47% of Adults. 81% of Children

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Mitt Taught Me How to Spell FUCKED

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Busted. Broke a Comma Rule

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
PBS Busted for Teaching Kids to Read Good

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Romney Says He Loves Me and this is what I get?

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
I Hope Your Week was Better Than Mine

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
The Bird is the Word

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Mitt Hates PBS. Education is the Nanny's Job

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
A Government Supported Artist... is an Incompetent Whore

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Public Enemy #1

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Hey Romney. My Best Friend is a Wooly Mammoth

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Big Bird, Big Bird. What'Cha Gonna Do When Mitt Romney Comes for You?

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Haters Gonna Hate

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
Mitt Romney Wishes Big Bird was Emo

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
They Repoed the Hummer Fozzie. That's Why I'm Walking

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird
I Need to Learn Chinese? Thanks Mitt

Fired Big Bird / Mitt Romney Hates Big Bird