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I just wanted to play video games
![I just wanted/ to play video games... 4V](
![I just wanted/ to play video games... 4V](
The toxic gamer
![He was 981bs. of solid nerd until he became… THE TOXIC GAMER](
![He was 981bs. of solid nerd until he became… THE TOXIC GAMER](
Who else but Preston?
![THE COMIC Thanks to the internet it's become increasingly Mario: You're no longer from Srooklyn! Do your difficult to keep things / best to adopt an outdated localized! well have to make drastic stereotypical Italian dialect! changes! Do your hair and lose the Popeye arms! Voull no longer [effeminine to attract the ever fight with Mario and when you | |) growing anime fangirl do, let your girly emotions run Dye your hair too and do your Link: You need to be more nine To wild. Try to act like a ditz cuz your new name is Peach! best to look. nonthreatening. Zelda will also no longer be your romantic interest Samus: Dye your heir And Finlly, do your MAMA and lose the armor. best to pretend this From now on you'll be NEVER happened! wearing this skimpy jumpsuit to attract more men to your games. A CRITIC'S RESPONSE Mr. Dobson... sir...buddy...pal. amigo...hombre.. t want to halp you...but I can't do it alona. I noed some halp mysalf ...from you. Halp ma to halp you. Vou're navar gonna gat anywhara if you ignore all of your 'hatera' and detractors and cnitics. Positive praise does nothing for you. Constructive criticism and people who point out the flaws in what you do...that's what you need. That's what all artists need. It helps you to grow. There obvious flaws here...and as a fellow Nintendo fan, I feel thst it wouldn't be right to not bring them up. I won't comment on the quality of your artwork because I myself am not much of an artist.. .but the quality of the idess you're trying to present is an entirely different matter a matter that I feel I'm competent enough to call you out on. Let me break it down, buddy..psnel by panel. Panel ↓ . you cite the Internet as the reason why the characters are being localized despite the fact that the majority of these changes happened in the @arly to mid 90's. Also, t don't sae how localization' has anything to do with thase changas, since that imply changad the charactars to appeal to a diffarant locala. Most axamplas you give of tha charactars are actually how thay wara localized for wastern cartoons and such. Most of these changas are actually ramoving tha localizing changes made on the characters. The Internet has nothing to do with any of this, Andy baby... Panel 2 Mario has always been an Itslian Americen from Brooklyn. This has never changed. His only official voice has been Charles Martinet, and it's always been an Italian accent. Captain Lou was a great man. Andy...I don't know if he was a real captain or not. but he was a heck of a guy. However...he's not, nor has he ever been, the actual voice of Maric. You might as well complein about Mega Man not being green and not using Mega' in ell of his sentences. Panal 3 - You're using tha modal of Princass Peach from the cartoon. Her original hair color was rad, though that was only in tha first two games and prasumably it was bacause of color limitations. In all promotional art since Super Mario Bros 2 (That's 'The Lost Levels to ya'll that don't know), her hair was bionde. It was became blonde in-game with Super Mario World in 1990. Internet had nothing to do with it. She's never been a tough fighter and her name is still Princess Toadstool, Peach' is a nickname. She's never had Popeye arms and she's always been the damsel in distress, Andy. The 'so bad they're good' DiC cartoons aren 't what you should be paying attention to (mainly because Nintendo didn't make them). Panel 4-Link has undergone more design changes than any of the other character in the comic. He officially became blonde in 1991 with A Link to the past (though color limitations mada his hair appaar pink). This was long befora the Intarnat got big and had nothing to do with the damand of'anime fangirls". His dasign has gone from realistic to cartoony to dark to colorful, but he's naver appeared axtremely affaminata. I notice that evan in comics you've done about Skyward Sword, you'va made his hair brown. That's petty, Andy. That's petty and stupid. Zelda has had more position as his romandc interest in recent games than in early games, including Wind Waker, Spirt Tracks, and Skyward Sword. The only older game which implies romance was Zelda 2. ASo, .effeminine' is not a word Pane! 5·Samus has never appeared in a single garme without her power armor while the Zero Suit premiered in 2004, Samus has never been a