2019 Grammy Awards - Images
This happened yesterday...

2019 Grammy Awards
What my food sees when I check on them in the oven #Grammys

2019 Grammy Awards
“per my previous email”

2019 Grammy Awards
Trying to look at the profile picture of someone on private who adds you on Instagram #Grammys

2019 Grammy Awards
@iamcardib be looking like Ursula #GRAMMYs

2019 Grammy Awards
Cardi B looking like she wearing Ferrero Rocher couture 😂 #Grammys

2019 Grammy Awards
Why cardi b wearing a coffee filter 💀💀 #GRAMMYs

2019 Grammy Awards
Who talks on their phone during the #Grammys ?!?!?!?!? 😆

2019 Grammy Awards
“Hello, Grammys? Why is JLo doing a MoTown tribute?“

2019 Grammy Awards
Crying I need a gif of Diana Ross daughter on the phone NEOWWWW #GRAMMYs

2019 Grammy Awards