GamerGate - Images
Wikipedia moderation staff has been compromised
![Congratulations, fellow KYM users-- our site is apparently now a more reliable source of info than Wikipedia!](
![Congratulations, fellow KYM users-- our site is apparently now a more reliable source of info than Wikipedia!](
Moot bans people from the Government?!
![Search Twitter Have an account? Sign in ▼ Blocker (Mr. Fart) @FartToContinue Follow EMERGENCY- 4CHAN IS KILL EVACUATE TO 8CHAN #GamerGate or No #GamerGate わReply Retweet ★ Favorite More le: iewt ong (11 KB, 725x119) 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 192168.1.3:54940 1 192.1681.3:54937 9216.13:54938 192.168.13:54936 92.10454.580 92.10454.580 92.10454.580 92104.54.5:80 92104.54.5:80 TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Feds Anonymous 09/23/14(Tue)02:09:41 No.36217760 browsing 4chan this s--- pops up It's f------ over moot You sold us.](
![Search Twitter Have an account? Sign in ▼ Blocker (Mr. Fart) @FartToContinue Follow EMERGENCY- 4CHAN IS KILL EVACUATE TO 8CHAN #GamerGate or No #GamerGate わReply Retweet ★ Favorite More le: iewt ong (11 KB, 725x119) 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 9:42:15 Federal Communications Commission 192168.1.3:54940 1 192.1681.3:54937 9216.13:54938 192.168.13:54936 92.10454.580 92.10454.580 92.10454.580 92104.54.5:80 92104.54.5:80 TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Blocked Feds Anonymous 09/23/14(Tue)02:09:41 No.36217760 browsing 4chan this s--- pops up It's f------ over moot You sold us.](
Daniel Vavra's new shirt
![Danil Vavra shows what he thinks of the messages he's been getting.](
![Danil Vavra shows what he thinks of the messages he's been getting.](
So very special.
![Looked through the gallery, didn't see this one. Apologies if it's a duplicate](
![Looked through the gallery, didn't see this one. Apologies if it's a duplicate](
Based Starbucks
![Let me start off by thanking you for your patience while waiting for a response I am very sorry to hear how disappointed you were when you saw a Starbucks advert on, and want to assure you that I've shared your comments with our marketing team for further review. We are always looking for feedback from our customers about the Starbucks experience. You know better than anyone else what you want from Starbucks. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our products and service to create satisfied customers Furthermore, I am an avid gamer as well. I grew up playing Spyro and Crash Bandicoot and so l completely understand the passion that goes along with gaming. would imagine that the placement of our adverts have little to do with the sites that have obtained corporate sponsorships from Starbucks. The idea that a corporate executive would support the opinions that Kotaku spins seems a little farfetched to me. And I know for a fact that some of our sponsorships are merely of a financial nature. I would also assume it's entirely possible that the advert you saw on Kotaku may not have been a legitimate Starbucks advert. We all know how many malicious and annoying links are out there That being said: I do hope, if the advert you saw was one of ours, that our marketing teams will reconsider its placement on And, on the other hand, if the advert you saw was a fake, we would certainly appreciate that you brought it to our attention as Starbucks takes brand misrepresentation very seriously Nevertheless, I hope that you will give us another chance. And who knows perhaps one day well meet on the Fields of Justice or some other digital realm Until then, I wish vou all the best If you ever have any questions or concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to get in touch Sincerely Thomas B customer service](