stranger to skimpy clothing. She's seen in a leotard or a bikini in almost every Metroid game. In fact. the Zero Suit is actually a lot more practical than the clothing she had worn without her power armor in previous games. Her hair has only appeared green in a single game, at the end of the original Metroid...and this was only if the player received the Varia Suit (otherwise, it's brown). It appears graen only because of color limitations at the time and it was meant to ba blonda. Literally the only changa that might be abla to be attributad to the Intarnat the inclusion of the Zero Suit, which doesn't matter anyway since Samu in tight clothing has always been something ofコtradition. Even without the Zero Suit, te main demographic for Metroid games has slways been men anyway. Finally, I'm not sure how legitimate your criticisms of her character are when you seem to love Other M and defend her c n in it...something that the majority of dedicsted Metroid fans seem to despise Panel 6 Nintendo has never been one to pretend certain things have never happened. They still acknowledge the brown-haired. big-nosed version of Link from the first two Zelda games, and even make occasional neds to the Virtual Boy, despite the massive failure that came with it. The only things that Nintendo seems to ignore are the CD gamas, and that's because thay ware horrible abominations sant from Hall This ls te truth. Andy. Your comic has faws. Anyone who calls this 'so true' or 'coactly what I thought.? Ignora them. They don't know thing bout what they're talkng about. You're passionate about Nintendo, Andy, and I respect that...but as a fellow Nintendo fan, I'm telling you (to help you, not to hurt youl that you are extremely confused when it comes to Nintendo's games and history. I don't want to make you feel bed..but the fact is, actual Nintendo fans are embarrassed by the misinformation you spreed with cemies like these TOM'S RESPONSE Localization by TomPreston Fan Art / Manga & Anime / Digital / Games ©2010-2012 "TomPreston I love Nintendo, but some of their characterization choices over the years have been a bit odd to me... Deviously Denied! We're sorry, but you cannot post a comment here. love joy wow mad sad 5 11 1 1 2 fear 0 25. Nested Newest First ▼ dden by Owner](
![THE COMIC Thanks to the internet it's become increasingly Mario: You're no longer from Srooklyn! Do your difficult to keep things / best to adopt an outdated localized! well have to make drastic stereotypical Italian dialect! changes! Do your hair and lose the Popeye arms! Voull no longer [effeminine to attract the ever fight with Mario and when you | |) growing anime fangirl do, let your girly emotions run Dye your hair too and do your Link: You need to be more nine To wild. Try to act like a ditz cuz your new name is Peach! best to look. nonthreatening. Zelda will also no longer be your romantic interest Samus: Dye your heir And Finlly, do your MAMA and lose the armor. best to pretend this From now on you'll be NEVER happened! wearing this skimpy jumpsuit to attract more men to your games. A CRITIC'S RESPONSE Mr. Dobson... sir...buddy...pal. amigo...hombre.. t want to halp you...but I can't do it alona. I noed some halp mysalf ...from you. Halp ma to halp you. Vou're navar gonna gat anywhara if you ignore all of your 'hatera' and detractors and cnitics. Positive praise does nothing for you. Constructive criticism and people who point out the flaws in what you do...that's what you need. That's what all artists need. It helps you to grow. There obvious flaws here...and as a fellow Nintendo fan, I feel thst it wouldn't be right to not bring them up. I won't comment on the quality of your artwork because I myself am not much of an artist.. .but the quality of the idess you're trying to present is an entirely different matter a matter that I feel I'm competent enough to call you out on. Let me break it down, buddy..psnel by panel. Panel ↓ . you cite the Internet as the reason why the characters are being localized despite the fact that the majority of these changes happened in the @arly to mid 90's. Also, t don't sae how localization' has anything to do with thase changas, since that imply changad the charactars to appeal to a diffarant locala. Most axamplas you give of tha charactars are actually how thay wara localized for wastern cartoons and such. Most of these changas are actually ramoving tha localizing changes made on the characters. The Internet has nothing to do with any of this, Andy baby... Panel 2 Mario has always been an Itslian Americen from Brooklyn. This has never changed. His only official voice has been Charles Martinet, and it's always been an