GamerGate - Images
Christina Hoff Sommers and Venom /v/
More like The Moral Guardian
![How does The Guardian value objectivity and free speech? Order by Newest * Show 25 . Threads Collapsed . Christian Burket 5m ago Yeah, this article is clearly giving an even handed, objective view at both sides of the issue /s Its funny how the author of the article fails to mention that gamergate has donated over a hundred thousand dollars to various charities. Unlike Anita Sarkeesian, who took 160 thousand dollars for a youtube series she is never going to complete. another thing you conveniently neglected to mention Here are just a few of the charities. and one of them is the TFYC charity for women in the games industry that Zoey quinn tried to shut down. Something that you also conveniently failed to mention. But I guess that might muck up your little narrative that gamergate is a bunch of raving woman haters. Oh and lets forget about all the death threats that #gamergate people have gotten. Because when your side does it, it doesn't characterize your side. Because that would be unfair, right? Hmmm, if I didn't know better, I would say you are holding back certain information in order to spin a one-sided narrative and instill that narrative in the minds of people who are too lazy to do their own research... but that would just be crazy. → Reply Report (2 youre viewing the Guardian's new website. We'd love to hear what you think Leave feedback > seconds later Order by Newest " Show 25 Threads Collapsed Christian Burket 8m ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs The Guardian tells us that #gamergate is wong and there are no issues with the integrity of journalism.. While they rigorously censor anyone with a dissenting opinion and anyone who posts facts that they neglected to mention in their one-sided hitpiece articles. → Reply Wntrmt 1h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Gil Hamlin 1h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQS → Reply Report h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Thales Oak Carvalho 2h ago Once again you got the same interview with Literally Who... → Reply Report lolitrollu 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Georgi'n'a Young 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs. Scattitude 2h ago All these hackers knocking about nowadays, you'd think one or two would help hit ack at these online shmucks harrassing people. They're simple jealous little nomarks who basically hate women, for various reasons →Reply Report BigNowitzki 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs When did it become acceptable or intellectually tenable, for a news outlet to take a one sided positions on an issue and censor the entire opposition This is not informative. This is Not news. There is a word for media like this Propaganda And The Guardian have shown themselves to be worse than Fox News. Not only have they clearly taken on a biased position on this issue, but they ignore and actively censor opposing viewpoints and they blatnatly withhold information from their viewers. l find this attitude of casual censorship to be appalling and cowardly. Sites like The Guardian have bastardized the term "progressive." They use it to defend charlatans and con artists and put themselves on a lofty moral pedestal. This is why #gamerg ate exists, to begin with](
![How does The Guardian value objectivity and free speech? Order by Newest * Show 25 . Threads Collapsed . Christian Burket 5m ago Yeah, this article is clearly giving an even handed, objective view at both sides of the issue /s Its funny how the author of the article fails to mention that gamergate has donated over a hundred thousand dollars to various charities. Unlike Anita Sarkeesian, who took 160 thousand dollars for a youtube series she is never going to complete. another thing you conveniently neglected to mention Here are just a few of the charities. and one of them is the TFYC charity for women in the games industry that Zoey quinn tried to shut down. Something that you also conveniently failed to mention. But I guess that might muck up your little narrative that gamergate is a bunch of raving woman haters. Oh and lets forget about all the death threats that #gamergate people have gotten. Because when your side does it, it doesn't characterize your side. Because that would be unfair, right? Hmmm, if I didn't know better, I would say you are holding back certain information in order to spin a one-sided narrative and instill that narrative in the minds of people who are too lazy to do their own research... but that would just be crazy. → Reply Report (2 youre viewing the Guardian's new website. We'd love to hear what you think Leave feedback > seconds later Order by Newest " Show 25 Threads Collapsed Christian Burket 8m ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs The Guardian tells us that #gamergate is wong and there are no issues with the integrity of journalism.. While they rigorously censor anyone with a dissenting opinion and anyone who posts facts that they neglected to mention in their one-sided hitpiece articles. → Reply Wntrmt 1h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Gil Hamlin 1h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQS → Reply Report h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Thales Oak Carvalho 2h ago Once again you got the same interview with Literally Who... → Reply Report lolitrollu 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs Georgi'n'a Young 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs. Scattitude 2h ago All these hackers knocking about nowadays, you'd think one or two would help hit ack at these online shmucks harrassing people. They're simple jealous little nomarks who basically hate women, for various reasons →Reply Report BigNowitzki 2h ago This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs When did it become acceptable or intellectually tenable, for a news outlet to take a one sided positions on an issue and censor the entire opposition This is not informative. This is Not news. There is a word for media like this Propaganda And The Guardian have shown themselves to be worse than Fox News. Not only have they clearly taken on a biased position on this issue, but they ignore and actively censor opposing viewpoints and they blatnatly withhold information from their viewers. l find this attitude of casual censorship to be appalling and cowardly. Sites like The Guardian have bastardized the term "progressive." They use it to defend charlatans and con artists and put themselves on a lofty moral pedestal. This is why #gamerg ate exists, to begin with](
Forehead, say hello to palm.
