GamerGate - Images
This Tool Thinks He Knows What GamerGate Is All About And Why They Are Wrong (According To Him)


Any More Doubters?

They sure value women

Money Quest

Read From Bottom To Top ( Yes, She Is Totally Serious)

Social Justice As Defined By Mara Wilson


Double Standards

GamerGate According To Robert Ohlen (Dreamhack CEO)

It's like they don't even want to try to hide it.

Camo is 2Spooky

8chan's guide to boycott Intel CPU
![? 3G+e a * ” b meta int watchlist 4free Catales Posting mode: Reply Reburnl Subject New Reply Spoiler Image File Browse No ile selected ●●●●●●●● |For file deletion.) Tree view File cidsl: 141301317673 ipg (31.01 KB, so0x275, 20:11, 2No-intelinaide 400x275ipa) □ The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 18:39:36 ID T7ddd2 No 86807 watch Thread! Dear Fellow Feminists I have noticed that many of you still use Intel products, when we be doing a total boycott on companies that support misogyny Apple MacBooks and other Macs have Intel processors in them. This can be replaced with another processor x86. AMD is currently the most popular. The latest fx senies of processors are good candidates to replace the intemal processor of your Apple product. Using a flat head screw driver, ply the front plate (the keyboard side) until this board is exposed. The large square with the label "intel" and the golden triangle is the processor that you must remove. Simply use a flat head screwdriver around the edges to remove the epoxy, the processor should easily come off. It might take some work, depending used it is. Sell it on ebay for an easy $50 Next, unbox your AMD cpu, and carefully insert the processor without touching the heat sink, which is the silver "lid" (its okay to touch the pins). it should snap into place Next reinsert the board, and snap the bezel back on. Your macBook is now running intel freel:) As a bonus, you also leaned something about electronics today. Pretty easy The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 18 51 26 ID OME) No 86836 met99 meet 86807 OP OMG IT WORKS!!! The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:05:24 ID: 43b4f3 No.86890 286836 隗does. Another woman in my woman's studies course had her boyfriend who's a certified apple tech swap it over for her last week. It works a lot better too, jezebel and tumblir load a lot quicker. I urge everyone to tweet this out, thisl show intel how much of a mistake they made The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.06:09 ID: 05eba7 No.86893 So This. lrea a description like this a work and stopped by this gross electronic store on my way back from hot yoga Not only were the orean? shop owners literally r----- me the entire time was S L O W L Y tring to explain that I knew why needed the AMD thingy I wanted and I didn't need any manplaining about why I was making a mistake (Intel really is the preferred brand of s----- misogypigs.) Anyway, I thought this was going to be a bigger deal than it was. You dont even need a "screwdriver" (ugh, that word is soooo wrongjas I had completed the entire dealie with a cheap Ikea butterknife (it did get bent, oh well they only cost $7 per dozen if you catch them on clearance in under 30 minutes. AMD computers are much better than Intel computers anyway because I KNON my late 2013 Retina Display MacBook Pro is MUCH faster than it was The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:06 46 ID: 622762 No. 86896 Thought I wouldn't be able to do it, but it didn't turn out to be too hard at all. Thank you Also, don't forget to delete system32 while you are at it, it contains junk files installed by Intel. Those shitlords wont get any more of my money The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.07:27 ID: fbeTe7 No.86898 was twitting angnly Tim Cook the rest of the night about 4D 86836 86807 OP) Thanks, we should spread this over twitter to helo fellow wymyns The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:07:54 IDCARD No 86899 File chide): 1413014874396 png (258.97 KB, 510:528, 258.203, 1413013097003 esl 002 The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.0816 ID: 3aa4eb No.86903 You m-----------, you. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.13.44 ID: 4347a No.86911 Thanks for this OP I had a little trouble getting the front plate off but after that it was so easy to replace the processor I then drilled a hole in the old processor so l can put it on a keyring to remind me how empowering it is to do these things for yourself despite what the naysayers tell you. The AMD processor is working great, my MacBook is even running quieter now.: The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:13:44 ID: e259de No.86912 As a random computer technician on the intemet. I say trust this 100%. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:24:17 ID: @sese No. 86933兰eess율 zzease2 2essre 86807 (OP) Very funny, but this is going to lead to drama and tears and be used against GG. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:34:05 ID: 624710 No.86958 86933 Oh. Oh gosh golly, idiots will do something just because they're mad on the intemet. We must use all our resources to stop this type of behaior at once. I know, let's ban the OP for misogyny, that'l show him. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:35:34 ID 7088e3 No 86962 86933 Because our public image is f------ stellar as it is. War is hard on everyone, n-----. Gotta keep morale up The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.3944 ID: e259de No. 86975 2286933 What the f--- are you talking about? Why are you trying to deny those brave feminist their right to use AMD over Intel? It works and you are just afraid that if they knew it, then your boycott of Intel would be meaningless. No you proud feminist use this idea and ignore this naysayer Delete Post [ 1 1 File] Password Delete ReasonGlobal] Report Return IGo to topl (Catalogl UpdatelAuto) 14 ? x + 0 Q ” | b / meta int y l watchlist ! inhod Copyright02010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group vichan Copyeight 2012-2014 vichan-devel Al tredemat. ”pyrights. omments. nd im eges on this page re owned by and re the responsabity of their respect,糟pries Contribure to 8chan.oo development at gi To make a DMCA tequest ar f port illegal “ntant, please email-amiaachanee or ui·the "Global Report' fundionality on every page. ratsutaBI yotsubal IDar희 Photonl [Custom]](