Italian accent. Captain Lou was a great man. Andy...I don't know if he was a real captain or not. but he was a heck of a guy. However...he's not, nor has he ever been, the actual voice of Maric. You might as well complein about Mega Man not being green and not using Mega' in ell of his sentences. Panal 3 - You're using tha modal of Princass Peach from the cartoon. Her original hair color was rad, though that was only in tha first two games and prasumably it was bacause of color limitations. In all promotional art since Super Mario Bros 2 (That's 'The Lost Levels to ya'll that don't know), her hair was bionde. It was became blonde in-game with Super Mario World in 1990. Internet had nothing to do with it. She's never been a tough fighter and her name is still Princess Toadstool, Peach' is a nickname. She's never had Popeye arms and she's always been the damsel in distress, Andy. The 'so bad they're good' DiC cartoons aren 't what you should be paying attention to (mainly because Nintendo didn't make them). Panel 4-Link has undergone more design changes than any of the other character in the comic. He officially became blonde in 1991 with A Link to the past (though color limitations mada his hair appaar pink). This was long befora the Intarnat got big and had nothing to do with the damand of'anime fangirls". His dasign has gone from realistic to cartoony to dark to colorful, but he's naver appeared axtremely affaminata. I notice that evan in comics you've done about Skyward Sword, you'va made his hair brown. That's petty, Andy. That's petty and stupid. Zelda has had more position as his romandc interest in recent games than in early games, including Wind Waker, Spirt Tracks, and Skyward Sword. The only older game which implies romance was Zelda 2. ASo, .effeminine' is not a word Pane! 5·Samus has never appeared in a single garme without her power armor while the Zero Suit premiered in 2004, Samus has never been a stranger to skimpy clothing. She's seen in a leotard or a bikini in almost every Metroid game. In fact. the Zero Suit is actually a lot more practical than the clothing she had worn without her power armor in previous games. Her hair has only appeared green in a single game, at the end of the original Metroid...and this was only if the player received the Varia Suit (otherwise, it's brown). It appears graen only because of color limitations at the time and it was meant to ba blonda. Literally the only changa that might be abla to be attributad to the Intarnat the inclusion of the Zero Suit, which doesn't matter anyway since Samu in tight clothing has always been something ofコtradition. Even without the Zero Suit, te main demographic for Metroid games has slways been men anyway. Finally, I'm not sure how legitimate your criticisms of her character are when you seem to love Other M and defend her c n in it...something that the majority of dedicsted Metroid fans seem to despise Panel 6 Nintendo has never been one to pretend certain things have never happened. They still acknowledge the brown-haired. big-nosed version of Link from the first two Zelda games, and even make occasional neds to the Virtual Boy, despite the massive failure that came with it. The only things that Nintendo seems to ignore are the CD gamas, and that's because thay ware horrible abominations sant from Hall This ls te truth. Andy. Your comic has faws. Anyone who calls this 'so true' or 'coactly what I thought.? Ignora them. They don't know thing bout what they're talkng about. You're passionate about Nintendo, Andy, and I respect that...but as a fellow Nintendo fan, I'm telling you (to help you, not to hurt youl that you are extremely confused when it comes to Nintendo's games and history. I don't want to make you feel bed..but the fact is, actual Nintendo fans are embarrassed by the misinformation you spreed with cemies like these TOM'S RESPONSE Localization by TomPreston Fan Art / Manga & Anime / Digital / Games ©2010-2012 "TomPreston I love Nintendo, but some of their characterization choices over the years have been a bit odd to me... Deviously Denied! We're sorry, but you cannot post a comment here. love joy wow mad sad 5 11 1 1 2 fear 0 25. Nested Newest First ▼ dden by Owner](
Reddit censors another thread
![/r/funny moderator topodan alleged that mods push their point of view onto the audience. The thread was deleted between 10 and 18 minutes after it was created.](
![/r/funny moderator topodan alleged that mods push their point of view onto the audience. The thread was deleted between 10 and 18 minutes after it was created.](
Ian Miles Cheong blaming video games for him saying that Hitler was his idol, rather than the fact t...
