GamerGate - Images
And they say the supporters are doxxing people
!["Archived link, seeing as he deleted the tweets":
!["Archived link, seeing as he deleted the tweets":
Time to stop reading TIME.
![Source: <a href=""></a>](
![Source: <a href=""></a>](
Gender studies majors finding a real job
![* Follow @EWErickson byproduct of what happens when women real job. Reply t Retweet * Favorite RETWEETSFAVORITES 62 12:16 PM-17 Oct 2014 More](
![* Follow @EWErickson byproduct of what happens when women real job. Reply t Retweet * Favorite RETWEETSFAVORITES 62 12:16 PM-17 Oct 2014 More](
Premature Celebration By Devin Faraci
Based Mercedes-Benz and Ralph Retort
Also, Biddle might have said this disgusting s---, but I can't verify it
Good on Mercedes for not supporting these assholes.](
Also, Biddle might have said this disgusting s---, but I can't verify it
Good on Mercedes for not supporting these assholes.](
Advertisers strategy
![They could've prevented this, now they're pretty much f-----](
![They could've prevented this, now they're pretty much f-----](
Le Despicable Misogynist Plan 3.0
![OPERATION: LE DESPICABLE MISOGYNIST PLAN 3.0 NOW WITH LESS DYSLEXIA We've all wanted to start a misogynist hate group for so long so here's our brilliant plan: USE A TWITTER HASHTAG EVEN THOUGH HARASSMENT IS BANNED ON TWITTER We will all put hours of work in emailing advertisers to maintain our smokescreen We really need a smokescreen guys. It's not like we use anonymous imageboards for stuff PHASE 2: We will donate $70,000 to an explicitly feminist game development project We will donate $10,000 to anti bullying charities Having collectively put thousands of hours into the smokescreen we will begin making absurd threats at people who have absolutely nothing to do with it. We will have countless women and minorities supporting us but they don't know about le epic plan To maintain this hate group it's important that we collectively spend insane amounts of time defending it's name and producing original content relating to it. DOES THIS SEEM LIKELY TO YOU? Visit r/KotakulnActiorn Read what is being said/supported decide for yourself. A CAMPAIGN THAT THAT SETS A STANDARD ON HOW TO DAMAGE MEDIA IS NOT GOING TO RECEIVE FAVORABLE MEDIA COVERAGE.](
![OPERATION: LE DESPICABLE MISOGYNIST PLAN 3.0 NOW WITH LESS DYSLEXIA We've all wanted to start a misogynist hate group for so long so here's our brilliant plan: USE A TWITTER HASHTAG EVEN THOUGH HARASSMENT IS BANNED ON TWITTER We will all put hours of work in emailing advertisers to maintain our smokescreen We really need a smokescreen guys. It's not like we use anonymous imageboards for stuff PHASE 2: We will donate $70,000 to an explicitly feminist game development project We will donate $10,000 to anti bullying charities Having collectively put thousands of hours into the smokescreen we will begin making absurd threats at people who have absolutely nothing to do with it. We will have countless women and minorities supporting us but they don't know about le epic plan To maintain this hate group it's important that we collectively spend insane amounts of time defending it's name and producing original content relating to it. DOES THIS SEEM LIKELY TO YOU? Visit r/KotakulnActiorn Read what is being said/supported decide for yourself. A CAMPAIGN THAT THAT SETS A STANDARD ON HOW TO DAMAGE MEDIA IS NOT GOING TO RECEIVE FAVORABLE MEDIA COVERAGE.](
![Wi les Gealiiesi Alite lllerwilliil@ A牋1 lileg li Den 1 tre (Doyesi Whether Sending Death Threats To Women ls A Serious Issue Or Not Yo NA OCT. 13, 2014 810 AM 39,095 136 FACEBOOK in LINKEDN yTWTTER g. GOOGLE. PRINT Nh To anyone who is not a l video gamer, the "GamerGate" controversy is completely bafling. ardcore Vi](
![Wi les Gealiiesi Alite lllerwilliil@ A牋1 lileg li Den 1 tre (Doyesi Whether Sending Death Threats To Women ls A Serious Issue Or Not Yo NA OCT. 13, 2014 810 AM 39,095 136 FACEBOOK in LINKEDN yTWTTER g. GOOGLE. PRINT Nh To anyone who is not a l video gamer, the "GamerGate" controversy is completely bafling. ardcore Vi](
Someone's scared
![Websites are getting spooked and preparing the #GamerGate is dead articles.](
![Websites are getting spooked and preparing the #GamerGate is dead articles.](
Brianna Wu's Manufactured Death Threats Proof.
