GamerGate - Images
More NeoGAF Anti-GamerGate Nonsense (11/20/2015)
![View Single Post Thread: Giant Bomb 18: Evervthing is alwa surprise on some Haunted f------ pineapples they're useless! (11-20-2015, 04:03 PM) Quote #5032 Hiring Austin after Patrick left is a clear statement by Jeff that he wants someone on staff that is equipped to talk about these issues when they come up (while hiring Da was a committal to "the dumb stuff" On a tangentially related sidenote, I think that there were quite a few among the GB fanbase who were actually shocked, surprised and felt betrayed when Jeff (and the rest of the crew) spoke out so clearly and obviously against all the misogynistic gamergate b-------. I do believe there were quite a few that believed that Jeff and co. were on "their side" because they dont speak of these topics that often (when in fact, they just weren't listening close enough) GB they dont spea1 The GB comment section was a warzone for a while, but I think most of the sexist assholes have been filtered out by now. Like we sometimes see with GAF-related videos, Youtube downvoting/commenting is what the scum has left](
![View Single Post Thread: Giant Bomb 18: Evervthing is alwa surprise on some Haunted f------ pineapples they're useless! (11-20-2015, 04:03 PM) Quote #5032 Hiring Austin after Patrick left is a clear statement by Jeff that he wants someone on staff that is equipped to talk about these issues when they come up (while hiring Da was a committal to "the dumb stuff" On a tangentially related sidenote, I think that there were quite a few among the GB fanbase who were actually shocked, surprised and felt betrayed when Jeff (and the rest of the crew) spoke out so clearly and obviously against all the misogynistic gamergate b-------. I do believe there were quite a few that believed that Jeff and co. were on "their side" because they dont speak of these topics that often (when in fact, they just weren't listening close enough) GB they dont spea1 The GB comment section was a warzone for a while, but I think most of the sexist assholes have been filtered out by now. Like we sometimes see with GAF-related videos, Youtube downvoting/commenting is what the scum has left](
Bioware devs and Kotaku Journalists Falling out
![<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](
![<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](
It's about ethics in games jouarughargh
He's officially a terrorist
![if you don't get it, the joke is that Veerender Jubbal said that gamergate were terrorists before one of his selfies was photoshoped into a bomber as a joke, lead incompetent journalists to think he was a terrorist.](
![if you don't get it, the joke is that Veerender Jubbal said that gamergate were terrorists before one of his selfies was photoshoped into a bomber as a joke, lead incompetent journalists to think he was a terrorist.](
![So are you telling me, Gamer Gate didnt made those photoshop images?
Who knew?
Quick someone tell the president about this!!!](
![So are you telling me, Gamer Gate didnt made those photoshop images?
Who knew?
Quick someone tell the president about this!!!](
More Nonsense
![Get this, this dude is implying that women who aren't aGG (neutral and pro-GG) don't count as "actual, independent humans" and that it reinforced "every single stereotype about male gamers". Seriously how stupid can this get? And what's with the "reinforcing stereotypes" BS? That's like saying ISIS and Nazis reinforce the stereotypes of the muslims and Germans respectively, though GG is not like the former groups don't get me wrong.
Oh and the person the mod is responding too has been banned because he or she asked questions, lovely.](
![Get this, this dude is implying that women who aren't aGG (neutral and pro-GG) don't count as "actual, independent humans" and that it reinforced "every single stereotype about male gamers". Seriously how stupid can this get? And what's with the "reinforcing stereotypes" BS? That's like saying ISIS and Nazis reinforce the stereotypes of the muslims and Germans respectively, though GG is not like the former groups don't get me wrong.
Oh and the person the mod is responding too has been banned because he or she asked questions, lovely.](
A "Suitable Punishment"
![I know this is old, dating back to when the SXSW GG panels were cancelled, but this is seriously not cool. Also, it's currently deleted but the internet never forgets.
![I know this is old, dating back to when the SXSW GG panels were cancelled, but this is seriously not cool. Also, it's currently deleted but the internet never forgets.
Portland now
GamerGate life
Ralph is out for now
![Ralph has said he's done with "Gamergate Politics" apparently, wonder what this will mean in the future. Anyway keep documenting.
![Ralph has said he's done with "Gamergate Politics" apparently, wonder what this will mean in the future. Anyway keep documenting.
