Defund The Police - Images
police funding

Defund The Police
Me and the boys keeping the status quo.

Defund The Police
People 12 weeks later ready to abolish the police

Defund The Police
Another account spammed the hashtag back in 2015
Defund The Police
DefundthePolice was planted back in 2015 by a now Qanon account.

Defund The Police
[Snake Plissken Music Intensifies]

Defund The Police
Who you gonna call

Defund The Police
Defund the NYPD

Defund The Police
This year has seen the lowest crime numbers in our Country’s recorded history, and now the Radical Left Democrats want to Defund and Abandon our Polic...

Defund The Police
BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members will announce today their commitment to disbanding the city’s embattled police dep...

Defund The Police
The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) formed in December of 2014, was created as a space for Black organizations across the country to debate and discus...

Defund The Police
Know that it's still both, but don't let the "who" overshadow the decades of structural racism that has created the system that allows police officer ...

Defund The Police
When police states get out of control, it becomes time to defund the police. Ballot measures to decrease funding of police, reject bonds &OT

Defund The Police