Daraprim Price Hike - Images
Revenues from Daraprim Sales

Daraprim Price Hike
Google the guy who increased the price of a pill to $750, Martin Shkreli : )

Daraprim Price Hike
Do You Want The Attention of Anonymous?

Daraprim Price Hike
CEO Martin Shkreli vs. Dr. Jonas Salk

Daraprim Price Hike
Scumbag CEO

Daraprim Price Hike
Scumbag Steve AIDS medicine

Daraprim Price Hike
Ill buy a drug for treating aids

Daraprim Price Hike
Buys rights to a cheap drug

Daraprim Price Hike
SCUMBAG CEO looks like one of the Hardly Boys from South Park

Daraprim Price Hike
Martin Shkreli's Ambien Tweet

Daraprim Price Hike
Hillary Clinton's Price Gouging Tweet

Daraprim Price Hike
Martin Shkreli Calls John Carroll a "Moron"

Daraprim Price Hike
John Carroll Vs. Shkreli Tweets

Daraprim Price Hike