Germanwings Flight 9525 - Images

Germanwings Flight 9525
Beta Uprising
![File: pics 958 ipg (11 KB, 251x183) BETA UPRISING HAPPENING! Anonymous 03/26/15(Thu)16:21:10 No. 17398430 Reply] >b-b-but you guys are just a bunch of autists who can't do s--- >Pilot confirmed to be a robot, depressed during pilot training. 150 f------ normies leanrned the hard way. The beta uprising is real and it starts now 29 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view. 9> Anonymous 03/26/15(Thu)17:07:17 No. 17399424 17398558 LET THE BODIES HIT THE GROUND](
![File: pics 958 ipg (11 KB, 251x183) BETA UPRISING HAPPENING! Anonymous 03/26/15(Thu)16:21:10 No. 17398430 Reply] >b-b-but you guys are just a bunch of autists who can't do s--- >Pilot confirmed to be a robot, depressed during pilot training. 150 f------ normies leanrned the hard way. The beta uprising is real and it starts now 29 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view. 9> Anonymous 03/26/15(Thu)17:07:17 No. 17399424 17398558 LET THE BODIES HIT THE GROUND](
Germanwings Flight 9525
welcome aboard

Germanwings Flight 9525
The real story

Germanwings Flight 9525
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Germanwings Flight 9525
When you see it.......

Germanwings Flight 9525
No surviors

Germanwings Flight 9525
Article about the incident

Germanwings Flight 9525
Ill see you all in hell.

Germanwings Flight 9525
Flight Path

Germanwings Flight 9525
Flight Path

Germanwings Flight 9525
Germanwings Crew

Germanwings Flight 9525

Germanwings Flight 9525
Get on their level

Germanwings Flight 9525
/bane/'s map

Germanwings Flight 9525
This makes complete sense!

Germanwings Flight 9525