![Jenni Goodchild @PixieJenni な Follow It's telling how #GamerGate think the role of advocate. PLEASE tell that to critics in other mediums. わt구 ★ ..。 RETWEETS FAVORITES 42 2:02 PM-1 Dec 2014](
![Jenni Goodchild @PixieJenni な Follow It's telling how #GamerGate think the role of advocate. PLEASE tell that to critics in other mediums. わt구 ★ ..。 RETWEETS FAVORITES 42 2:02 PM-1 Dec 2014](
They forgot to mention that staying neutral is harassment in Anti-GG opinion.
![The next time the anti-humanist hate group known only as Anti-Gamergate (AGGro) dehumanizes and libels another human being as part of its hate campaign be sure and ask them what they mean by the much decried and highly questionable "harassment" it asserts innocent people are responsibly for. This false claim is used to justify its extreme racism and manipulative abuse of women. AGGro's definition of the word harassment likely doesn't match up with your own. Things Anti-Gamergate claims is Things Anti-Gamergate claims is harassment when done by others not harassment when they do it . Selling Fried Chicken . T-Shirts . Charity and Charity Drives Supporting women in gaming . Hats . Apologies . Retweets and favorites on Twitter . Replying when addressed . Replying politely when attacked and insulted . Not replying to them at all . Hashtags . Harassment (legal definition) . Daily Death Threats . R--- Threats . Daily Genocide Threats . Racism and Hate Speech . Homophobia . Trolling . Sexism Hatemail False Police Reports Libel and Slander Campaigns . . Stalking Facts and Examples . Science Bullyin . Astroturfing . False Flagging Art . Positive messages . Mathematics . Suffragette Colors . Disagreeing with them . Not agreeing with them enough . Agreeing with them at all Knowingly and maliciously misappropriating the actions of random internet trolls Name Calling Emotional Abuse and Manipulation Swatting (Attempted murder) Doxxing Illegal blacklisting Attempts to drive women out of gaming Attempts to drive women off twitter Repeatedly Breaking website, social media, and several laws to silence any voices thev dislike Merely Being White or Male Disagreeing that you are their property Not donating money directly to them . . . . . . For accurate anformation Pro-Gamergate free of spin by bigoted yellow journalists please visit](
![The next time the anti-humanist hate group known only as Anti-Gamergate (AGGro) dehumanizes and libels another human being as part of its hate campaign be sure and ask them what they mean by the much decried and highly questionable "harassment" it asserts innocent people are responsibly for. This false claim is used to justify its extreme racism and manipulative abuse of women. AGGro's definition of the word harassment likely doesn't match up with your own. Things Anti-Gamergate claims is Things Anti-Gamergate claims is harassment when done by others not harassment when they do it . Selling Fried Chicken . T-Shirts . Charity and Charity Drives Supporting women in gaming . Hats . Apologies . Retweets and favorites on Twitter . Replying when addressed . Replying politely when attacked and insulted . Not replying to them at all . Hashtags . Harassment (legal definition) . Daily Death Threats . R--- Threats . Daily Genocide Threats . Racism and Hate Speech . Homophobia . Trolling . Sexism Hatemail False Police Reports Libel and Slander Campaigns . . Stalking Facts and Examples . Science Bullyin . Astroturfing . False Flagging Art . Positive messages . Mathematics . Suffragette Colors . Disagreeing with them . Not agreeing with them enough . Agreeing with them at all Knowingly and maliciously misappropriating the actions of random internet trolls Name Calling Emotional Abuse and Manipulation Swatting (Attempted murder) Doxxing Illegal blacklisting Attempts to drive women out of gaming Attempts to drive women off twitter Repeatedly Breaking website, social media, and several laws to silence any voices thev dislike Merely Being White or Male Disagreeing that you are their property Not donating money directly to them . . . . . . For accurate anformation Pro-Gamergate free of spin by bigoted yellow journalists please visit](
More stuff uncovered.
