Ghostbusters Hospital Visit - Images
Nice Spawn Camping

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Ghostbusters Ctrl-Alt-Delete Visit

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Suprise visit

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Who you gonna call?

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
I ain't afraid of no ghost.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Mass hysteria!

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
"Perfectly delightful."

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
I feel for this baby. I really do.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
I feel for this kid. I really do.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Ben "The Walking Holocaust" Garrison.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Dong-Expansion, HOOOOOOO!

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Ghostbusters spawn camping future kid ghosts

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Someone else

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Trailer ratings juxtaposed with the hospital visit.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
Someone didn't think this through.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit
I really have to wonder if they actually looked at the kid before taking this photo.

Ghostbusters Hospital Visit