![Let me start off by thanking you for your patience while waiting for a response I am very sorry to hear how disappointed you were when you saw a Starbucks advert on, and want to assure you that I've shared your comments with our marketing team for further review. We are always looking for feedback from our customers about the Starbucks experience. You know better than anyone else what you want from Starbucks. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our products and service to create satisfied customers Furthermore, I am an avid gamer as well. I grew up playing Spyro and Crash Bandicoot and so l completely understand the passion that goes along with gaming. would imagine that the placement of our adverts have little to do with the sites that have obtained corporate sponsorships from Starbucks. The idea that a corporate executive would support the opinions that Kotaku spins seems a little farfetched to me. And I know for a fact that some of our sponsorships are merely of a financial nature. I would also assume it's entirely possible that the advert you saw on Kotaku may not have been a legitimate Starbucks advert. We all know how many malicious and annoying links are out there That being said: I do hope, if the advert you saw was one of ours, that our marketing teams will reconsider its placement on And, on the other hand, if the advert you saw was a fake, we would certainly appreciate that you brought it to our attention as Starbucks takes brand misrepresentation very seriously Nevertheless, I hope that you will give us another chance. And who knows perhaps one day well meet on the Fields of Justice or some other digital realm Until then, I wish vou all the best If you ever have any questions or concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to get in touch Sincerely Thomas B customer service](
#GamerGate #NotYourShield Post
![I originally made the edit for this and posted it on my @jwguy0 twitter handle. The idea came from @farttocontinue's original edit, and I don't own the image of Vivian James.](
![I originally made the edit for this and posted it on my @jwguy0 twitter handle. The idea came from @farttocontinue's original edit, and I don't own the image of Vivian James.](
The so-called 'alternative' media
![How can we (rightfully) criticise Kotaku and Polygon and their ilk then do the exact same s--- as them?](
![How can we (rightfully) criticise Kotaku and Polygon and their ilk then do the exact same s--- as them?](
![Follow . JulllliicamWMilllliiealiineう @theMirai Zoe Quinn is doxxed - "It's the internet." TFYC chat is posted- "OMG WHY DID YOU DOX!?" Nero doxes HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE "good journalism" わReply Retweet ★ Favorite More RETWEETSFAVORITES 140 155](
![Follow . JulllliicamWMilllliiealiineう @theMirai Zoe Quinn is doxxed - "It's the internet." TFYC chat is posted- "OMG WHY DID YOU DOX!?" Nero doxes HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE "good journalism" わReply Retweet ★ Favorite More RETWEETSFAVORITES 140 155](
"gamergate cant get over literally who"
![except we have, a LOOOOONG time ago. she and the rest of anti-GG just keep trying to use her as their defense.also since he mentioned straws...
more comments from the cracked "article" about "4 reasons gamers cant talk to women"](
![except we have, a LOOOOONG time ago. she and the rest of anti-GG just keep trying to use her as their defense.also since he mentioned straws...
more comments from the cracked "article" about "4 reasons gamers cant talk to women"](
![be afraid you p------------ 7:01 PM (8 minutes ago) ☆ tome Hi Professo You honestly think you can post youre ID card and no one's going to figure out who the f--- you are?? Maybe its time to call the CU police for online harassment, or just send a friendly letter to department! I is t? Or should I call you ggfeminist?? to let them know what a selr hating f----- you are? No, I think its time to just shove something metal and sharp in the closed up c--- of yours and twist. Stop posting this gamergate b-------, end your account, and get therapy or any and all of the listed above is going to happen. F--- You. Dear concerned, While I appreciate, but will decline most of your request, I will be contacting the CUPR with screencaps of this lovely email if you continue to contact me. I would urge you to consider whether this is an appropriate use of your time and energy, doxxing and contacting those online with whom you have a friendly disagreement. Send GG+Fem @GGfeminist 3h alright then, previously I posted my faculty ID apparently, I've been doxxed (screencap of threats) #GamerGate Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite Flag media](
