GamerGate - Images
Time bomb

Nichegamer on Cracked article


Remember remember the 11th of September


/v/ DID! /v/ DID!!

Mass censorship
![Recently you may have seen a tweet from@wikileaks about something called #GamerGate WikiLeaks WE OPEN GOVERNMENTS 236M More Follow WikiLeaks @wikileaks #GamerGateers should know that the pattern of censorship & cronyism they see is mirrored at the very top. Level up: 9:03 PM-15 Sep 2014 238 RETWEETS 173 FAVORITES What is GamerGate? GamerGate is a recent consumer revolt among gamers and enthusiasts who are against censorship, corruption, and cronyism in gaming journalism and certain aspects of indie culture The hashtag #GamerGate has been trending on twitter for about a month Why is this important to Wikileaks? Because it has been slandered in the media through various tabloid hit pieces as a "hate" movement via faulty evidence, cherry picking, and publishing articles marred by poor ethics, lack of fact checking, outright lying and yellow journalism This mirrors some of the same corruption practiced within larger media outlets and governments Futhermore, parties accused of corruption have abused the good will of those who consider themselves social justice advocates and feminists by hiding themselves behind the poltical banners of others and using minorities as shields. The hashtag #NotYourShield came about when an indie developer and supporter of GamerGate got tired of people speaking for him Parties involved in suppressing GamerGate have also been acused of abusing the Youtube DMCA claims system to silence descent, and through cronyism enganged in mass banning/ blocking of public discourse on multiple websites and platforms On August 31 a user on Reddit was shadowbanned" (a method of censoring a user wherein the user does not immediately know they are muted to the public) for "liking" a post related to GamerGate in wake of a mass censorship campaign by moderators. On September 15th the same user was “permitted" to ask Wikileaks founder Julian Assange this question in an AMA: - Shaskaotselot 79 points 2 hours ago How do you feel about the censorship on Reddit in wake of GamerGate? permalink save report give gold reply [-]-JulianAssange DulanAssange) [S] 138 points an hour ago It's pathetic. But censorship by companies controlling privatized political space is now almost a norm. Facebook is implementing its own "laws" for social behavior and politics. Even Twitter has now folded; censoring for example, leaks about the New Zealand prime minister just this weak and some time ago banning Anonymous Sweden after a request from that country. High volume publication +control of publication by powerful organisations = censorship, all the time, we have to fight to create new networks of freedom. The old and powerful always become corrupt. permalink save parent report give gold reply ︿ To learn more about GamerGate and have your voicee heard join the #GamerGate hashtag on twitter. And remember, no matter what you read about GamerGate always do your own fact checking, think critically, and be skeptical, because there sure aren't a whole lot of trustworthy journalists around lately.](
![Recently you may have seen a tweet from@wikileaks about something called #GamerGate WikiLeaks WE OPEN GOVERNMENTS 236M More Follow WikiLeaks @wikileaks #GamerGateers should know that the pattern of censorship & cronyism they see is mirrored at the very top. Level up: 9:03 PM-15 Sep 2014 238 RETWEETS 173 FAVORITES What is GamerGate? GamerGate is a recent consumer revolt among gamers and enthusiasts who are against censorship, corruption, and cronyism in gaming journalism and certain aspects of indie culture The hashtag #GamerGate has been trending on twitter for about a month Why is this important to Wikileaks? Because it has been slandered in the media through various tabloid hit pieces as a "hate" movement via faulty evidence, cherry picking, and publishing articles marred by poor ethics, lack of fact checking, outright lying and yellow journalism This mirrors some of the same corruption practiced within larger media outlets and governments Futhermore, parties accused of corruption have abused the good will of those who consider themselves social justice advocates and feminists by hiding themselves behind the poltical banners of others and using minorities as shields. The hashtag #NotYourShield came about when an indie developer and supporter of GamerGate got