![Mitu Khandaker-Kokoris gives money to Cara Ellison.tlin) Citation: Cara recommends Mitu's game. So apparently if you donate to Cara's Patreon she'll recommend your game. Is that how gaming journalism should work? RPS FEATURE Cyberpunk Bartending Sim S.EXE: VA-11 HALL-A ByCara Elison on October 0th 2014並9.00 pm 41 ++ 17 ports How about a sip of something entirely dfferent? Mitu Khandaker-Kokonis's Redshirt a sort of disempowerment tartesy-e sm set abo satincal sc语ship takes these dating mechancs to ther logical conclusion You are mining NPCs for resources, and are committing barefaced manipulation to further your career Utu's game is entirely based upon your relationships and simulates a Facebook-lke rtetace, which means tat you end up dating people to actualy be rewarded by ports, or status ite game, rather than lation or narative reward This game is enirely about relationships though the faw is that you have inse inerest in the romances themselves, rather what they do to your numbers Goes down smooth, but you might be in the mood for something more emotionaly involved Perhaps something with a fe sweetness PC GAMER Redshirt preview: a sci-fi "disempowerement fantasy" about social networking on a starship Citation: Past Pledges MDUR Brice is creating merritt kopas is creating Cara Ellison is creating ritica #GAMERGATE SAYS NOPE Addendum: IT GOES DEEPER In the same article where Cara recommends Mitu's game, she also heaps praise on Christine Love. Guess who donated to Cara's Patreon? Christine Love. Citatienc](
![Mitu Khandaker-Kokoris gives money to Cara Ellison.tlin) Citation: Cara recommends Mitu's game. So apparently if you donate to Cara's Patreon she'll recommend your game. Is that how gaming journalism should work? RPS FEATURE Cyberpunk Bartending Sim S.EXE: VA-11 HALL-A ByCara Elison on October 0th 2014並9.00 pm 41 ++ 17 ports How about a sip of something entirely dfferent? Mitu Khandaker-Kokonis's Redshirt a sort of disempowerment tartesy-e sm set abo satincal sc语ship takes these dating mechancs to ther logical conclusion You are mining NPCs for resources, and are committing barefaced manipulation to further your career Utu's game is entirely based upon your relationships and simulates a Facebook-lke rtetace, which means tat you end up dating people to actualy be rewarded by ports, or status ite game, rather than lation or narative reward This game is enirely about relationships though the faw is that you have inse inerest in the romances themselves, rather what they do to your numbers Goes down smooth, but you might be in the mood for something more emotionaly involved Perhaps something with a fe sweetness PC GAMER Redshirt preview: a sci-fi "disempowerement fantasy" about social networking on a starship Citation: Past Pledges MDUR Brice is creating merritt kopas is creating Cara Ellison is creating ritica #GAMERGATE SAYS NOPE Addendum: IT GOES DEEPER In the same article where Cara recommends Mitu's game, she also heaps praise on Christine Love. Guess who donated to Cara's Patreon? Christine Love. Citatienc](
![5 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT #GAMERGATE and the Truth Behind the Myths MYTH: #GamerGate is about women in the games industry. FACT: mGamerGate is overwhelmingly concerned with ethics in journalism and media. In both mainstream and gaming media. #GamerGate has been characterized as an attack on female game developers, critics, and writers, including Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu Primary Concern of 4 However, an October 2014 survey of Reddit.coms Kotaku in Action subreddit la pro-"GamerGate community] found that over 93% of "GamerGate supporters view collusion, corruption, bias, or censorship in games media as their primary concern in #GomerGate, Reasons for these concerns include the GamelournoPros scandal 2 undisclosed affiliate links and multiple instances of writers forgoing appropriate disclosure/recusal measures when dealing with conflicts of interest 456 163% 88% 680% Callusion and Corrption Censorship and Freedom of SpeechOthe Feminism