Meanwhile in DA
![Kinbel tood the threads in between general art threads, because sometimes they have great advi oe slipped he's Dobson now let me pull some more justification out of my arse" between hating on you and Buckley), and a lot of it is general hate Dobson coz you, before you think that, thou But I just don't anymore. I don't get why. I don't get why ven wrong ists is a good idea. I don't get why you, as a male, choose to occasion to r or so ago you decided that joining third wave fe ocritical W n the wrong with this why, Andrew KOTOR1 m a WO KOTOR2, SWTOR, anything by Blizzar dare have boobs and discredit the entire existence of physically and mentally strong female characters just based on that. Is that not hypocrisy, Andrew? When Anita does her videos with more make-up on than I put on in a year, with hoop earrings on that weigh more than my entire bag of jewelry, and with zero knowledge of the games she is talking about, how do you not see the hypocrisy of her calling any female character sexist just because she dare use make-up and nice clothes and act feminine when that is exactly what Anita is doing every single video? I know you're a huge Skyrim fan. Tell me, Andrew. Do you hate the female characters in that game? Do you look at them and go 'oh my that is so sexist!'. When you did your quest for the werewolf, did you look at Aela and thought 'wow Bethesda is such an awful company for giving this character breasts and cleavage' or did you like her character? Why is this hypocrisy justfied? I know you like Peach. I know you like Samus. You know what? Feminists hate them. From the same reason they hate every other female character - because they have no idea what the hell they're on about, and they just hate for the sake of hating art you wou inists that tear these games down because the female characters The Old Republic, all three games, has a great cast of varied female characters, out of which only a few designated Twi'lek strippers are in any shape or form sexualized or t I've heard only bad words from SJWs in the occasi ons the obvious they woul ory for rono ou going think the Force rono And wha she is the cha iverse, the entire galaxy kne r willpower and personality strength. Are you telling me you, too, like all these SJWs, are willing to discredit that because she dares look good as well? And Andrew Why do this? er of mi ng to worry about ythi ow you can kill a wo them? Do you know vou can kill wo Andrew? Do you know I coul ou think that this Andrew. And I'm a w nd car with the look at Zo Why is tha or ca WOL oe w WOL with my fath would b ior. If zoe were my mother, I'd And most th mock them? Do more W VOur r activity in their life beca the eeded to bor eeded to beg o coworker who looked work, the thing I wa Wow raid and while nobod oon beca nd wipe our group. I want to do this without this witho nd this I was called by SJWs. My guild couldn't care ess i one it wrona, beca 'm not Zoe. I'm not Ani ays games And in my eyes, Andrew. In my eyes, you are wrong to listen to these hypocrites PS: Vivian James is supposed to be a sarcastic semi tomboy who just wants to play games, you'd know that if you actually checked it from somebody who isn't too busy kissing Zoe and Anita's politically correct behinds. lock me. Tha I white knighted for you in the the wrong gon on the you did. Do you r th Anita. W on-sexu own out Zoe. Ga censoring the whole And you know what, Andrew? If me tuation for one party Bu turn the other che](
![Kinbel tood the threads in between general art threads, because sometimes they have great advi oe slipped he's Dobson now let me pull some more justification out of my arse" between hating on you and Buckley), and a lot of it is general hate Dobson coz you, before you think that, thou But I just don't anymore. I don't get why. I don't get why ven wrong ists is a good idea. I don't get why you, as a male, choose to occasion to r or so ago you decided that joining third wave fe ocritical W n the wrong with this why, Andrew KOTOR1 m a WO KOTOR2, SWTOR, anything by Blizzar dare have boobs and discredit the entire existence of physically and mentally strong female characters just based on that. Is that not hypocrisy, Andrew? When Anita does her videos with more make-up on than I put on in a year, with hoop earrings on that weigh more than my entire bag of jewelry, and with zero knowledge of the games she is talking about, how do you not see the hypocrisy of her calling any female character sexist just because she dare use make-up and nice clothes and act feminine when that is exactly what Anita is doing every single video? I know you're a huge Skyrim fan. Tell me, Andrew. Do you hate the female characters in that game? Do you look at them and go 'oh my that is so sexist!'. When you did your quest for the werewolf, did you look at Aela and thought 'wow Bethesda is such an awful company for giving this character breasts and cleavage' or did you like her character? Why is this hypocrisy justfied? I know you like Peach. I know you like Samus. You know what? Feminists hate them. From the same reason they hate every other female character - because they have no idea what the hell they're on about, and they just hate for the sake of hating art you wou inists that tear these games down because the female characters The Old Republic, all three games, has a great cast of varied female characters, out of which only a few designated Twi'lek strippers are in any shape or form sexualized or t I've heard only bad words from SJWs in the occasi ons the obvious they woul ory for rono ou going think the Force rono And wha she is the cha iverse, the entire galaxy kne r willpower and personality strength. Are you telling me you, too, like all these SJWs, are willing to discredit that because she dares look good as well? And Andrew Why do this? er of mi ng to worry about ythi ow you can kill a wo them? Do you know vou can kill wo Andrew? Do you know I coul ou think that this Andrew. And I'm a w nd car with the look at Zo Why is tha or ca WOL oe w WOL with my fath would b ior. If zoe were my mother, I'd And most th mock them? Do more W VOur r activity in their life beca the eeded to bor eeded to beg o coworker who looked work, the thing I wa Wow raid and while nobod oon beca nd wipe our group. I want to do this without this witho nd this I was called by SJWs. My guild couldn't care ess i one it wrona, beca 'm not Zoe. I'm not Ani ays games And in my eyes, Andrew. In my eyes, you are wrong to listen to these hypocrites PS: Vivian James is supposed to be a sarcastic semi tomboy who just wants to play games, you'd know that if you actually checked it from somebody who isn't too busy kissing Zoe and Anita's politically correct behinds. lock me. Tha I white knighted for you in the the wrong gon on the you did. Do you r th Anita. W on-sexu own out Zoe. Ga censoring the whole And you know what, Andrew? If me tuation for one party Bu turn the other che](
JoJo's GamerGate Adventure Part 4: Gamers are unbreakable (Read Right to left)
![Some original content I made.