![be afraid you p------------ 7:01 PM (8 minutes ago) ☆ tome Hi Professo You honestly think you can post youre ID card and no one's going to figure out who the f--- you are?? Maybe its time to call the CU police for online harassment, or just send a friendly letter to department! I is t? Or should I call you ggfeminist?? to let them know what a selr hating f----- you are? No, I think its time to just shove something metal and sharp in the closed up c--- of yours and twist. Stop posting this gamergate b-------, end your account, and get therapy or any and all of the listed above is going to happen. F--- You. Dear concerned, While I appreciate, but will decline most of your request, I will be contacting the CUPR with screencaps of this lovely email if you continue to contact me. I would urge you to consider whether this is an appropriate use of your time and energy, doxxing and contacting those online with whom you have a friendly disagreement. Send GG+Fem @GGfeminist 3h alright then, previously I posted my faculty ID apparently, I've been doxxed (screencap of threats) #GamerGate Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite Flag media](
Now this is just getting stupid
![Source of wiki edit:
Seriously WHY?](
![Source of wiki edit:
Seriously WHY?](
Translation of Gamepark article
![“ハードコアゲーマー"をターゲットに多彩なゲームニュースをお届けします。 Game park Dove Thy Dove Beauty Bar for 7 days GLOBAL GAMING NEWS Mobile Hardware Media お問い合わせ スマートフォン版 最新リリース 家庭用ゲーム スラオン PCゲーム、 今年の東亰ゲームショウを幕張メッセがら速報でお届けします。総勢40名の編集チームを揃え、 ゲームメディ E目指します. TGS 東京タしムショウ2014総,, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 SPECIAL COVERAGE ゲーマーの良心がゲームを救う-アメリ カで起こった「#GamerGate」ハッシ ュタグとモラル向上への議論 Discussion on Moral Improvement in September 10, 2014(Wed) 22:05/ by Daisuke Sato ゲーム業界やゲームメデCurrently, Twitter has been rife with issues 現在、Twitter上で「#GamerGate」というハッシュタグとともに、 ィアに関する様々な激論が飛び交っています。 about the video game industry and game media, found under the hashtag '#GamerGate." Recently, there have been several problems in America's video game industry. In August, the former boyfriend of indie 女性インディー 最近、アメリカのゲーム業界では非常に多くの問題が起きています。8月、 ズゲ ム開発者のZoe Quinn氏の元恋人と称する男性が、Quinn氏が開発したゲ ムに高い評game developer Ms Zoe Quinn revealed that she had sexual 価を得るために、米Kotakuのライターと性的関係を持った、という根拠のない中傷文を自身 relationships with American Kotaku writers in exchange for good reviews on her game, however there is no evidence that the defamatory statements /were released to her own social networking site/ (note: not 100% on n A survey found that most thought Kotaku was dishonest, despite their official に公開しました。 調査を行った米Kotakuが事実 いと正式にコメントを出 したにも関わらず、一部のネットユーザーがQuinn氏のSNSアカウントやホームページを乗っ 取って改ざんしたり、doxing (住所や電話番号等の個人情報をインターネット上に公開するstatement on the matter 嫌がらせ)などの悪質な行為を行ったりしたため、大問題となりました。 Some Internet users have hijacked or tampered with the home page of Quinn's social network account. Due to malicious acts such as doxxing (publishing personal information such as a phone number or address with the intent of facilitating harassment), the situation has become さらに8A末には、自身が出演するビデオブログでゲームの中の女性の描かれ方について問題abigproblem. 点を指摘し、表現の多様化の必要性を訴えていた女性ゲーム評論家Anita Sarkeesian氏が その活動に反対する一部の悪質なネットユーザーから個人情報の公開と殺害予告を受け、避 problems with the portrayal of women in video games and 難を余儀なくされるという事件が起こりまし At the end of August, a vlogger dedicated to pointing out the appealing the need for diverse representation, female game response to threats of murder and doxxing by some malicious s forced to evacuatei TROPES VS WOMEN タ Xbox One目標台数は 「 In addition, there were DDOS attacks on the PSN, and there a bomb threat on the airplane the SOE President was boarding. The International Game Developers Association IGDA questioned the significance of these events happening 上記の事件に加えPSNAのDDOS攻撃やSOEプレジデントが搭乗した飛行機への爆破ア告も あり、立て続けに起こった重大事件を問題視した国際ゲーム開発者協会IGDAは、このようなone right