The female-led Lord of the Flies wouldn't ever happen because women would just branch off into their...

All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation
Lady of the flies
![3 points 8 hours ago Wouldn't it be called "lady of the flies" permalink embed save edit disable inbox replies deletereply l'need feminism because No because the lord of the flies was the pig's head that was put on a spean permalink embed save parent deport give gold replymn, or a p--------. [S] [score hidden] 8 hours ago likingp nk 6 points 7 hours ago permalink embed save parent edit disable inbox replies delete reply [score hidden] 7 hours ago Amy Schumer gets another movie role! permalink embed save parent deport give gold reply](
![3 points 8 hours ago Wouldn't it be called "lady of the flies" permalink embed save edit disable inbox replies deletereply l'need feminism because No because the lord of the flies was the pig's head that was put on a spean permalink embed save parent deport give gold replymn, or a p--------. [S] [score hidden] 8 hours ago likingp nk 6 points 7 hours ago permalink embed save parent edit disable inbox replies delete reply [score hidden] 7 hours ago Amy Schumer gets another movie role! permalink embed save parent deport give gold reply](
All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation
The all-female Lord of the Flies movie will just be 2 hours of the girls enjoying not having their jokes mansplained to them.

All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation
And now dudes are mansplaining at me how Lord of the Flies wasn't about toxic masculinity, but just "culture." Lololol.

All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation
An all women remake of Lord of the Flies makes no sense because... the plot of that book wouldn't happen with all women.

All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation
uhm lord of the flies is about the replication of systemic masculine toxicity every 9th grader knows this u can read about it on sparknotes

All-Female "Lord of the Flies" Adaptation