ond Women in Ganes Reporting MYTH: Ethics in gaming journalism isn't a big deal FACT: Millions of people rely on games media With the assortment of other issues facing the world today, something as seemingly trivial as 'ethics in games journalism can sound like the ultimate first-world problem However, the video game market is set to total over 100 billion dollars (USD worldwide in 2014, according to Gartner? Additionally, the industry employs almost 2015 150,000 people in the United States alone8 and many more invest in its dozens of publicly traded companies 2014 Prome Over 100 million Americans purchased video games in 2013, with the average consumer year on them. Many of these people depend on games media being fair and unblased when making purchasing Global Video Game Market Size Projected 6 2013 spending $200 per 2012 Sze of Games Industry In Blons of USD Souroe Gartner MYTH: #GamerGate is an anti-feminist movement FACT: #GamerGate supporters are unabashedly pro-equality A common allegation against the #GamerGate movement is that its supporters are misogynistic and anti-feminist. However, a quick look into the "GamerGate community shows this claim to be false Feminism and Gender Equality in "GamerGate A surveyO of Reddit's Kotaku in Action subreddit la Pro-#GamerGate community) showed that 89% supporters of are proponents of gender equality, a figure 7% higher than the US national average, Additionally. #GamerGate supporters are more than twice as likely to identify as feminists than the general population (45% vs 20%)an average for the American Support Gender Equality Kołaku in Acton Pro"GamerGate Communityl General US Population Fernw MYTH: #GamerGate is made up of straight white men. FACT: #GamerGate supporters are exceptionally diverse te proponents have been characterized Racial and Ethnic Representation in Pro-GamerGate as straight, white men in publications lke NPR Salon 3, and The Guardian'4 However, as the thousands of women, LGBTO and people of color involved with #GamerGates #NotYourShield movement can attest to, this is a gross misrepresentation Comparing an October 2014 survey of Kotaku n Action (a pro-#GamerGate community) with a November 2014 survey of GamerGhazi lan anti-"GamerGate community) showed that members of the #GamerGate community are more likely to be racially and ethnically diverse 14 Additionally a November 2014 survey of Kotaku in Action showed that #GamerGates gay, lesbian, and bisexual is almost 8 times greater than the general US population (18% vs 23%) MYTH: #GamerGate wont accomplish anything. FACT: #GamerGate already has. h addition to catalyzing updates to ethics policies of Kotak.* ard The Escapist. #GamerGate has found multiple other ways to leave a positive impact In Operation UV, #GamerGate supporters successfully convinced the FTC to create new guidelines regarding the use of for-profit affililate links8 Under the new guidelines, online media outlets will be orced to disclose their use of programs like Amazon Associates, the iTunes Affiliate Program, and the Rakuten Affiliate Network Lastly, #GamerGate supporters have donated over $20,000 to help women enter the gaming ndustry9 and have raised over $115000 in total for various organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, PACER National Bullying Prevention Center, UNICEF, Toys for Tots and the World Wildlife Fund20 SOURCES gender 0411122013pd want a straight white male gaming convention how a culture war exploded in the video gaming world and](
