Following recent industry trends, we have also decided to rebrand.

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
We have officially entered the minimalism era

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
Copy Nothing / Copy Jaguar

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
This is horrible It's also the most anybody has talked about Jaguar in 50 years

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
the social media manager is fighting for their life in the replies

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
Copy Nothing / Copy Jaguar

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
new logo who dis?

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
"""Copy Nothing"""

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
Make It Suck Shit

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
They’re replacing the growler with…a monogram

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
The Jaguar rebrand is going to go down in history as one of the most destructive marketing moves ever attempted

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
What a horrible downgrade.

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
NZXT has updated their logo

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
“Sell Jaguar stock.”

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
this will be taught in schools as how NOT to do a rebrand

Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change
Are You Sure This Will Help Us Sell More Cars
Jaguar "Copy Nothing" Rebrand and Logo Change