Dev oppress
![3 AAA dev came out on 8chan to inform us of their perspective from inside there companies. As it seems there is SJW in management role such as HR (human resource).
You might want to take this with a grain of salt since we got no other proof other than there words
Link to live thread if it is still up:
Link to archived thread:](
![3 AAA dev came out on 8chan to inform us of their perspective from inside there companies. As it seems there is SJW in management role such as HR (human resource).
You might want to take this with a grain of salt since we got no other proof other than there words
Link to live thread if it is still up:
Link to archived thread:](
Jennifer On Anti-GamerGate Men
Lew Rockwell Throws His Lot With GamerGate
I Can't Even...
![□ The Leader of Ga mergate 10/17/14 (Fri) 15:19:18 ID: ca9083 No. 159642 >>159681 there are social justice what if we called ourselves journalist ethics warriors(JEWs) warriors (SJWs) right](
![□ The Leader of Ga mergate 10/17/14 (Fri) 15:19:18 ID: ca9083 No. 159642 >>159681 there are social justice what if we called ourselves journalist ethics warriors(JEWs) warriors (SJWs) right](
Based Mom 2
![File (hide): 1413574369712 gif (51.05 KB, 550x350, 11:7. 101700.aif) □ The Leader of Gamergate 10/17/14 (Fri) 14:32:49 ID: 430dba No.158774 Las Just had a 30 min conversation with mom about gamergate. Hold onto your hats, this is a good one t50Postal Watch Thread! Mom I Love UShes a die-hard liberal. Marched for feminist rallies back in the 60s and 70s. Shes the real deal, voted for Obama twice. so much!T Ive never seen her so furious about an article before. Not since bush2 started in lraq, has she been this raged. She is strongly pro-99 AFTER READING THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE. She called LW a stuck up bimbo who has no spine. Then she went and ranted about how these women are doing serious damage to all the years of hard work she did. She said "its the internet, just ignore the hate and get on with your life. Feeding on hate only grows it." Mom was the type of person to throw herself upon the machine for change. These folks crying harassment make her more mad then lve seen her in a decade. The I described what the "progressive stack" is to her, and she flipped her top. She thinks the SJWs are like Nazis, and compared them to rise of national socialism and Hitler in Germany. (and she knows about this stuff, PHD in history) I'm buying her flowers this weekend. My mom is the best.](
![File (hide): 1413574369712 gif (51.05 KB, 550x350, 11:7. 101700.aif) □ The Leader of Gamergate 10/17/14 (Fri) 14:32:49 ID: 430dba No.158774 Las Just had a 30 min conversation with mom about gamergate. Hold onto your hats, this is a good one t50Postal Watch Thread! Mom I Love UShes a die-hard liberal. Marched for feminist rallies back in the 60s and 70s. Shes the real deal, voted for Obama twice. so much!T Ive never seen her so furious about an article before. Not since bush2 started in lraq, has she been this raged. She is strongly pro-99 AFTER READING THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE. She called LW a stuck up bimbo who has no spine. Then she went and ranted about how these women are doing serious damage to all the years of hard work she did. She said "its the internet, just ignore the hate and get on with your life. Feeding on hate only grows it." Mom was the type of person to throw herself upon the machine for change. These folks crying harassment make her more mad then lve seen her in a decade. The I described what the "progressive stack" is to her, and she flipped her top. She thinks the SJWs are like Nazis, and compared them to rise of national socialism and Hitler in Germany. (and she knows about this stuff, PHD in history) I'm buying her flowers this weekend. My mom is the best.](