![5 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT #GAMERGATE and the Truth Behind the Myths MYTH: #GamerGate is about women in the games industry. FACT: mGamerGate is overwhelmingly concerned with ethics in journalism and media. In both mainstream and gaming media. #GamerGate has been characterized as an attack on female game developers, critics, and writers, including Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu Primary Concern of 4 However, an October 2014 survey of Reddit.coms Kotaku in Action subreddit la pro-"GamerGate community] found that over 93% of "GamerGate supporters view collusion, corruption, bias, or censorship in games media as their primary concern in #GomerGate, Reasons for these concerns include the GamelournoPros scandal 2 undisclosed affiliate links and multiple instances of writers forgoing appropriate disclosure/recusal measures when dealing with conflicts of interest 456 163% 88% 680% Callusion and Corrption Censorship and Freedom of SpeechOthe Feminism ond Women in Ganes Reporting MYTH: Ethics in gaming journalism isn't a big deal FACT: Millions of people rely on games media With the assortment of other issues facing the world today, something as seemingly trivial as 'ethics in games journalism can sound like the ultimate first-world problem However, the video game market is set to total over 100 billion dollars (USD worldwide in 2014, according to Gartner? Additionally, the industry employs almost 2015 150,000 people in the United States alone8 and many more invest in its dozens of publicly traded companies 2014 Prome Over 100 million Americans purchased video games in 2013, with the average consumer year on them. Many of these people depend on games media being fair and unblased when making purchasing Global Video Game Market Size Projected 6 2013 spending $200 per 2012 Sze of Games Industry In Blons of USD Souroe Gartner MYTH: #GamerGate is an anti-feminist movement FACT: #GamerGate supporters are unabashedly pro-equality A common allegation against the #GamerGate movement is that its supporters are misogynistic and anti-feminist. However, a quick look into the "GamerGate community shows this claim to be false Feminism and Gender Equality in "GamerGate A surveyO of Reddit's Kotaku in Action subreddit la Pro-#GamerGate community) showed that 89% supporters of are proponents of gender equality, a figure 7% higher than the US national average, Additionally. #GamerGate supporters are more than twice as likely to identify as feminists than the general population (45% vs 20%)an average for the American Support Gender Equality Kołaku in Acton Pro"GamerGate Communityl General US Population Fernw MYTH: #GamerGate is made up of straight white men. FACT: #GamerGate supporters are exceptionally diverse te proponents have been characterized Racial and Ethnic Representation in Pro-GamerGate as straight, white men in publications lke NPR Salon 3, and The Guardian'4 However, as the thousands of women, LGBTO and people of color involved with #GamerGates #NotYourShield movement can attest to, this is a gross misrepresentation Comparing an October 2014 survey of Kotaku n Action (a pro-#GamerGate community) with a November 2014 survey of GamerGhazi lan anti-"GamerGate community) showed that members of the #GamerGate community are more likely to be racially and ethnically diverse 14 Additionally a November 2014 survey of Kotaku in Action showed that #GamerGates gay, lesbian, and bisexual is almost 8 times greater than the general US population (18% vs 23%) MYTH: #GamerGate wont accomplish anything. FACT: #GamerGate already has. h addition to catalyzing updates to ethics policies of Kotak.* ard The Escapist. #GamerGate has found multiple other ways to leave a positive impact In Operation UV, #GamerGate supporters successfully convinced the FTC to create new guidelines regarding the use of for-profit affililate links8 Under the new guidelines, online media outlets will be orced to disclose their use of programs like Amazon Associates, the iTunes Affiliate Program, and the Rakuten Affiliate Network Lastly, #GamerGate supporters have donated over $20,000 to help women enter the gaming ndustry9 and have raised over $115000 in total for various organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, PACER National Bullying Prevention Center, UNICEF, Toys for Tots and the World Wildlife Fund20 SOURCES gender 0411122013pd want a straight white male gaming convention how a culture war exploded in the video gaming world and](
Funnyjunk is with us.
![My sides are now in outer-space](
![My sides are now in outer-space](
Not sure if whistleblower?
