Thread] [Show All Posts] F--- this is going to be so St butI can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is su good fight I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:17:38 ID: 10c7fa No.13561050 13561044 (OP) Hello FBI Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:20:32 ID: 58820b No.13561062 File (hide): 7e1363f7757dbaapdf (74.80 KB, The Inconvenient Truth.pdf (h) (u) FML nervous as hell. This is the actual manifesto F--- this is going to be so s--- but I can't wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y'all will know the truth! I'm probably going to die today. Keep up the good fight. Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat) 16:21:41 ID: 7049e7 No.13561066 File (hide): 3b189c2f235ad57.. ipg (75.86 KB, 601x500, 601:500, EmperorSpanking.jpg) (h) (u)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/528/075/078.png)
2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
Alleged Shooter's Manifesto (unverified)

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting
/pol/ thread

2019 El Paso Walmart Shooting