after the other cnticizing such acts in an 行為を批判する声明を8月末に発表し、9月4日にはFBIとともに悪質な行為への対策を講じるSeptember 4, the FBI said theywould take steps to counter announcement at the end of August. We found that orn ライソ公體簡 r性別 性的志Zecheon September 1st game deve per ele e teas また、9月1日にはゲーム開発者のAndreas Zecher氏がオン 向、人種、宗教、障がいを問わず、すべての人はゲームをプレイする権利があり、ゲームを 批評する権利があり、ゲームを侵害されず、脅かされないものとしておく権利がある」と述 べ、ゲーム業界の継続的な発展のために Zecher, in an open letter online, said We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity. religion, or disability has the right to play games, criticize ma threatened." He said, for the sake of the continued development of the game industry, that they would report any harassment they saw to the appropriate websites, and called forpeople to oppose hate speech. The letter 報告することや、ヘイトスピーチへ反対姿勢を示すことを呼びかけまし きな反響を呼び、2495人の署名を集めました。署名の中 ソフト れます の書簡は大 こは、任天堂ヨーロッパやマイクロ 大手ゲーム企業の社員と思われる人々の名前も散見さ rom スクウェア·エニックス等、 and scattered Nintendo of Europe and Microsoft. Square signatures from people who seem to be employees of major born under such circumstances ュタグは、 8月末頃、 このハ のような状況で生まれた 「#GamerGate ネット掲示板の first seen in late August from users on the Internet forum 4chan." The hashtag began to propagate Twitter, and lively discussion has continued up to the present Discussions are being exchanged by a lot of people who love gaming, vith the goal of developing and improving the morals of the gaming ものと見られています います。交わされている議論からは、ゲームを愛 搬し、現在に至るまで活発な議論が続いて する多くの人が、ゲームコミュニティーのモラル向上と発展を目指し、言葉を吐き捨てるだ けでなく、未来を見据えた建設的な議論をしていこうという意志が見てとれます。 are not merely saying rude things, but intending to have constructive debates while keeping the future ビデオゲーム産業の市場規模の大きさ、近年のゲームを芸術としてとらえる動き、e-Sports 競技人口の拡大など、ゲームが社会に与える影響が年々大きく を認め、モラル向上を訴える動きが活発化しているEえるでしょう。なお、映画『フルメ タ) TI et in the video game industry, the recent development of motion-based games, and the expansion of e more and more wi starting up. Incidentally, a Hollywood actor, Adam Baldwin, wha なっていることから、多様性 ach passing year. It can be said that the ト』などに出演しているハリウッド俳優アダム·ポールドウィンも同ハッシュ has appeared in movies such as Full Metal Jacket," has been ra Tm Kickstarterが利用規約を改 You're opposed to equal justice under the law Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) 2014, 9月4 の最新映像が到酒 The '#GamerGate, discussion has just begun. Although the journey will not be easy, it is supported by the conscience of people who love games, and we may see new developments in this world. For the sake of further development in the industry の議論は始まったばかりで、 活動の道のりは決して容易で #GamerGatel われますが、 かもしれません。ゲームコミ の振る舜いやメディアのあり方を今一度考えてみる必要がありそうです いものと思 ゲームを愛する人々の良心に支えられてこれから世界中で新たな展開を見せる 日常 and in the morals of the gaming community, it is likely that the media will have to once again consider their everyday のモラル向上と業界のさらなる発展のために、 ス日が確定、 欧米公式ブログで 9](
![“ハードコアゲーマー"をターゲットに多彩なゲームニュースをお届けします。 Game park Dove Thy Dove Beauty Bar for 7 days GLOBAL GAMING NEWS Mobile Hardware Media お問い合わせ スマートフォン版 最新リリース 家庭用ゲーム スラオン PCゲーム、 今年の東亰ゲームショウを幕張メッセがら速報でお届けします。総勢40名の編集チームを揃え、 ゲームメディ E目指します. TGS 東京タしムショウ2014総,, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 SPECIAL COVERAGE ゲーマーの良心がゲームを救う-アメリ カで起こった「#GamerGate」ハッシ ュタグとモラル向上への議論 Discussion on Moral Improvement in September 10, 2014(Wed) 22:05/ by Daisuke Sato ゲーム業界やゲームメデCurrently, Twitter has been rife with issues 現在、Twitter上で「#GamerGate」というハッシュタグとともに、 ィアに関する様々な激論が飛び交っています。 about the video game industry and game media, found under the hashtag '#GamerGate." Recently, there have been several problems in America's video game industry. In August, the former boyfriend of indie 女性インディー 最近、アメリカのゲーム業界では非常に多くの問題が起きています。8月、 ズゲ ム開発者のZoe Quinn氏の元恋人と称する男性が、Quinn氏が開発したゲ ムに高い評game developer Ms Zoe Quinn revealed that she had sexual 価を得るために、米Kotakuのライターと性的関係を持った、という根拠のない中傷文を自身 relationships with American Kotaku writers in exchange for good reviews on her game, however there is no evidence that the defamatory statements /were released to her own social networking site/ (note: not 100% on n A survey found that most thought Kotaku was dishonest, despite their official に公開しました。 