Don't take it too seriously.
Not sure if I should've edited Koichi and Kira, but didn't want to tarnish the art.](
![Some original content I made.
Don't take it too seriously.
Not sure if I should've edited Koichi and Kira, but didn't want to tarnish the art.](
![〈 y 1 of 93 PROBABL You RE OM AN Gate HIE YOUR S Julie @milky_candy @Leolea22 NO I DO IT FOR FREE #GamerGate #NotYourShield 2h](
![〈 y 1 of 93 PROBABL You RE OM AN Gate HIE YOUR S Julie @milky_candy @Leolea22 NO I DO IT FOR FREE #GamerGate #NotYourShield 2h](
We're not corrupt!
![WE'RE NOT CORRUPT! The death of the "gamers" and the women who "killed" them A Guide to Ending "Gamers by Devin Wilson on 08/28/14 07:57:00 pm The End of Gamers We Might Be Witnessing The Death of An Identity The last few weeks in videogame culture have seen a level of combativeness more marked and bitter than any beforehand. Luke Plunkett Filed to:SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS 58 minutes ago GAMERS ARE ALL MISOGYNERDS! How popular is How popular is Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? 800 2000 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 4000 6000 8000 Oct Jul Oct Jul How popular is How popular is Alexa Traffic Ranks Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? How is this site ranked relative to other sites? 6k 6k 8k 8k 10k Oct Jan Jul 10k Oct Jan Jul KEEP CRYING YOUR TEARS u Seem BITCH NIGGAEOUSTRIGGERED ARE DELIcIoUs](
![WE'RE NOT CORRUPT! The death of the "gamers" and the women who "killed" them A Guide to Ending "Gamers by Devin Wilson on 08/28/14 07:57:00 pm The End of Gamers We Might Be Witnessing The Death of An Identity The last few weeks in videogame culture have seen a level of combativeness more marked and bitter than any beforehand. Luke Plunkett Filed to:SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS 58 minutes ago GAMERS ARE ALL MISOGYNERDS! How popular is How popular is Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? 800 2000 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 4000 6000 8000 Oct Jul Oct Jul How popular is How popular is Alexa Traffic Ranks Alexa Traffic Ranks How is this site ranked relative to other sites? How is this site ranked relative to other sites? 6k 6k 8k 8k 10k Oct Jan Jul 10k Oct Jan Jul KEEP CRYING YOUR TEARS u Seem BITCH NIGGAEOUSTRIGGERED ARE DELIcIoUs](
occulass and vivian
![Occulass and Vivian Occulass demands devs change things Vin just plays games that interest her. in games she'll never play. Occulass complains online about things keeping women out of gaming Vivian makes her own games](
![Occulass and Vivian Occulass demands devs change things Vin just plays games that interest her. in games she'll never play. Occulass complains online about things keeping women out of gaming Vivian makes her own games](
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![#GamerGate Things gamers are FOR: Journalistic Integrity Honest Debate Transparency Inclusiveness Things gamers are NOT for: Exclusiveness Nepotism Agenda-driven Journalism Abuse Misogyny Threats Harassment](
![#GamerGate Things gamers are FOR: Journalistic Integrity Honest Debate Transparency Inclusiveness Things gamers are NOT for: Exclusiveness Nepotism Agenda-driven Journalism Abuse Misogyny Threats Harassment](
Gamer ISIS
![G15 Why does #GAMERGATE claim there is corruption in game journalsim? You are so much better off if you do not bite the hand that feeds you. And do not patronize me by telling me the reader is the customer--your real customer is the one that pays you your revenue. And it is game industry advertisers." 2001) Trip Hawkins h m?blog_id-1895 "The games press is often painted as cor- rupt, lazy and - as I mentioned - funda- mentally stupid. This is because we tend to be corrupt, lazy and fundamentally stupid. It's not entirely our fault." -(2005) Kieron Gillen http://gi "Just today, as I sat down to write this piece, I saw that there were games journalists winning PS3s on Twitter. There was a competition at those GMAs -tweet about our game and win a PS3. One of those stupid, crass things. And some games journos took part. All piling in, opening a sharing bag of Doritos, tweeting the hashtag as instructed And today the winners were announced. Then a whole big argument happened, and other people who claim to