Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting - Images
Well, that escalated quickly...

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] Anonymous (ID: Jn73qm FA) 07/02/13(Tue)05:41 No.490627573 490628185 >4 90641738 >490624485 the cop shoots the dog 3 more times when it is trying to get away my assumption is that the police officer would have had an adrenaline rush from having a dog try and attack him and also from having to fire his weapon. which would explain the 3 extra shots picture it from the dogs perspective f---, these guys are jumping my owner "GET THE FARK BARK BARK BARK BARK" It's not working I'll teach those mofo's a lesson "LEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOY JEEE-RK BARK BARK BA-" *BANG* *BANG BANG BANG* twitches and now from the owners perspective ok, I'll put my dog in the car, so he won't cause any trouble I'm co-operating with you officers, don't taze me bro hears barking* everything's ok buddy. sees dog coming "NO MAX, DOWN" *BANG* F---! BITCH SHOT MY DOG! LET ME GO YOU F-----! MY DOG NEEDS ME, RELEASE ME GOD DAMN IT and now for the police officer's side "you have the right to remain silent" *cuffs owner hears dog* silly mutt sees dog coming f---, those are f------ sharp teeth, and that's a sizeable dog getitawayfrommegetitawayfromme dog jumps" SHOOTTHEDOG! fires gun 4 times oh f--- that was close Frankly, there was no point in putting the dog in the car, if the windows were open that muclh It was a regrettable result, but it wasn't the dogs fault, and it wasn't the police officer's fault.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/571/352/39d.png)
![[-] Anonymous (ID: Jn73qm FA) 07/02/13(Tue)05:41 No.490627573 490628185 >4 90641738 >490624485 the cop shoots the dog 3 more times when it is trying to get away my assumption is that the police officer would have had an adrenaline rush from having a dog try and attack him and also from having to fire his weapon. which would explain the 3 extra shots picture it from the dogs perspective f---, these guys are jumping my owner "GET THE FARK BARK BARK BARK BARK" It's not working I'll teach those mofo's a lesson "LEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOY JEEE-RK BARK BARK BA-" *BANG* *BANG BANG BANG* twitches and now from the owners perspective ok, I'll put my dog in the car, so he won't cause any trouble I'm co-operating with you officers, don't taze me bro hears barking* everything's ok buddy. sees dog coming "NO MAX, DOWN" *BANG* F---! BITCH SHOT MY DOG! LET ME GO YOU F-----! MY DOG NEEDS ME, RELEASE ME GOD DAMN IT and now for the police officer's side "you have the right to remain silent" *cuffs owner hears dog* silly mutt sees dog coming f---, those are f------ sharp teeth, and that's a sizeable dog getitawayfrommegetitawayfromme dog jumps" SHOOTTHEDOG! fires gun 4 times oh f--- that was close Frankly, there was no point in putting the dog in the car, if the windows were open that muclh It was a regrettable result, but it wasn't the dogs fault, and it wasn't the police officer's fault.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/571/352/39d.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] Anonymous (ID: Jn73qmFA) 07/02/13(Tue)05:07 No.490624246 [▼] 22490624485 Dog.ipg (12 KB, 120x169) iadb google this pic was taken right when the police officer fired his first shot (3:22 in the liveleak video). the dog is leaping at the police officer. You can argue all you want. But if a potentially agressive dog jumps up at you, you make sure that dog doesn't get a chance to injure you. If you're a police officer, (or a 'murican) that means reaching instinctively for your safety blanket: the gun. [-] Anonymous (ID: YYWpLnFs) 07/02/13(Tue)05:09 No.490624485 [▼] >>490624862 >>490625029 >>490627573 >2490633779 22490624246 and it was the actions of the police that lead to that. It could have been avoided very easily. Notice the cop shoots the dog 3 more times when it is trying to get away? The cop is a murderer. First shot may have not killed the animal, if you watch the video and picture it from the dogs perceptive, the police were asking to be attacked](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/571/349/0e5.png)
![[-] Anonymous (ID: Jn73qmFA) 07/02/13(Tue)05:07 No.490624246 [▼] 22490624485 Dog.ipg (12 KB, 120x169) iadb google this pic was taken right when the police officer fired his first shot (3:22 in the liveleak video). the dog is leaping at the police officer. You can argue all you want. But if a potentially agressive dog jumps up at you, you make sure that dog doesn't get a chance to injure you. If you're a police officer, (or a 'murican) that means reaching instinctively for your safety blanket: the gun. [-] Anonymous (ID: YYWpLnFs) 07/02/13(Tue)05:09 No.490624485 [▼] >>490624862 >>490625029 >>490627573 >2490633779 22490624246 and it was the actions of the police that lead to that. It could have been avoided very easily. Notice the cop shoots the dog 3 more times when it is trying to get away? The cop is a murderer. First shot may have not killed the animal, if you watch the video and picture it from the dogs perceptive, the police were asking to be attacked](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/571/349/0e5.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting

Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![image.ipg (22 KB, 225x225) iadb google Quick Reply LOOK OUT 2>490560972 IT SCOMINGRIGHT AT US [-] □ Anonymous (ID: sAlw0JQb) 07/01/13(Mon)22:16 No.490565554 [▼] 4905664 14 >49056509 >HURR YOURE ALL COWARDS, I WOULDVE GUNNED DOWN ALL THE COPS AND WRESTLED THE DOG DOWN AND SAVED THE DAY YOURE ALL P------ >said the neckbeard, as he tilted his fedora down and sat back on his waifu pillow in his parent's upper middle class suburban home [-] □ Anonymous (ID: ye9ebuVZ) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565616[T] 49056520 You act like the life of an animal needs the same careful considerations regarding the degree of force used as the life of a human. Jesus Christ you bleeding heart p----. [-] Anonymous (ID: mIw3ivrO) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565634 [▼] >>490565940 >>490565 No problem. Thanks for proving that you are a retard [-]ロAnonymous (ID: BkstWv23) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565692 [▼] >490561 f------ idiot [-] Anonymous (ID: CyPTKvgw) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.4905657321 49 There were lots of ways to avoid this. This was a public relations disaster which mean less funding which means fewer protective vests, vehicles etc. Most importantly the cop panicked; that makes him unfit. [-] Anonymous (ID: RH+/sEe2) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565734 [▼] 49056474 IT'S NOT SWAIN Officer Jeffrey Salmon shot the dog http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1466773308001?bckeyFAQ~AAAAAGBdRAo~,t2clYZUexJ2HLdBYSBIAhhF2g1dnagVO&bctid-2520804003001 Officer Jeffrey Salmon has been in trouble before for... yep, you guessed it, POLICE BRUTALITY. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/02/prweb1946004.htm Hmm... I wonder how he could've gotten away with something so awful... http://www.guidiwatch.com/WORK_BUDDY/Untitled/TAXI/taxi.html Oh look, Dad/Uncle is also on the force and happens to be a f------ lieutenant. 578 81 404](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/570/917/209.png)
![image.ipg (22 KB, 225x225) iadb google Quick Reply LOOK OUT 2>490560972 IT SCOMINGRIGHT AT US [-] □ Anonymous (ID: sAlw0JQb) 07/01/13(Mon)22:16 No.490565554 [▼] 4905664 14 >49056509 >HURR YOURE ALL COWARDS, I WOULDVE GUNNED DOWN ALL THE COPS AND WRESTLED THE DOG DOWN AND SAVED THE DAY YOURE ALL P------ >said the neckbeard, as he tilted his fedora down and sat back on his waifu pillow in his parent's upper middle class suburban home [-] □ Anonymous (ID: ye9ebuVZ) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565616[T] 49056520 You act like the life of an animal needs the same careful considerations regarding the degree of force used as the life of a human. Jesus Christ you bleeding heart p----. [-] Anonymous (ID: mIw3ivrO) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565634 [▼] >>490565940 >>490565 No problem. Thanks for proving that you are a retard [-]ロAnonymous (ID: BkstWv23) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565692 [▼] >490561 f------ idiot [-] Anonymous (ID: CyPTKvgw) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.4905657321 49 There were lots of ways to avoid this. This was a public relations disaster which mean less funding which means fewer protective vests, vehicles etc. Most importantly the cop panicked; that makes him unfit. [-] Anonymous (ID: RH+/sEe2) 07/01/13(Mon)22:17 No.490565734 [▼] 49056474 IT'S NOT SWAIN Officer Jeffrey Salmon shot the dog http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1466773308001?bckeyFAQ~AAAAAGBdRAo~,t2clYZUexJ2HLdBYSBIAhhF2g1dnagVO&bctid-2520804003001 Officer Jeffrey Salmon has been in trouble before for... yep, you guessed it, POLICE BRUTALITY. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/02/prweb1946004.htm Hmm... I wonder how he could've gotten away with something so awful... http://www.guidiwatch.com/WORK_BUDDY/Untitled/TAXI/taxi.html Oh look, Dad/Uncle is also on the force and happens to be a f------ lieutenant. 578 81 404](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/570/917/209.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] ロAnonymous (ID: filu Fazo) 07/01/1 3(Mon)21:55 No.49056 1212 [▼] >>490562223 >>490563061 >>490564650 >2490564786 1374325938748.ipg (114 KB, 887x651) igdb google Scott Swain didn't shoot anything. Officer Jeffrey Salmon shot the dog. Here is a video of the man whose dog was shot describing the event. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player /bcpid 1 466773308001 ?bckey=AQ AAAAAGBdRAo ,t2cIYZUexJ2HLdBYSBI Ahh F2g1 dnagVO&bctid=2520804003001 This officer was previously involved in a police corruption and brutality lawsuit against the Hawthorne Police Department which resulted in a $1,000,000 settlement (taxpayer money) The article that follows reads: "The Hawthorne Police Department paid One Million Dollars to a Settle Lawsuit in which it was alleged a man was kicked in the face while handcuffed and then falsely prosecuted along with his wife to cover up the brutality. Evidence the plaintiffs were prepared to present at trial included a photograph of an officer appearing to kick the handcuffed plaintiff in the face and a surveillance video allegedly depicting officers high-fiving each other as the injured plaintiff suffered from a broken jaw. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/ 02/prweb1946004.htm](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] O Anonymous (ID: 9ZAEeh4) 07/01/13(Mon)21:35 No.490557280 [リ22490557896 22490560060 22490561592 278538404098.jpg (61 KB, 1024x768) igdb google >49055525 Anonymous (ID: GqYEPAMa) 07/01/1 3(Mon)21:25 No.4 90555259 [ ▼] 22490555349 22490557280 22490554456 /thread >The dog attacked the officer and he had to react quick before he got bit. You f------ got mad because he killed a dog in self defense. Violence towards animals is one of the basic signs of sociopathy, it implies a lack of empathy and little concern for life. You cloak your comment in the self defense argument but beneath it all I would assume you don't really care about the cop either. You don't care about an animal dying and it bothers you that there are people that do care. If this had been a goar thread and someone posted the gif of the dog dying you probably would have lol'ed. So lets be honest here, you wouldn't be the first unfeeling bastard, borderline or full fledged sociopath to post on /b/, but don't try and hide your true feelings in that "hurr the cop had to defend himself, it was a n----- and is dog, hurr" argument. Say what you really feel "I don't care about the dog dying, I find a morbid pleasure in goar"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/570/885/133.png)
![[-] O Anonymous (ID: 9ZAEeh4) 07/01/13(Mon)21:35 No.490557280 [リ22490557896 22490560060 22490561592 278538404098.jpg (61 KB, 1024x768) igdb google >49055525 Anonymous (ID: GqYEPAMa) 07/01/1 3(Mon)21:25 No.4 90555259 [ ▼] 22490555349 22490557280 22490554456 /thread >The dog attacked the officer and he had to react quick before he got bit. You f------ got mad because he killed a dog in self defense. Violence towards animals is one of the basic signs of sociopathy, it implies a lack of empathy and little concern for life. You cloak your comment in the self defense argument but beneath it all I would assume you don't really care about the cop either. You don't care about an animal dying and it bothers you that there are people that do care. If this had been a goar thread and someone posted the gif of the dog dying you probably would have lol'ed. So lets be honest here, you wouldn't be the first unfeeling bastard, borderline or full fledged sociopath to post on /b/, but don't try and hide your true feelings in that "hurr the cop had to defend himself, it was a n----- and is dog, hurr" argument. Say what you really feel "I don't care about the dog dying, I find a morbid pleasure in goar"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/570/885/133.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] O Anonymous (ID: HOejfFeU) 07/01/13(Mon)21:15 No.490553364 [▼] >>490553558 >2490553663 46604 10151374034094622 (63 KB, 800x542) igdb google Americans are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist. -U.S. National Safety Council >4 We need to declare war on the real danger to American citizens - Anonymous (D: GqYEPAMa) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553401 [ You guys just have to remember. Not all cops are like these guys. Anonymous (ID: 8HdjAORD) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553431 [] [- All these what ifs and f------ arguing over whether or not we should ruin somebodies life. When the f--- did /b/ ever start caring about someones life, even if they're innocent? To everyone yelling "White knight f------", you are truly the White knight f------, for not helping out in f------ over these stupid pieces of s---. Do us all a favor and an hero [- Anonymous (D: Heaven) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553494 [] Dear /b/. Remember the days, when people like this cop got f----- by us so hard, they couldn't even walk for months? These days are over, thanks to trolls and kids like most of the people in this thread This thread again proves, that everyone who posted in here (including me) without taking any action against this cop, but arguing if its okay to shoot the god damn dog is the cancer that kills 4chan. Just think about what you are doing please. So much energy lost. For arguing about f------ NOTHING. Who gives a s--- if it was okay to shoot the damn dog? Lets just raid the s--- out of the cop. No reason to be a white knight f-----, trying to help the cop. Its a cop, damn it. Its like killing a n----- in murrica. Who the s--- cares if its okay? But no, you idiots are just fapping over your own arguments all day long, not taking any action, just sitting there and arguing. At the end of the day, all you did was NOTHING. Raiding at least does something. It changes a tiny bit of this world. Doesn't matter if it changes it for the better or worse. It has an impact. That's enough Thank you, cancer, you killed my /b/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/570/880/e28.png)