![? 3G+e a * ” b meta int watchlist 4free Catales Posting mode: Reply Reburnl Subject New Reply Spoiler Image File Browse No ile selected ●●●●●●●● |For file deletion.) Tree view File cidsl: 141301317673 ipg (31.01 KB, so0x275, 20:11, 2No-intelinaide 400x275ipa) □ The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 18:39:36 ID T7ddd2 No 86807 watch Thread! Dear Fellow Feminists I have noticed that many of you still use Intel products, when we be doing a total boycott on companies that support misogyny Apple MacBooks and other Macs have Intel processors in them. This can be replaced with another processor x86. AMD is currently the most popular. The latest fx senies of processors are good candidates to replace the intemal processor of your Apple product. Using a flat head screw driver, ply the front plate (the keyboard side) until this board is exposed. The large square with the label "intel" and the golden triangle is the processor that you must remove. Simply use a flat head screwdriver around the edges to remove the epoxy, the processor should easily come off. It might take some work, depending used it is. Sell it on ebay for an easy $50 Next, unbox your AMD cpu, and carefully insert the processor without touching the heat sink, which is the silver "lid" (its okay to touch the pins). it should snap into place Next reinsert the board, and snap the bezel back on. Your macBook is now running intel freel:) As a bonus, you also leaned something about electronics today. Pretty easy The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 18 51 26 ID OME) No 86836 met99 meet 86807 OP OMG IT WORKS!!! The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:05:24 ID: 43b4f3 No.86890 286836 隗does. Another woman in my woman's studies course had her boyfriend who's a certified apple tech swap it over for her last week. It works a lot better too, jezebel and tumblir load a lot quicker. I urge everyone to tweet this out, thisl show intel how much of a mistake they made The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.06:09 ID: 05eba7 No.86893 So This. lrea a description like this a work and stopped by this gross electronic store on my way back from hot yoga Not only were the orean? shop owners literally r----- me the entire time was S L O W L Y tring to explain that I knew why needed the AMD thingy I wanted and I didn't need any manplaining about why I was making a mistake (Intel really is the preferred brand of s----- misogypigs.) Anyway, I thought this was going to be a bigger deal than it was. You dont even need a "screwdriver" (ugh, that word is soooo wrongjas I had completed the entire dealie with a cheap Ikea butterknife (it did get bent, oh well they only cost $7 per dozen if you catch them on clearance in under 30 minutes. AMD computers are much better than Intel computers anyway because I KNON my late 2013 Retina Display MacBook Pro is MUCH faster than it was The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:06 46 ID: 622762 No. 86896 Thought I wouldn't be able to do it, but it didn't turn out to be too hard at all. Thank you Also, don't forget to delete system32 while you are at it, it contains junk files installed by Intel. Those shitlords wont get any more of my money The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.07:27 ID: fbeTe7 No.86898 was twitting angnly Tim Cook the rest of the night about 4D 86836 86807 OP) Thanks, we should spread this over twitter to helo fellow wymyns The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:07:54 IDCARD No 86899 File chide): 1413014874396 png (258.97 KB, 510:528, 258.203, 1413013097003 esl 002 The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.0816 ID: 3aa4eb No.86903 You m-----------, you. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.13.44 ID: 4347a No.86911 Thanks for this OP I had a little trouble getting the front plate off but after that it was so easy to replace the processor I then drilled a hole in the old processor so l can put it on a keyring to remind me how empowering it is to do these things for yourself despite what the naysayers tell you. The AMD processor is working great, my MacBook is even running quieter now.: The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:13:44 ID: e259de No.86912 As a random computer technician on the intemet. I say trust this 100%. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:24:17 ID: @sese No. 86933兰eess율 zzease2 2essre 86807 (OP) Very funny, but this is going to lead to drama and tears and be used against GG. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:34:05 ID: 624710 No.86958 86933 Oh. Oh gosh golly, idiots will do something just because they're mad on the intemet. We must use all our resources to stop this type of behaior at once. I know, let's ban the OP for misogyny, that'l show him. The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19:35:34 ID 7088e3 No 86962 86933 Because our public image is f------ stellar as it is. War is hard on everyone, n-----. Gotta keep morale up The Leader of Gamergate 10/11/14 (Sat) 19.3944 ID: e259de No. 86975 2286933 What the f--- are you talking about? Why are you trying to deny those brave feminist their right to use AMD over Intel? It works and you are just afraid that if they knew it, then your boycott of Intel would be meaningless. No you proud feminist use this idea and ignore this naysayer Delete Post [ 1 1 File] Password Delete ReasonGlobal] Report Return IGo to topl (Catalogl UpdatelAuto) 14 ? x + 0 Q ” | b / meta int y l watchlist ! inhod Copyright02010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group vichan Copyeight 2012-2014 vichan-devel Al tredemat. ”pyrights. omments. nd im eges on this page re owned by and re the responsabity of their respect,糟pries Contribure to 8chan.oo development at gi To make a DMCA tequest ar f port illegal “ntant, please email-amiaachanee or ui·the "Global Report' fundionality on every page. ratsutaBI yotsubal IDar희 Photonl [Custom]](
Brianna Wu false flag

Time Paradox!

"Those people are assholes"