![I really don't wanna know the contest of it. :/](
![I really don't wanna know the contest of it. :/](
![Have people lost their collective minds? Published on Tuesday, December 02, 2014 By Frogboy In Misc Brad Wardell I woke up today with my twitter feed full of angry, hateful people. Ok, so what are they mad about this time? I click on a few tweets and see back where they came from. Turns out Zoe Quinn is mad that several weeks ago I tweeted an artist who was looking for a job in the game industry that we're hiring artists. Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I do this several times a week. You want to work in the game industry? Send us your resume However, in this particular case, it turns out that the artist had made a crude cartoon about Zoe Quinn at some point in the past (it's not clear when) and represented my tweet to him as "offering a job to someone who makes revenge p--- about me" and showed the offensive cartoon to go with it. The implication she was making was that a. Offered someone a job and b. based on their disgusting cartoon. Neither of which is true Needless to say, I called her out on it. Jim Sterling made the same correlation. Totally disgusting Shame on both of them On top of that, they instantly started to try to dredge up false allegations that were made against me years ago. Allegations that were not only shown to be false but resulted in an apology letter written by the person who made those claims (you can read about that here: in 45 So let's make sure we're clear: Someone whose made a mini career complaining about people making false allegations about her has no issue taking long debunked claims about me and spreading them. Disgusting Bottom line Zoe Quinn and her ilk's messageis as clear as it is pathetic: Game developers like myself better blacklist people they deem unacceptable or they'll face the wrath of their mob and sympathetic game journalists. Here's the problem, Zoe. You misunderstand how the game industry actually functions outside your hugbox: Everyone deserves an opportunity to work in this industry. Their talent, hard work, and merit determine how successful they are. Not their politics. Not who they are friends with. Not whether they're a man or a woman. Not what color they are. Talent. Hard work. Merit. Learn it. Live it. Link:](
![Have people lost their collective minds? Published on Tuesday, December 02, 2014 By Frogboy In Misc Brad Wardell I woke up today with my twitter feed full of angry, hateful people. Ok, so what are they mad about this time? I click on a few tweets and see back where they came from. Turns out Zoe Quinn is mad that several weeks ago I tweeted an artist who was looking for a job in the game industry that we're hiring artists. Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I do this several times a week. You want to work in the game industry? Send us your resume However, in this particular case, it turns out that the artist had made a crude cartoon about Zoe Quinn at some point in the past (it's not clear when) and represented my tweet to him as "offering a job to someone who makes revenge p--- about me" and showed the offensive cartoon to go with it. The implication she was making was that a. Offered someone a job and b. based on their disgusting cartoon. Neither of which is true Needless to say, I called her out on it. Jim Sterling made the same correlation. Totally disgusting Shame on both of them On top of that, they instantly started to try to dredge up false allegations that were made against me years ago. Allegations that were not only shown to be false but resulted in an apology letter written by the person who made those claims (you can read about that here: in 45 So let's make sure we're clear: Someone whose made a mini career complaining about people making false allegations about her has no issue taking long debunked claims about me and spreading them. Disgusting Bottom line Zoe Quinn and her ilk's messageis as clear as it is pathetic: Game developers like myself better blacklist people they deem unacceptable or they'll face the wrath of their mob and sympathetic game journalists. Here's the problem, Zoe. You misunderstand how the game industry actually functions outside your hugbox: Everyone deserves an opportunity to work in this industry. Their talent, hard work, and merit determine how successful they are. Not their politics. Not who they are friends with. Not whether they're a man or a woman. Not what color they are. Talent. Hard work. Merit. Learn it. Live it. Link:](
"Silly GG, we don't want to take your games away!"
!["Target Press Release":
"GTAV Pulled After Anti-Violence Petition Reaches More Than 41000 Signatures":
!["Target Press Release":
"GTAV Pulled After Anti-Violence Petition Reaches More Than 41000 Signatures":
