GamerGate - Images
Kazerad on niches and GamerGate

![Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)13:16:28 No.XXX >>264023978 if you dont see a problem with what is happening then its □ Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)13:12:53 No.XXX to everyone else, stand up or this is the future of 4chan, where an entire is purged of anything the mods dont agree >>264023058 They refuse all discussion and nobody can get a reach of moot. Sounds f------ suspicious to me Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:45:14 No.200X im KB, 273x273, sampler fi.jpg) Gamergate thread? Gamergate thread VI IS FULL OF ART GAME SHILLS 4CHAN IS RUN BY FEMIN EXPECT TO SEE THIS BANNED 3 day FREE SPEECH ON THE INTERNET Ba Request Thread Outside of Ir/ ITS ALL OVER FIND ANOTHER LURK PLACE GAMERGATE WOMEN SHILL LEIGH ANITA JOOT IS WITH THEM HE IS NO LONGER NON-PRACTICING IT SEEMS 0 File: 1410965262422 png-(791 KB, 800x2600, 3El7hiZ.png) 14 days 3 day 3 day 3 day 30 days Global 4 - Personal Information/Invasion/Raid one hour and 7 minutes nogamer gate thread ven 3/10 GOT ME BANNED Sports Only one hour an BLAME TUMBLR #YOLO Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ one hour an Ban Evasion and 21 ivi censorship and game-r ga-te Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:23:31 No File: 1410971011262.ipg-148 KB, 872x355, gamergate-not-allowed-on-(....jpg) one hour and 36 minutes ago one hour an one hour and 36 minutes ago Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r! s opinion on this? Global 9 - Ban Evasion rotsubot) if you want to talk about gam it on another website. It is not allowed Anything with even 'GG in the title is getting wiped off the board Oh no you le don't! Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:39:59 No.XX)X File: 1410971999419.ipg-(425 KB, 1165x1000, 1410776821316.jpg) Reposting/Spamming ime avatars) why not Yotsubot? Have the mods been infiltrated? opic, Not also has anyone realized that part of their plan might be to make us squander effort and res Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ 0 KB, 444x lobal 8 - Complaining About 4chan one hour an ing days Of-Topic, Neither Sexy nor Beautiful as Global 5 NWS on Worksafe Board Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ v 1- Off-Topic, Not Vidya Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board ours an doing this. Its been going round We need your amazing shitpost abilities the clock for f------ hours, both threads and individual 3 day 3 days 3 days 3 days hours and 13 minute s ago Please help us, you're our last hope posts ours an 2 hours and 26 minutes ago Some s--- is going on 2 hours and 48 minutes File: 14109696846 1.35 MB, 2157x1152, 1410967720143.jpg) Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)11:39:28 No.XXX File: 1410968368817.png-(28 KB, 800x1132, 1410671419432.png) 3 day EMIMSR VEHAT IS YOUR REAL TARGET HomeNe Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)11:05:43 No.XXX /watch?v=pKmy50Kg6lo [Embed] cowardly censored /watch?v=Km3DZQp0StE [Embed] >>264006606 Before the thread 404s KEEP THOSE EMAILS GOING Read the FAQ: Do you guys support cens REMINDERS (IMPORTANT, READ me THESE Head to the links in _pGw if you want to discuss the recent censorship, SJW and corruption controversies COWARDLY CENSORED Use to deny sites ad-revenue from Be civil if you have to argue with people on twitter. Don't Ignore derailers and shills. Refer to this guide if you make us look like douchebags encounter one:](
![Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)13:16:28 No.XXX >>264023978 if you dont see a problem with what is happening then its □ Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)13:12:53 No.XXX to everyone else, stand up or this is the future of 4chan, where an entire is purged of anything the mods dont agree >>264023058 They refuse all discussion and nobody can get a reach of moot. Sounds f------ suspicious to me Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:45:14 No.200X im KB, 273x273, sampler fi.jpg) Gamergate thread? Gamergate thread VI IS FULL OF ART GAME SHILLS 4CHAN IS RUN BY FEMIN EXPECT TO SEE THIS BANNED 3 day FREE SPEECH ON THE INTERNET Ba Request Thread Outside of Ir/ ITS ALL OVER FIND ANOTHER LURK PLACE GAMERGATE WOMEN SHILL LEIGH ANITA JOOT IS WITH THEM HE IS NO LONGER NON-PRACTICING IT SEEMS 0 File: 1410965262422 png-(791 KB, 800x2600, 3El7hiZ.png) 14 days 3 day 3 day 3 day 30 days Global 4 - Personal Information/Invasion/Raid one hour and 7 minutes nogamer gate thread ven 3/10 GOT ME BANNED Sports Only one hour an BLAME TUMBLR #YOLO Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ one hour an Ban Evasion and 21 ivi censorship and game-r ga-te Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:23:31 No File: 1410971011262.ipg-148 KB, 872x355, gamergate-not-allowed-on-(....jpg) one hour and 36 minutes ago one hour an one hour and 36 minutes ago Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r! s opinion on this? Global 9 - Ban Evasion rotsubot) if you want to talk about gam it on another website. It is not allowed Anything with even 'GG in the title is getting wiped off the board Oh no you le don't! Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)12:39:59 No.XX)X File: 1410971999419.ipg-(425 KB, 1165x1000, 1410776821316.jpg) Reposting/Spamming ime avatars) why not Yotsubot? Have the mods been infiltrated? opic, Not also has anyone realized that part of their plan might be to make us squander effort and res Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ 0 KB, 444x lobal 8 - Complaining About 4chan one hour an ing days Of-Topic, Neither Sexy nor Beautiful as Global 5 NWS on Worksafe Board Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ v 1- Off-Topic, Not Vidya Global 3 - Garbage Outside of /b/ Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board ours an doing this. Its been going round We need your amazing shitpost abilities the clock for f------ hours, both threads and individual 3 day 3 days 3 days 3 days hours and 13 minute s ago Please help us, you're our last hope posts ours an 2 hours and 26 minutes ago Some s--- is going on 2 hours and 48 minutes File: 14109696846 1.35 MB, 2157x1152, 1410967720143.jpg) Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)11:39:28 No.XXX File: 1410968368817.png-(28 KB, 800x1132, 1410671419432.png) 3 day EMIMSR VEHAT IS YOUR REAL TARGET HomeNe Anonymous 09/17/14(Wed)11:05:43 No.XXX /watch?v=pKmy50Kg6lo [Embed] cowardly censored /watch?v=Km3DZQp0StE [Embed] >>264006606 Before the thread 404s KEEP THOSE EMAILS GOING Read the FAQ: Do you guys support cens REMINDERS (IMPORTANT, READ me THESE Head to the links in _pGw if you want to discuss the recent censorship, SJW and corruption controversies COWARDLY CENSORED Use to deny sites ad-revenue from Be civil if you have to argue with people on twitter. Don't Ignore derailers and shills. Refer to this guide if you make us look like douchebags encounter one:](
TB on CHSommers

Being blacklisted by Kotaku editor

Few words from the PR guy

The Cathedral of Misogyny Is 65% Women

Adam Baldwin and logic vs feels

He's not even pretending it's not clickbait

This was too fucking good to pass up.

Support Kotaku and Polygon Today!

Based Archon

GG thread under invasion

Chrisitina H Sommers confirmed for leader of GamerISIS!

Anti-GG meeting

Suspicion of evidence forgery

