Cartoon Romney Strangles Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Costume Romney Attacks Costume Big Bird
Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Big Bird - Check Down Wall Street, Not Sesame Street

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Its simple- we kill the big bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
The Attack on American Culture brought to you by the letter "R"

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Barney Still Loves Mitt

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
The Count count's Mitt Romney's Lies during the debate

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird