Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) - Images
Resident evil 2 Remake

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
I wasn't paying attention to Sony's E3 so how fucked up was the audio

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
My Xbox E3

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
Ubisoft Press Conference (2017)

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
The hype is real

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
Friendship with ubisoft

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
Ren posting on 8chan

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
Leakers look out

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
When i saw 'Xbox One X' this is what i though first.

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
Man the E3 shirts got real weird

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
video game

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
my reaction when the alt-right hates wolfenstein 2 cause you get to kill nazis

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
E3 2017 so far

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
2017 Bethesda e3 conference in a nutshell

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)