be journalists claimed to see nothing wrong with what those so-called journalists had done. [...] Games publishers and games press sources are all trying to keep you happy, and it's much easier to do that if they work together. Publish ers are well aware that some of you go crazy if a new AAA title gets a crappy review score on a website, and they use that knowledge to keep the boat from rocking. Every one has a nice easy ride if the review scores stay decent and the content of the games are never challenged. Websites get their exclusives. Ad revenue keeps rolling in." 12012) Robert Florence http://gi p:// You have no reason to strive for accuracy in mod game reporting under this system. You get clicks when you write about crazy rumors, and you get clicks when you repeat them to say they're not true. It doesn't matter if your readers trust you, as long as they click. I've heard stories of writers being told to write up rumors and speculation they don't believe to be true in order to gain clicks. Editors call it "joining the conversation." -(2013) Ben Kuchera http://web.archive.o 20140725224557/http://www.penny- "I'm a triple A producer. That's where I live. I've seen the emails come down about the E3 Demos and press jun- kets. And I'm line level in a producer pit, so chances are I'm the one booking your flights and your bar tabs and spa treatments and catering and rooms full of HD tvs and alienwares and Razor Keyboards with neon f------ under carriages and none of these are about the game. We are plying you with Payola we are not just expecting you not to be impartial, we are f------ banking on it." (2014) Alex Lifschitz h](
![G15 Why does #GAMERGATE claim there is corruption in game journalsim? You are so much better off if you do not bite the hand that feeds you. And do not patronize me by telling me the reader is the customer--your real customer is the one that pays you your revenue. And it is game industry advertisers." 2001) Trip Hawkins h m?blog_id-1895 "The games press is often painted as cor- rupt, lazy and - as I mentioned - funda- mentally stupid. This is because we tend to be corrupt, lazy and fundamentally stupid. It's not entirely our fault." -(2005) Kieron Gillen http://gi "Just today, as I sat down to write this piece, I saw that there were games journalists winning PS3s on Twitter. There was a competition at those GMAs -tweet about our game and win a PS3. One of those stupid, crass things. And some games journos took part. All piling in, opening a sharing bag of Doritos, tweeting the hashtag as instructed And today the winners were announced. Then a whole big argument happened, and other people who claim to be journalists claimed to see nothing wrong with what those so-called journalists had done. [...] Games publishers and games press sources are all trying to keep you happy, and it's much easier to do that if they work together. Publish ers are well aware that some of you go crazy if a new AAA title gets a crappy review score on a website, and they use that knowledge to keep the boat from rocking. Every one has a nice easy ride if the review scores stay decent and the content of the games are never challenged. Websites get their exclusives. Ad revenue keeps rolling in." 12012) Robert Florence http://gi p:// You have no reason to strive for accuracy in mod game reporting under this system. You get clicks when you write about crazy rumors, and you get clicks when you repeat them to say they're not true. It doesn't matter if your readers trust you, as long as they click. I've heard stories of writers being told to write up rumors and speculation they don't believe to be true in order to gain clicks. Editors call it "joining the conversation." -(2013) Ben Kuchera http://web.archive.o 20140725224557/http://www.penny- "I'm a triple A producer. That's where I live. I've seen the emails come down about the E3 Demos and press jun- kets. And I'm line level in a producer pit, so chances are I'm the one booking your flights and your bar tabs and spa treatments and catering and rooms full of HD tvs and alienwares and Razor Keyboards with neon f------ under carriages and none of these are about the game. We are plying you with Payola we are not just expecting you not to be impartial, we are f------ banking on it." (2014) Alex Lifschitz h](