![You see (and I sincerely hope otherjournalists will have the guts to report on this too) Microsoft has once again screwed up payment to indie developers on the XNA system who have their games published on the Xbox Live indie Games Marketplace So a quick refresher for those who don't know. The XBLIG was Microsoft's own indie game self publishing arm. Once a game is passed by peer review it's allowed to be sold on the system. Each quarter Microsoft then pays said developers their portion of the games sales. The system itself also includes a clause that payment is not considered "late" until it's beyond 45 days after the stated payment date. Previously they managed to go over that date by 7 days meaning from the date developers were meant to be paid it was 52 days after the stated payment date. Well this year they've gone even better. Indie developers using the service were expecting their Q3 payment on September 30th. The Date as of writing this is the 3rd of December, developers still haven't been paid meaning Microsoft is 64 days late on payment a full 19 days beyond the rather generous "Acceptable" delay period they gave themselves I've heard from a couple of developers who confirm payment hasn't been made to them Freelance Games @FreelanceGames Nov 27 I've been holding backing saying anything, this time, about MS not paying XBLIG Devs... but it total disrespect to us DevS.. lan Campbell @BootdiskRev Nov 28 @Dwavenhobble Nope, no payments here. Thanks for alerting me btw, I assumed they would have payed by now... silly me P View conversation Freelance Games @FreelanceGames 23h What is the latest with MS hoarding (not paying) xblig Devs in their lifetime? Full article here:](
![You see (and I sincerely hope otherjournalists will have the guts to report on this too) Microsoft has once again screwed up payment to indie developers on the XNA system who have their games published on the Xbox Live indie Games Marketplace So a quick refresher for those who don't know. The XBLIG was Microsoft's own indie game self publishing arm. Once a game is passed by peer review it's allowed to be sold on the system. Each quarter Microsoft then pays said developers their portion of the games sales. The system itself also includes a clause that payment is not considered "late" until it's beyond 45 days after the stated payment date. Previously they managed to go over that date by 7 days meaning from the date developers were meant to be paid it was 52 days after the stated payment date. Well this year they've gone even better. Indie developers using the service were expecting their Q3 payment on September 30th. The Date as of writing this is the 3rd of December, developers still haven't been paid meaning Microsoft is 64 days late on payment a full 19 days beyond the rather generous "Acceptable" delay period they gave themselves I've heard from a couple of developers who confirm payment hasn't been made to them Freelance Games @FreelanceGames Nov 27 I've been holding backing saying anything, this time, about MS not paying XBLIG Devs... but it total disrespect to us DevS.. lan Campbell @BootdiskRev Nov 28 @Dwavenhobble Nope, no payments here. Thanks for alerting me btw, I assumed they would have payed by now... silly me P View conversation Freelance Games @FreelanceGames 23h What is the latest with MS hoarding (not paying) xblig Devs in their lifetime? Full article here:](
![Microsoft are over 60 days late with Q3 payments to indie developers. And yet I'm the first person writing an article on this. GelfKotakulnAction submitted 4 hours ago* by Dwavenhobble So for all the being treated well. It says something when I'm the first person reporting on Microsoft not paying developers. Here's the article payment-before-christmas--284512.phtml Archive link for those who wish to view using that link instead What this boils down to is that on September 30th Microsoft should have paid the developers who use it's XNA service to self publish games. The XNA service costs $100 a year to subscribe to and is require to self publish games on the Xbox Indie games marketplace. Additionally Microsoft takes a 33% cut of all games sales on top of this fee. It is now December 3rd and none of the developers have been paid their Q3 payment. Now I know a lot of people are going to ask why should people care the XBLIG didn't produce anything good. Except it did It's the place games now on steam like: Bleed, Mount your friends, Speedrunners, Super amazing Wagon adventure, DLC quest, Dead Pixels, Tech 3001 and even One finger Death Punch all started out. The Xblig marketplace gave a start to many developers. So I have to ask do mainstream journalists really care about indie developers or are they only concerned with a few and their pretentious Art games that "you just don't understand". Because from where I'm sitting I'm watching as once again none of the Mainstream media report on Microsoft's extreme lateness in paying developers the money they are owed from sales. Edit: Just been informed by a developer that MS has been in contact with them to say they've had some issues with sales Data and should pay people within the new couple of weeks. Hopefully they will 631 mainstream media's message about how they care about indie developers and about them 87 comments share](