tired of people speaking for him Parties involved in suppressing GamerGate have also been acused of abusing the Youtube DMCA claims system to silence descent, and through cronyism enganged in mass banning/ blocking of public discourse on multiple websites and platforms On August 31 a user on Reddit was shadowbanned" (a method of censoring a user wherein the user does not immediately know they are muted to the public) for "liking" a post related to GamerGate in wake of a mass censorship campaign by moderators. On September 15th the same user was “permitted" to ask Wikileaks founder Julian Assange this question in an AMA: - Shaskaotselot 79 points 2 hours ago How do you feel about the censorship on Reddit in wake of GamerGate? permalink save report give gold reply [-]-JulianAssange DulanAssange) [S] 138 points an hour ago It's pathetic. But censorship by companies controlling privatized political space is now almost a norm. Facebook is implementing its own "laws" for social behavior and politics. Even Twitter has now folded; censoring for example, leaks about the New Zealand prime minister just this weak and some time ago banning Anonymous Sweden after a request from that country. High volume publication +control of publication by powerful organisations = censorship, all the time, we have to fight to create new networks of freedom. The old and powerful always become corrupt. permalink save parent report give gold reply ︿ To learn more about GamerGate and have your voicee heard join the #GamerGate hashtag on twitter. And remember, no matter what you read about GamerGate always do your own fact checking, think critically, and be skeptical, because there sure aren't a whole lot of trustworthy journalists around lately.](
Silenced for not actually saying anything
![WikiLeaks @wikileaks Follow #Reddit "shadowbans" user for asking #Assange a question about censorship on Reddit. #GamerGate Reply t구 Retweeted * Favorited More RETWEETS FAVORITES 748 526 4:16 PM- 15 Sep 2014 PEOPLE ASSUMED HE WAS BANNED FOR ASKING A GAMERGATE-RELATED QUESTION. HOWEVER The Boss @willoftheboss Follow I am ShaskaOtselot. My reddit account was not banned for the question I asked, but it was banned for upvoting #GamerGate content. Reply t Retweeted * Favorite More FAVORITES Egg 107 6:57 PM- 15 Sep 2014 HE WAS ACTUALLY BANNED SOME TIME PRIOR FOR SIMPLY UPVOTING A GAMERGATE POST, WHICH IS ARGUABLY WORSE, AS HE WAS SILENCED DESPITE NOT ACTUALLY SAYING ANYTHING reddit SHASKAOTSELOT liked Quinnspiracy Theory: White Castles and Ivory Towers - [29:24] Don't post Person... ( 2603 submitted 15 days ago by manueljij .. [+1] to /r/videos 2212 comments share save hide give gold report [I+c] ShaskaOtselot(1: 1351) I preferences logout ShaskaOtselot 1 link karma 1,352 comment karma alienth -[AI 13 points 7 hours ago r was banned on Sun Aug 31 17:15:24 2014 UTC. The mods approved the comment on the post, which is why it showed up. /me sighs deeply Julian's AMA? 9/15. 15 days after #GAMERGATE](
![WikiLeaks @wikileaks Follow #Reddit "shadowbans" user for asking #Assange a question about censorship on Reddit. #GamerGate Reply t구 Retweeted * Favorited More RETWEETS FAVORITES 748 526 4:16 PM- 15 Sep 2014 PEOPLE ASSUMED HE WAS BANNED FOR ASKING A GAMERGATE-RELATED QUESTION. HOWEVER The Boss @willoftheboss Follow I am ShaskaOtselot. My reddit account was not banned for the question I asked, but it was banned for upvoting #GamerGate content. Reply t Retweeted * Favorite More FAVORITES Egg 107 6:57 PM- 15 Sep 2014 HE WAS ACTUALLY BANNED SOME TIME PRIOR FOR SIMPLY UPVOTING A GAMERGATE POST, WHICH IS ARGUABLY WORSE, AS HE WAS SILENCED DESPITE NOT ACTUALLY SAYING ANYTHING reddit SHASKAOTSELOT liked Quinnspiracy Theory: White Castles and Ivory Towers - [29:24] Don't post Person... ( 2603 submitted 15 days ago by manueljij .. [+1] to /r/videos 2212 comments share save hide give gold report [I+c] ShaskaOtselot(1: 1351) I preferences logout ShaskaOtselot 1 link karma 1,352 comment karma alienth -[AI 13 points 7 hours ago r was banned on Sun Aug 31 17:15:24 2014 UTC. The mods approved the comment on the post, which is why it showed up. /me sighs deeply Julian's AMA? 9/15. 15 days after #GAMERGATE](
Video games need you to fight for quality journalism

The rabbit hole deepens.

I swear, seeing her name is starting to make me want to puke.

This is why Cracked sucks

This is what we're fighting against...

A Xbox Dev on board. Nice.