調査を行った米Kotakuが事実 いと正式にコメントを出 したにも関わらず、一部のネットユーザーがQuinn氏のSNSアカウントやホームページを乗っ 取って改ざんしたり、doxing (住所や電話番号等の個人情報をインターネット上に公開するstatement on the matter 嫌がらせ)などの悪質な行為を行ったりしたため、大問題となりました。 Some Internet users have hijacked or tampered with the home page of Quinn's social network account. Due to malicious acts such as doxxing (publishing personal information such as a phone number or address with the intent of facilitating harassment), the situation has become さらに8A末には、自身が出演するビデオブログでゲームの中の女性の描かれ方について問題abigproblem. 点を指摘し、表現の多様化の必要性を訴えていた女性ゲーム評論家Anita Sarkeesian氏が その活動に反対する一部の悪質なネットユーザーから個人情報の公開と殺害予告を受け、避 problems with the portrayal of women in video games and 難を余儀なくされるという事件が起こりまし At the end of August, a vlogger dedicated to pointing out the appealing the need for diverse representation, female game response to threats of murder and doxxing by some malicious s forced to evacuatei TROPES VS WOMEN タ Xbox One目標台数は 「 In addition, there were DDOS attacks on the PSN, and there a bomb threat on the airplane the SOE President was boarding. The International Game Developers Association IGDA questioned the significance of these events happening 上記の事件に加えPSNAのDDOS攻撃やSOEプレジデントが搭乗した飛行機への爆破ア告も あり、立て続けに起こった重大事件を問題視した国際ゲーム開発者協会IGDAは、このようなone right after the other cnticizing such acts in an 行為を批判する声明を8月末に発表し、9月4日にはFBIとともに悪質な行為への対策を講じるSeptember 4, the FBI said theywould take steps to counter announcement at the end of August. We found that orn ライソ公體簡 r性別 性的志Zecheon September 1st game deve per ele e teas また、9月1日にはゲーム開発者のAndreas Zecher氏がオン 向、人種、宗教、障がいを問わず、すべての人はゲームをプレイする権利があり、ゲームを 批評する権利があり、ゲームを侵害されず、脅かされないものとしておく権利がある」と述 べ、ゲーム業界の継続的な発展のために Zecher, in an open letter online, said We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity. religion, or disability has the right to play games, criticize ma threatened." He said, for the sake of the continued development of the game industry, that they would report any harassment they saw to the appropriate websites, and called forpeople to oppose hate speech. The letter 報告することや、ヘイトスピーチへ反対姿勢を示すことを呼びかけまし きな反響を呼び、2495人の署名を集めました。署名の中 ソフト れます の書簡は大 こは、任天堂ヨーロッパやマイクロ 大手ゲーム企業の社員と思われる人々の名前も散見さ rom スクウェア·エニックス等、 and scattered Nintendo of Europe and Microsoft. Square signatures from people who seem to be employees of major born under such circumstances ュタグは、 8月末頃、 このハ のような状況で生まれた 「#GamerGate ネット掲示板の first seen in late August from users on the Internet forum 4chan." The hashtag began to propagate Twitter, and lively discussion has continued up to the present Discussions are being exchanged by a lot of people who love gaming, vith the goal of developing and improving the morals of the gaming ものと見られています います。交わされている議論からは、ゲームを愛 搬し、現在に至るまで活発な議論が続いて する多くの人が、ゲームコミュニティーのモラル向上と発展を目指し、言葉を吐き捨てるだ けでなく、未来を見据えた建設的な議論をしていこうという意志が見てとれます。 are not merely saying rude things, but intending to have constructive debates while keeping the future ビデオゲーム産業の市場規模の大きさ、近年のゲームを芸術としてとらえる動き、e-Sports 競技人口の拡大など、ゲームが社会に与える影響が年々大きく を認め、モラル向上を訴える動きが活発化しているEえるでしょう。なお、映画『フルメ タ) TI et in the video game industry, the recent development of motion-based games, and the expansion of e more and more wi starting up. Incidentally, a Hollywood actor, Adam Baldwin, wha なっていることから、多様性 ach passing year. It can be said that the ト』などに出演しているハリウッド俳優アダム·ポールドウィンも同ハッシュ has appeared in movies such as Full Metal Jacket," has been ra Tm Kickstarterが利用規約を改 You're opposed to equal justice under the law Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) 2014, 9月4 の最新映像が到酒 The '#GamerGate, discussion has just begun. Although the journey will not be easy, it is supported by the conscience of people who love games, and we may see new developments in this world. For the sake of further development in the industry の議論は始まったばかりで、 活動の道のりは決して容易で #GamerGatel われますが、 かもしれません。ゲームコミ の振る舜いやメディアのあり方を今一度考えてみる必要がありそうです いものと思 ゲームを愛する人々の良心に支えられてこれから世界中で新たな展開を見せる 日常 and in the morals of the gaming community, it is likely that the media will have to once again consider their everyday のモラル向上と業界のさらなる発展のために、 ス日が確定、 欧米公式ブログで 9](
Willfully ignoring WP:BLPSELFPUB from Wikipedia editors and ignoring Forbes as a source
Titantanium Dragon, Editor on Wikipedia Banned