That's awkward
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
Readers added context
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
It's illegal to say
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
"This is Pride country!"
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
cope and cis you whiny lil bitch
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
Exactly. This.
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
Elon Then vs. Elon Now
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
The word 'cis' is really useful. You can instantly tell if someone is as dumb as fuck if they use it. #CisIsNotASlur
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
See also: "I'm not straight, I'm normal" "I'm not cis, I'm normal"
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
#CisIsNotASlur Sure it's not. Sure it's not.
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
They don't actually think 'cis' is a slur. Transphobes just pretend it is in order to mock trans people and derail discussions for trans equality by g...
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
If cis is a slur why haven't I ever heard 8 year olds shouting it into their mics on Fortnite
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
Elon Musk declares that "Cis" and "Cisgender" are slurs political compass
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
JK Rowling has now transitioned to denying that trans people exist. She is a bigot. She is causing immense harm. People of good conscience need to sto...
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
As a writer, you’d think JK Rowling would endorse the use of an adjective to accurately and succinctly describe people who aren’t trans.
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
J.K. Rowling's 'Cis is a slur' Response
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform.
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy
I formally and publicly declare that I reject the label of “cis”. I don’t believe in gender ideology. I don’t self-identify as “cis”. Using this term...
Elon Musk "Cis Is a Slur" Controversy