Gamergate Life 63
Anita wants no platform for GG
![Christina H. Sommers Follow CHSommers Giving those associated with #GamerGate a forum could change the narrative. Better to silence them. Feminist Frequencytemtreq 20m is great that media companies ike Buzzfeed & Vox are taking a stand but SXSW should not give a plaform to proponents of hate speech £3108 *214 Feminist Frequency temfreq Follow SXSW should reinstate the online harassment panel and release a statement apologizing for including the GamerGate panel in the first place FAVORITES 202015 23 378 463 2.26 PM-27 Oct 2015](
![Christina H. Sommers Follow CHSommers Giving those associated with #GamerGate a forum could change the narrative. Better to silence them. Feminist Frequencytemtreq 20m is great that media companies ike Buzzfeed & Vox are taking a stand but SXSW should not give a plaform to proponents of hate speech £3108 *214 Feminist Frequency temfreq Follow SXSW should reinstate the online harassment panel and release a statement apologizing for including the GamerGate panel in the first place FAVORITES 202015 23 378 463 2.26 PM-27 Oct 2015](
Opinion Journalism that doesnt suck.
Remember this is not Anita
![I think this will be moved to #FullMcIntosh even when in theory is not him.](
![I think this will be moved to #FullMcIntosh even when in theory is not him.](
Leigh Alexander!!!
![Karma's a bitch: Jack Thompson has heart trouble DESTRUCTOID STFU and Just Blog Video Games 10:11 AM on 08.03.2007 / Leigh Alexander SRSL SREK HTULTHAT S--- HEARTH eiegerierator THIS S--- IS NOT ACCEPTABLE HILARIOUS' HILARIOUS You know what karma is, it's that concept by which if you live a good life, you're reborn as a golden cow, and if you're bad, you're liable to spend your next incarnation trapped in the body of a hideous predatory mantis who gets his head eaten by lady mantises with frightening breasts. In other words, you reap what you sow, and now the elevated blood pressure that Jack Thompson causes all of us gamers with his ignorant mouth-frothings is giving him a big bushel of reciprocal come-uppance THAT SHITAINT FUNNY is reporting this morning that dear Mr. Thompson is suffering from a stress-induced heart ailment, or so he wrote in a Federal District Court motion involved in his legal battle with the Florida Bar. From the filing Plaintiff, at 3 am this day, is suffering what he believes is arrhythmia, from which he has suffered previously, as well as chest pain. This may be a benign condition, or it may be serious. He has had other previous episodes like this induced by stress. Plaintiff must try to see his cardiologist... to try to assess the problem. It is most likely stress-related by virtue of The Florida Bar's demand that Thompson be psychiatrically/psychologically evaluated in violation of its own Rul Aww. Let's all send him some flowers, kind wishes and candy- POISON CANDY, that M-----------](
![Karma's a bitch: Jack Thompson has heart trouble DESTRUCTOID STFU and Just Blog Video Games 10:11 AM on 08.03.2007 / Leigh Alexander SRSL SREK HTULTHAT S--- HEARTH eiegerierator THIS S--- IS NOT ACCEPTABLE HILARIOUS' HILARIOUS You know what karma is, it's that concept by which if you live a good life, you're reborn as a golden cow, and if you're bad, you're liable to spend your next incarnation trapped in the body of a hideous predatory mantis who gets his head eaten by lady mantises with frightening breasts. In other words, you reap what you sow, and now the elevated blood pressure that Jack Thompson causes all of us gamers with his ignorant mouth-frothings is giving him a big bushel of reciprocal come-uppance THAT SHITAINT FUNNY is reporting this morning that dear Mr. Thompson is suffering from a stress-induced heart ailment, or so he wrote in a Federal District Court motion involved in his legal battle with the Florida Bar. From the filing Plaintiff, at 3 am this day, is suffering what he believes is arrhythmia, from which he has suffered previously, as well as chest pain. This may be a benign condition, or it may be serious. He has had other previous episodes like this induced by stress. Plaintiff must try to see his cardiologist... to try to assess the problem. It is most likely stress-related by virtue of The Florida Bar's demand that Thompson be psychiatrically/psychologically evaluated in violation of its own Rul Aww. Let's all send him some flowers, kind wishes and candy- POISON CANDY, that M-----------](