![[-] O Anonymous (ID: HOejfFeU) 07/01/13(Mon)21:15 No.490553364 [▼] >>490553558 >2490553663 46604 10151374034094622 (63 KB, 800x542) igdb google Americans are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist. -U.S. National Safety Council >4 We need to declare war on the real danger to American citizens - Anonymous (D: GqYEPAMa) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553401 [ You guys just have to remember. Not all cops are like these guys. Anonymous (ID: 8HdjAORD) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553431 [] [- All these what ifs and f------ arguing over whether or not we should ruin somebodies life. When the f--- did /b/ ever start caring about someones life, even if they're innocent? To everyone yelling "White knight f------", you are truly the White knight f------, for not helping out in f------ over these stupid pieces of s---. Do us all a favor and an hero [- Anonymous (D: Heaven) 07/01/13(Mon)21:16 No.490553494 [] Dear /b/. Remember the days, when people like this cop got f----- by us so hard, they couldn't even walk for months? These days are over, thanks to trolls and kids like most of the people in this thread This thread again proves, that everyone who posted in here (including me) without taking any action against this cop, but arguing if its okay to shoot the god damn dog is the cancer that kills 4chan. Just think about what you are doing please. So much energy lost. For arguing about f------ NOTHING. Who gives a s--- if it was okay to shoot the damn dog? Lets just raid the s--- out of the cop. No reason to be a white knight f-----, trying to help the cop. Its a cop, damn it. Its like killing a n----- in murrica. Who the s--- cares if its okay? But no, you idiots are just fapping over your own arguments all day long, not taking any action, just sitting there and arguing. At the end of the day, all you did was NOTHING. Raiding at least does something. It changes a tiny bit of this world. Doesn't matter if it changes it for the better or worse. It has an impact. That's enough Thank you, cancer, you killed my /b/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/570/880/e28.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting
![[-] □ Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/01/13(Mon)21:01 No.490550594 [▼] >2490551026 >>490551580 >2490553320 >>490553364 490549480 No. This tender little snowflake mentality is the f------ cancer that is rotting our society This f--- the police anarchy rulz XD mentality is the goddamned problem. If there were no cops you would be dead. Full f------ stop. Whether you live in a rural or an urban area, if there weren't cops you'd be dead or worse. Deny if you want but it is the f------ truth. Some are f--------, yes, but that applies to every single other group, organization, color, religion etc. If you mouth off to a cop you deserve to be "detained". That's pretty elementary. Hiding behind OH BUT MUH RIGHTS doesn't mean s---- at the end of the day, that is a man who is armed, trained to hurt, and you're giving him a hard time because you saw a video of a rally in Egypt or some f------ thing The "victim" is the problem. His dog is dead and it is his fault.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/570/877/9c5.png)
![[-] □ Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/01/13(Mon)21:01 No.490550594 [▼] >2490551026 >>490551580 >2490553320 >>490553364 490549480 No. This tender little snowflake mentality is the f------ cancer that is rotting our society This f--- the police anarchy rulz XD mentality is the goddamned problem. If there were no cops you would be dead. Full f------ stop. Whether you live in a rural or an urban area, if there weren't cops you'd be dead or worse. Deny if you want but it is the f------ truth. Some are f--------, yes, but that applies to every single other group, organization, color, religion etc. If you mouth off to a cop you deserve to be "detained". That's pretty elementary. Hiding behind OH BUT MUH RIGHTS doesn't mean s---- at the end of the day, that is a man who is armed, trained to hurt, and you're giving him a hard time because you saw a video of a rally in Egypt or some f------ thing The "victim" is the problem. His dog is dead and it is his fault.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/570/877/9c5.png)
Hawthorne Dog Police Shooting