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Is this how you treat someone with terminal cancer?

#Savepoint SXSW Panel

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Another Panel goes down

Aggros isnt real

What it feels to lie.

![ Sarah Nyberg @srhbutts Follow (CW for extreme transmisogynistic violence) #gamergate's transphobia extends far, far beyond just bigoted opinions [Soclus][Censorship] Feminist Germaine Greer explains her stance on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWs, by PolackTopkek in 个【-) Spencock 1point 7hours ago trannys are f------ garbage, if one ever tries to "trick me" it will end up "tricked" itself when I lure it into an alley on the pretense it was woman and when I claim it pulled out a c--- and tried to r--- me it got its head caved in with a RETWEETS FAVORITES 36 36 4:12 PM-24 Oct 2015 [SocJus][Censorship] Feminist Germaine Greer explains her stance on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWs. by PolackTopKek in KotakuInAction 个[-] Spamcock 1 point 7 hours ago trannys are f------ garbage, if one ever tries to "trick me" it will end up "tricked" itself when i lure it into an alley on the pretense it was woman and when i claim it pulled out a c--- and tried to r--- me it got its head caved in with a brick checkmate_feminist germaine_greer_explains/cwb87i2 permalink save context full comments (48) report give gold [deleted] 7 hours ago on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWS. (self.KotakulnAction) Tremovedl submitted 11 hours ago by PolackTopKek KotakulnAction o Expressing your blanket hate for trans* people, while abhorrent (IMO), is something you should be allowed to express here Taking it to the next level and actually advocating for physical violence is another thing and you can take that somewhere else EDIT: Consider this a formal Rule 1 warning -l Spamcock -8 points 7 hours ago I don't care, they are really disturbing people who's mental views shouldn't be let anywhere near the world stage blocking-treatment.html you might as well be treating a child as pet you take to the vet at that point and no one in their right mind would opt to do this to themselves without toxic influence [-] cha0s [Code Monkey tat tvam as 13 points 7 hours ago Yeah okay, so we've established that there are crazy people in the world. Great insight This does not somehow make it anything less than retarded to actually advocate for physical Gaming Ethics Journalism Censorship ntir be of the what's wrong with tha payin o GamerGate, then the t this - Spamcock e subrnit to your fear or they will make you submit to theirs, the deciding is who you think lives ed by the enemy's -l c Code Monk -l chaos [Code Monkey tat tvam asi rmi ive - Spamcock tha tha ully. Can you h Guy a - Spamcock f throwir d your views you d your views you shouldn't have the right to verbal the They all hide behind s----- laws which are really just ink on paper, I an sure books make good shields bully wot ever, you people are arguing with idiots, you really think some threads in your quarantine on reddit is going to do anything? btw you are getting hijacked by SJWs on voat your next best chance hat's one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard someone express. I hope you're just trolling. You are advocating for censorship through physical violence Get the f--- out, your views are not welcome here](
![ Sarah Nyberg @srhbutts Follow (CW for extreme transmisogynistic violence) #gamergate's transphobia extends far, far beyond just bigoted opinions [Soclus][Censorship] Feminist Germaine Greer explains her stance on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWs, by PolackTopkek in 个【-) Spencock 1point 7hours ago trannys are f------ garbage, if one ever tries to "trick me" it will end up "tricked" itself when I lure it into an alley on the pretense it was woman and when I claim it pulled out a c--- and tried to r--- me it got its head caved in with a RETWEETS FAVORITES 36 36 4:12 PM-24 Oct 2015 [SocJus][Censorship] Feminist Germaine Greer explains her stance on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWs. by PolackTopKek in KotakuInAction 个[-] Spamcock 1 point 7 hours ago trannys are f------ garbage, if one ever tries to "trick me" it will end up "tricked" itself when i lure it into an alley on the pretense it was woman and when i claim it pulled out a c--- and tried to r--- me it got its head caved in with a brick checkmate_feminist germaine_greer_explains/cwb87i2 permalink save context full comments (48) report give gold [deleted] 7 hours ago on transexuality after censorship campaign from SJWS. (self.KotakulnAction) Tremovedl submitted 11 hours ago by PolackTopKek KotakulnAction o Expressing your blanket hate for trans* people, while abhorrent (IMO), is something you should be allowed to express here Taking it to the next level and actually advocating for physical violence is another thing and you can take that somewhere else EDIT: Consider this a formal Rule 1 warning -l Spamcock -8 points 7 hours ago I don't care, they are really disturbing people who's mental views shouldn't be let anywhere near the world stage blocking-treatment.html you might as well be treating a child as pet you take to the vet at that point and no one in their right mind would opt to do this to themselves without toxic influence [-] cha0s [Code Monkey tat tvam as 13 points 7 hours ago Yeah okay, so we've established that there are crazy people in the world. Great insight This does not somehow make it anything less than retarded to actually advocate for physical Gaming Ethics Journalism Censorship ntir be of the what's wrong with tha payin o GamerGate, then the t this - Spamcock e subrnit to your fear or they will make you submit to theirs, the deciding is who you think lives ed by the enemy's -l c Code Monk -l chaos [Code Monkey tat tvam asi rmi ive - Spamcock tha tha ully. Can you h Guy a - Spamcock f throwir d your views you d your views you shouldn't have the right to verbal the They all hide behind s----- laws which are really just ink on paper, I an sure books make good shields bully wot ever, you people are arguing with idiots, you really think some threads in your quarantine on reddit is going to do anything? btw you are getting hijacked by SJWs on voat your next best chance hat's one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard someone express. I hope you're just trolling. You are advocating for censorship through physical violence Get the f--- out, your views are not welcome here](
Could this be true?...


Aggros Journalism

Hipster Mecca doesnt care


Game Journalism Standards

You and i need to talk