![Microsoft are over 60 days late with Q3 payments to indie developers. And yet I'm the first person writing an article on this. GelfKotakulnAction submitted 4 hours ago* by Dwavenhobble So for all the being treated well. It says something when I'm the first person reporting on Microsoft not paying developers. Here's the article payment-before-christmas--284512.phtml Archive link for those who wish to view using that link instead What this boils down to is that on September 30th Microsoft should have paid the developers who use it's XNA service to self publish games. The XNA service costs $100 a year to subscribe to and is require to self publish games on the Xbox Indie games marketplace. Additionally Microsoft takes a 33% cut of all games sales on top of this fee. It is now December 3rd and none of the developers have been paid their Q3 payment. Now I know a lot of people are going to ask why should people care the XBLIG didn't produce anything good. Except it did It's the place games now on steam like: Bleed, Mount your friends, Speedrunners, Super amazing Wagon adventure, DLC quest, Dead Pixels, Tech 3001 and even One finger Death Punch all started out. The Xblig marketplace gave a start to many developers. So I have to ask do mainstream journalists really care about indie developers or are they only concerned with a few and their pretentious Art games that "you just don't understand". Because from where I'm sitting I'm watching as once again none of the Mainstream media report on Microsoft's extreme lateness in paying developers the money they are owed from sales. Edit: Just been informed by a developer that MS has been in contact with them to say they've had some issues with sales Data and should pay people within the new couple of weeks. Hopefully they will 631 mainstream media's message about how they care about indie developers and about them 87 comments share](
I got mass downvoted. That must mean gamer are truly sexist
![Jackie Brown @GOBBBluth Follow Ghaziers slowly come to the troubling realization that they aren't a majority. #GamerGate I outed a couple of Gators in an /r/games thread and now I'm being brigaded. sameGha Not & call to arms, not a call for sympathy. Just want to put it on the record as another piece of evidence to be sifted through years from now. There is an /r/games thread about GTAV being taken off the shelves at Target in Australia due to violence against women. One poster there came out with some stock standard MRA s--- so I made a PSA that he was a regular poster to /r/mensnghts and to take that for what it's worth. Nothing more. Then an obiou$ Gator showed up and I did the same. Now it appears that my comment history has been downvote-brigaded and they are "counter-opping" by outing me as a ghazi, circlebroke and negareddit poster as if that is somehow shameful. I was debating posting at all but I thought it was useful information people might want to know about those people (Who didn't fully disclose thein affiliation which I found to be somewhat unethical, l must say.) before 901ng off and agreeing with them which could have created a bigger mess. i probably shouldnt have said anything, but it's done now and here i am. Either way, I just want a permanent record somewhere since it will all come into play in the future when this whole flasco is further documented. Have a good one! 个 [-] santsi 14owos 2 hours ago" I'm glad you brought this up. From what I've seen all the major gaming subreddits are overrun by pro-gg opinion. They could be brigading but it's probably just the majority opinion, which kind of proves this whole "gamers are sexists" thing. Try stating some criticism about gg in the most neutral tone you can and I can guarantee you'll still get downvoted. Hell, just pointing out how Daniel Vávra has right-wing history got me downvoted to -37 个(-) snorberrydriveby Sodal hstoe NPC 12 ouas an hour ago Games is horrible, overrun with angry children that hate women because they didn't jump into bed with them. Ignore every gender discussion on that subreddit. FAVORITES 38 38 5:50 PM- 3 Dec 2014](
![Jackie Brown @GOBBBluth Follow Ghaziers slowly come to the troubling realization that they aren't a majority. #GamerGate I outed a couple of Gators in an /r/games thread and now I'm being brigaded. sameGha Not & call to arms, not a call for sympathy. Just want to put it on the record as another piece of evidence to be sifted through years from now. There is an /r/games thread about GTAV being taken off the shelves at Target in Australia due to violence against women. One poster there came out with some stock standard MRA s--- so I made a PSA that he was a regular poster to /r/mensnghts and to take that for what it's worth. Nothing more. Then an obiou$ Gator showed up and I did the same. Now it appears that my comment history has been downvote-brigaded and they are "counter-opping" by outing me as a ghazi, circlebroke and negareddit poster as if that is somehow shameful. I was debating posting at all but I thought it was useful information people might want to know about those people (Who didn't fully disclose thein affiliation which I found to be somewhat unethical, l must say.) before 901ng off and agreeing with them which could have created a bigger mess. i probably shouldnt have said anything, but it's done now and here i am. Either way, I just want a permanent record somewhere since it will all come into play in the future when this whole flasco is further documented. Have a good one! 个 [-] santsi 14owos 2 hours ago" I'm glad you brought this up. From what I've seen all the major gaming subreddits are overrun by pro-gg opinion. They could be brigading but it's probably just the majority opinion, which kind of proves this whole "gamers are sexists" thing. Try stating some criticism about gg in the most neutral tone you can and I can guarantee you'll still get downvoted. Hell, just pointing out how Daniel Vávra has right-wing history got me downvoted to -37 个(-) snorberrydriveby Sodal hstoe NPC 12 ouas an hour ago Games is horrible, overrun with angry children that hate women because they didn't jump into bed with them. Ignore every gender discussion on that subreddit. FAVORITES 38 38 5:50 PM- 3 Dec 2014](